2005 Gym Challenge
TJ Collectibles
Milford, Mass.
47 Participants
Ok let me start out by saying that
this was a lower than expected
turnout for this Gym Challenge. I
guess because other Gym Challenges
were scheduled the same day. Another
reason might be is that the peeps
that already won their trips decided
not to come out and play. So we had
a total of 47 participants. 11 were
in the 10-under, 12 were in the
11-14, and 24 played in the 15+. Let
me cut to the chase and get to the
tourney report. I’ll have my
decklist at the end. I decided to
yet play again HexLock with some
minor adjustments. We play 5 rounds
today and then cut to the Top 8.
Round 1 vs Gino (G-Dog)

It figures we play 1st round.
Gino and I talk all the time on IM
and he is also a fellow Duel Masters
player. He thinks I’m running my
Slaking deck today but I’m not. Gino
is playing Ampharos-ex with the
Feint Attack Cacturne. So basically
both his attackers are weak to my
entire deck. He stand no chance from
the starting gate. I get up a 2nd
turn Hariyama-ex and start to
knock-off his hand. I discard a
Amphy-ex on one of the Knock-Offs.
He gets a Cacturne out with Boost
and does 40 to me. I attach another
energy to do 80 and ko the Cacturne
and then I’m poisoned. All he has is
a Mareep and Flaffy. He promotes the
Mareep and evolves his Flaffy to
Amphy-ex. He flips tails on Mareep
and I knock-off again to ko Mareep.
He brings out Amphy and cant do
anything. I end up doing 160 to
Amphy-ex due to weakness and win the
Record 1-0
Round 2 vs. Steve Palumbo (EZ1 on
the boards)

Steve introduces himself before the
tourney to me as he recognizes me.
Steve and his son J.R. are in the
New England area visiting Steve’s
mom. They are visiting from Nevada.
They get a great week to vacation
since it has been so hot the past
few days in the 90 degree weather.
But the humidity is a killer here in
the East. Since there is a Gym
Challenge near by they decided to
stop by and play during their
vacation. I’m glad they did because
they were both formidable opponents.
Steve already won his trip to Worlds
via the Utah Regional with a Green
Heal deck. His son JR hasn’t and
that what he is playing for today.
Today Steve is running Muk-ex with
DX Grumpig as backup. I know if I
get up and running I can quickly
overwhelm him. I start with a
Makuhita active and a Slugma benched
against his Grimer and 2 benched
Spoinks. I go 1st and have no
energy. Meanwhile he plays a TV
Reporter on his turn and discards a
Muk-ex to his chagrin. I found out
that he has another one as he
evolves his next turn. But before
that he taunts out my Slugma. I top
deck a Magcargo and since I know
that this will be my only Smooth
Over before Muk comes out I smooth
over for a Steven’s advice.
Basically next turn the Muk-ex
becomes active and what kills me is
that Steve Rocket’s Admin. me. I
draw absolutely crap and after my
Magcargo and Makuhita go down all I
have left is a Dunsparce. I paralyze
him for 5 turns in a row and am able
to build up Hariyama-ex to ko his
Muk-ex. But the Grumpig’s easily
take care of Hariyama. I cant get my
Grumpig’s as 2 are prized and Steve
ends up winning.
Record 1-1
Round 3 vs. Matt

I see Matt all the time at this
venue but we have actually never
played. Matt is also an area Gym
Leader and is definitely the best
player from his group. Matt is
running a strange Green Heal deck
with Zappy-ex. I go 1st and SAR’s
for my set up. Matt gets set up
decent as he gets a 2nd turn Green
Essence Sceptile from Emerald. My
Dunsparce inflictes 10 damage to his
Sceptile, but Sceptile is immune to
status effects due to Green Essence.
He eventually ko’s my Dunsparce. I
promote a Magcargo with Scramble and
ko his Sceptile. This screws up his
set-up as he had another Treecko
with energy and is building up a
Grovyle. I Warp Point out Magcargo
when I eventually get Hariyama-ex
built and Reversal his Grovyle with
3 energy for the KO. He sends up his
Sceptile-ex with only 1 energy. He
Green Heals for a couple of turns
but eventually Hariyama-ex is
dishingout 80 damage per turn and
Green Heal cant recover. I end up
winning the game after I ko 2 of his
other weenie Pokemon.
Record 2-1
Round 4 vs. Joe

Joe decides to go with his Gardy
deck and we are both 2-1 at this
point. He knows that I am playing
Hex-Lock and that I am weak to him.
Basically a loss here for one of us
will knock us out of contention. We
roll to see he goes 1st. I roll like
real low maybe a 4 or something like
that and Joe ends up rolling a 1. I
go 1st and start with a lone
Makuthita. Joe starts with a lone
Wobby. This is terrible for me. He
thought it was a terrible start for
him but actually I cant do any
damage to Wobby once I evolve. I
attack for 10 damage. I do end up
evolving into Hariyama-ex since it
was ruled that Knock-Off will still
cause the opponent to discard a
card. Also I locked in Battle
Frontier since Joe is running
Pidgeot in his deck. So the
Knock-Off commences. I end up
Knocking-off 4x in a row and the
next few 4 turns and this is what I
discard – Boost, Boost, Gex, and
Pidgeot. Joe cant believe and
neither can I. His hand is
destroyed. He does get a Psy-Shadow
Gardy built while I build up 2
Grumpig on the bench with a Magcargo.
He eventually switches out the Wobby
and ko’s the Hariyama with Gardy. I
ko the Gardy with Grumpig. Then he
ko’s my Grumpig with his Wobb. I
take out his Wobbs with my 2nd
Grumpig. It goes back and forth
until we both have 1 prize left. I
have another Hariyama built and he
has his last GEX with only 1 Psychic
energy attached to it. He stalls
with Wobbs against Hariyama again. I
play a Reversal on his Gex and get
tails. I Smooth Over for another
Reversal and get heads this time. I
do 80 damage to his GEX. His only
chance is to top deck a Boost
energy. He doesn’t and then next
turn I ko the GEX for the win. Joe
is so disappointed since it was a
great game but he couldn’t get the
win. Good Game Joe.
Record 3-1
Round 5 vs. Adam (Pokey from the

Pokey hasn’t played in a long time
due to it being his Senior year and
preparing for College, sports, work,
etc. and stuff. Pokey still has his
Blaze build and is the only
undefeated player at this point. We
ponder the scenario about him giving
me the win so that we are both 4-1
and the chances are of both of us
making into Top 8 at 4-1 are real
good. He decides against it and
wants to play it out. I go 1st and
set up with Dunsparce and SAR. I get
a 3rd turn Hariyama-ex with Battle
Frontier and start stripping his
hand while inflicting 40 points of
Damage. I kill his hand but I don’t
get the Bex that he is holding. He
tries to stall with a couple of
Dunsparces but fails on tails. Lol.
He gets the Bex out with only 1
energy as I stripped his draw power
and energy earlier. I eventually
take down Bex in 2 turns. He really
cant get built as his Topdecks are
like 3 Rare candy in a row. I pummel
his other Torchics and take all 6
prizes to his none.
Record 4-1
After a while Top 8 is announced and
I am in 3rd place with Dave in 1st
and Pokey in 2nd. Keep this in mind
as eventually all Top 3 will fall in
the 1st round of playoffs.
Top 8 - 1st round vs JR

Like I mentioned before JR is Steve
Palumbo’s(EZ1) son. JR is running
Blaziken with a Moltres-ex and Speed
Deoxys-ex tech’d in. His dad gives
him some words of advice before the
game and then we start. I go 1st and
have a Dunsparce, Makuhita, Hariyama-ex
in my hand with an energy and some
Trainers. Chances are he is going to
start with Dunsparce so I start with
Makuhita attach energy and do 20
damage. He SARs and gets a Pidgey,
Torchic, and Jirachi. He switches
for the Pidgey since it has
resistance. I play a Steven’s and
get a Crystal Shard. I evolve and
lock in a Battle Frontier attach
energy play the Shard and do 40 to
the Pidgey and discard a Pidgeot
from his hand. He decides to keep
the Pidgey active and evolves into
Combusken and attacheds energy. I ko
the Pidgey and knock-off HPS Stadium
card. He sends out Jirachi and makes
a wish for Blaziken. I build my
bench and have Magcargo out and
Grumpig by now. I attach another
energy to Hariyama-ex and ohko the
Jirachi. He sends out Dunsparce and
now he has 2 Blazikens benched with
one fully powered. I ko the
Dunsparce for my 3rd prize. We trade
damage back and forth until 1 of his
Blazikens ko’s the Hariyama. I have
another Built and send that out. I
send it out and ko the Blaziken. I
have now drawn 4 prizes. Somehow JR
makes an incredible comeback with
Fire-Starter Blaziken swarms and
trading prizes 2 for 1 does me in.
Since he his taking out 2 prizes
each time my Hariyama-ex is ko’d. JR
takes Game 1.
Game 2:
This game is very interesting as we
trade prizes back and forth early
on. I still have both Battle
Frontiers prized as I find out early
on when I go to Smooth Over for them
so JR gets the Pidgeot out and Quick
Searches each turn. JR has the clear
advantage all game and builds a Bex
this game. I can ko the Bex with
Grumpig and Scramble as he is ahead
on prizes. This ties us up 3-3. He
gets out a surprise Moltres-ex and
also a speed Deoxys-ex. His Moltres-ex
swings into Grumpig for a ko since
it was already damaged from Fire
Stream earlier in the game. I pull
off another Grumpig and a Pokemon
Reversal on his Deoxys-ex to get me
down to my last prize. He plays a
Pokemon Retriever for the Deoxys-ex
since my bench is also weak to
Psychic and ko’s the Grumpig. It is
now tied 1-1. I send up a Hariyama-ex
with 2 energies. 2 minute time limit
is called and I can finish my turn
with a win with the right cards. JR
jas a 13 card hand so I CopyCat that
hoping for my last reversal. I have
16 cards left in my deck. Out of the
13 I do not pull the Reversal. Had I
done so I could of attempted to
Reversal his benched Dunsparce for
the win. I don’t and he attacks with
Deoxys to ko my Hariyama for the
Great games JR.
So I continue my streak of losing in
the Top 8 during the 1st round. Like
I mentioned earlier Dave, Pokey, and
myself all lose in the 1st round. JR
goes on to play Gino(G-dog) and ends
up winning to win a trip to Worlds.
So 15+ winner was JR Palumbo with
11-14 winner’s deck was Milotic-ex/Crobat-ex
10 and under was Ludicolo (Deoxys
from the boards little bro)
Props to:
• Mary and Liz for always bringing
freebies and goodies to share.
Thanks for the nice cold bottled
Water in Top 8 Mary!
• Dave for making it to Top 8 with
Cacturne-ex/Muk-ex deck.
• TJ and his crew of Judges, BJJ,
PokeBob, and Cheryl.
• My 6 year old Johnny Jr. who went
2-2 in his 2nd ever tournament.
Slops to:
• Curse of the Top 8. This was my
second Top 8 in a row only to lose
in the 1st round again.
• Lower than expected turnout.
So here is my actual decklist:
Pokemon (19)
4 - Dunsparce
4 – Makuhita (Emerald)
3 – Hariyama-ex
2 – Spoink
2 – Grumpig (DX)
2 – Slugma
2 – Magcargo (Smooth Over)
Trainers (26)
4 – TV Reporter
4 - Steven Advice
3 - Celio’s Network
3 – Pokemon Reversal
2 – Battle Frontier
2 - Warp Point
2 – Copycat
2 – Crystal Shard
1 – Professor Oak’s Research
1 – Island Cave
1- Scott
1 - POW
Energy (15)
12 - Fighting Energy
3 - Scramble Energy
Well I hope you enjoyed this article
and please feel free to revise this
decklist to fit your needs and
playstyle accordingly. Also please
contact me at JSChimento@aol.com or
AIM me at JSChimento if you wish to
discuss this article or any decks.

There is me in the
middle with the SU Jersey and Joe
and Ray (Lumaga1) on the sides.