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Dragtrode - featured deck of the week 6/24/05

I would just like to say thanks for those that read these articles on Pojo and for those that contact me to discuss decks.  It's really great to hear from many of you and I can't believe that there are so many that read from lands afar such as Indonesia and Singapore.  Hopefully you can all make it to Worlds this year. 
This week's deck we are going to look at the ever popular DragTrode deck.  DragTrode was discovered upon the release of the Team Rocket Returns set.  It incorporates important game 'cheats' such as free energy search, evolution, and multiple energy attachments which can make the deck very fast.  Now I call them 'cheats' not because you are actually cheating but because it breaks normal game rules as we will look at further.   Anytime a certain card combo can provide a method to break the normal game rules such as multiple energy attachments in a turn, those combos will be heavily tested and played since it gives you an advantage over your opponent.
Let's look at one of those 1st tricks that Dragtrode runs.  The 1st comes from Dark Electrode's Poke-Power Darkness Navigation which lets you search your deck once per turn for a Darkness energy or Dark-Metal energy and attach it to Dark Electrode.  You can only do this as long as Dark Electrode has no energy attached to it.  This essentially lets you accomplish 2 things at once.  1st it allows a free energy attachment per turn. Remember when I said that if you can get an extra energy attachment during your turn you will be up on energies on your opponent.  This also lets you look through your deck and see what cards are prized and most importantly it serves to thin out your deck so that you can pull cards that you need such as Stadiums and draw power.  While we are on Dark Electrode, Dark Electrode is both Dark and Lightning Type so in a pinch he can be a decent attacker against popular Lightning weak types such as Zapdos-ex and Pidgeot.  With his Energy Bomb attack just attack and then move all the energies to your bench so that the next part of this combo will work with Dark Trance.
Dark Trance which is from Dark Dragonite allows you to as often as you like during your turn but before you attack, move a Dark energy card attached to 1 of your Pokemon to another of your Pokemon.  This combo goes hand in hand with Darkness Navigation.  By Turn 3 you can have a fully pumped Dark Dragonite dishing out 80 for 3 or a pumped Rocket's Sneasel cleaning up the board with Dark Ring that does a base damage of 30 plus 10 more damage for each of your Dark Pokemon in play.  Once again Dark Trance allows you a second little combat trick that if your opponent is not also playing Dragtrode allows you to 'energy-trans' your Dark, Rainbow, and/or Dark-Metal energies around. Thus the reason to run Mr. Briney's Compassion.  Trance the energies off of the damaged Pokemon that you will be picking up then re-attach by using Dark Trance.
One final trick that this deck runs off of is Dark Dragonair's Evolutionary Light Poke-Power.  Evolutionary Light allows you to search your deck for an evolution card when Dark Dragonair is in the active position and then put it into your hand.  Again this allows you to thin out your deck and to check what you have left or what is in your prize cards.  Depending on your setup you may need to search for a Dark Electrode or Dark Dragonite.  Combo this with Rocket Ball and you should have no problem finding the evo's that you need to be up and running in no time.  Here is a deck list to start from:


Pokemon- 21

4 - Dunsparce
3 - Dratini
3 - Dark Dragonair
3 - Dark Dragonite
3 - Voltorb
3 - Dark Electrode
2 - Rocket's Sneasel ex

Trainers: 24
3 - Steven's Advice
3 - Rocket Ball
2 - Rare Candy
2 - Copycat
2 - Rockets Admin
2 - Mr. Briney's Compassion
2 - Warp Point
2 - Swoop! Teleporter
2 - Crystal Shard
2 - Desert Ruins
1 - Rocket's Hideout
1 ' Scott

Energy: 15
4 - Darkness
4 - Dark Metal
4 - Rainbow
3 - R. Energy
I've seen some Dragtrode builds without Dunsparce and some that include Pidgeot.  Keep in mind that Battle Frontier can severely hurt this deck as all of your powers are based on Dark Pokemon.  Thus you may want to run it with 2 Scott and another Stadium to search out the Stadiums to counter Battle Frontier.    There are many different successful builds out there that may vary slightly by a card here or there.  I placed 3rd in a State Championship with a Dragtrode build that included Pidgeot and Kingdra to counter the colorless weakness since Sally was popular at that time.  So that is yet another example.
As always please feel free to revise this deck list to fit your needs and play style accordingly.
This Sunday June 25th, I'll be at the New Jersey Gym Challenge held at Time Warp Comics and Games in Cedar Grove, NJ.  So if you are going to participate come and say hi!  Also please contact me at JSChimento@aol.com or AIM me at JSChimento if you wish to discuss this article or any decks. 


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