So this is my 3rd straight Gym
Challenge that I’m attending and
also using a different deck. I
topped 8 at the other 2 and read
this report to find out how I did on
this one. There were about 62 peeps
there all vying for that elusive
trip to the World Championships in
San Diego. As always the 15+
division was the most attended. 10
–under only had 7 and I brought 2
out of those 7 or there would have
only been 5. Even the 11-14 was
disappointingly low turnout. So what
happens is that due to the
attendance the tourney is run as age
modified swiss for 5 Rounds. I think
would could have happened is that if
the 10-and under was combined with
the 11-14 then the 15+ have a
separate tourney. But it wasn’t that
way so we all played 5 rounds with
the Top records from each age
division playing in their own
separate Top 8. The 10-and-under was
determined very easily as the Top 2
kids already had trips so then the
3rd place finisher received the
invite and travel package.
I decide to run a Slaking variant
that included the DX Slaking for
Amnesia and its Lazy Aura Body that
reduces damage from Pokemon-ex by
30. With that I am using DX Grumpig
for those ohko’s against any Psychic
weak Pokemon such as Muk-ex, (Which
had only 1 showing in the 15+ but
the deck bombed), Hariyama-ex,
Vile-ex, and Gardy-ex. Of course
there is the R+S Slaking that shuts
off all Poke-Powers with Lazy. Also
the strategy is to use Meteor Falls
and either use Slakoth’s Slack Off
attack to clear damage off of a
Slaking or to use Vigoroth’s Rage
damage. In hindsight I think I
should have run Ancient Tomb to help
with Slaking’s Fighting weakness
against especially Rock-Lock. But
the Ancient Tomb wouldn’t have
helped agasint DragTrode in which I
played 2 out of my 5 games against.

Round 1 vs. Lori D.
Lori was playing a Gardy variant
with the Psychic Trance Claydol. My
start is very bad as I start with a
lone Pidgey. Her start is so-so as
she has a Ralts and 2 Baltoy’s.
Since I’m going 1st I basically pass
to her as I cant play supporters.
She attaches and puts me to sleep. I
play a Celio’s and search for a
Spoink and attach energy to it. Then
flip tails to stay asleep. She
evolves into a Kirlia and attaches
energy and attacks. I still stay
sleeping but then I top deck a
Pidgeot and have Rare Candy in my
hand. I search for the Grumpig and
attach another energy to it. I leave
Pidgeot active. She evolves in to
emerald Gardevoir and damages my
Pidgeot. I go and attach another
energy to Grumpig and take out her
Gardy in 1 shot. She can get nothing
else but her Psychic weak Baltoy’s
and I end up winning the match with

Round 2 vs. Steven
Steven is from my League and has
been playing at our League from the
beginning of time. Lol But it always
seem that whenever we travel to New
Jersey for a tournament we wind up
playing each other. Steve always
runs Vileplume-ex/Bellosom/Pidgeot/
Kingdra. So I know exactly what to
expect and so does he. Basically
what I remember from this match is
that Steven made a huge misplay and
didn’t find his Pidgeotto and I was
able to ko an early Pidgey for a
prize. He concentrated on Bellosom
since he saw Grumpig benched. But
instead of powering up Grumpig I
went for the Slaking attack with a
Boost to ko the 100 hp Bellosom. I
was basically in control of the
whole game and took all 6 prizes.
Record 2-0

Round 3 vs. Brandon
This was against a Dragtrode deck.
I’ve been waiting to play one of
these as Slaking totally wrecks this
deck. There is not much to say about
this match. Basically I got out a
Turn 2 Lazy Slaking active and shut
down all his powers from Darkness
Navigate to Dark Trance and to Quick
Search he was so annoyed by this. I
end up ko’ing a Dragonite, Sneasle-ex,
2 Dark Electrode’s, and a Dratini
for the game.
Record 3-0

Round 4 vs. Kenneth Wong
Let me start out by saying that
Kenneth Wong is an exceptionally
great player and sportsman. Ken was
using his Sally/Sally-ex/Magcargo
deck that has placed him in many Top
8 prior to this tourney. I knew I
had a great chance if he didn’t get
the Kingdra out for his weakness. I
get a decent set-up with a Pidgey
and Rare Candy but no Celio’s in my
hand. I also have a benched Slakoth.
Ken starts with 2 Bagon’s. I manage
to ko 2 of his Bagon’s during the
game when I finally get Pidgeot and
then a 3rd after my Pidgeot goes
down on his part with Magcargo and
scrambles. I have the Slaking active
and he has a Sally-ex with 40 damage
on it. Of course by this time I have
no more Pidgeot and no bench and I
wait 5 turns for an energy card to
basically win the game once I can
knock out his last Bagon that is
evolved into a Sally-ex. I wait and
wait for an energy or basic and by
this time he can Bright Flame me 2
times for the win. (I had the
DX-Slaking so it was preventing 30
from Bright Flame each time.)
Record 3-1

Round 5 vs. Eli
So I most likely need this win to
make it to Top 8 since there were
only going to be 5 rounds. Eli was
playing a Dragtrode deck. Yes!!! The
game was over so quick I don’t
remember much except that I won by
Turn 4. I believe that I ko’d his
only Dragonite with my Lazy Slaking.
He didn’t really have a chance in
this one and I felt bad because he
is a nice guy.
Record 4-1
So Top 8 is announced and I’m
definitely in. Here is what Top 8
looked like this:
1.) Jeffrey Mermelstein 5-0 with
2.) Michael Pramawat 5-0 with
3.) Johnny Blaze 4-1 with Slaking
4.) Kenenth Wong 4-1 with Salamance/Sally-ex/Magcargo
5.) Lori Deuser 4-1 with Gardevoir/Gardy-ex/Gardy-EM/Claydol
6.) Daniel Reyes 4-1 with Rock-Lock
7.) Andrew Daly 4-1 with Hariyama-ex
8.) Christian Ortiz 4-1 with

So do you see anything wrong with
the Top 8 standings? There were two
5-0 players at then end of Round 5.
And 6 players all at 4-1 with the
booby prize going to Dan Levinson
for missing Top 8 at 4-1. Sorry
Danny it happens to the best of us.
Anyhow this was a major bone of
contention for many players and
really 1 more round of Swiss would
have definitely been better.
So my Top 8 match was against Daniel
Reyes with Rock-Lock a deck that
poses significant problems for
Slaking as it is weak to Fighting
and the Grumpig absolutely is
useless against Rock-Lock. Even
though Lazy shuts off Poke-Powers
the Fighting weakness seriously did
me in. I didn’t go up against
Rock-Lock all day and to face it my
1st match in Top 8 was not funny
whatsoever. To give credit to Time
Warp there was no time limit in the
Top 8 matches.

Game 1 vs. Daniel with Rock-Lock
I was pretty much energy screwed
from the get go. I go 1st and have a
Dunsparce, Rare Candy, Slaking-DX,
Warp Point, Vigoroth, and Celio’s. I
pass my 1st turn and Dan gets his
Strike and Run off. I draw a Slakoth,
play Celio’s for a Pidgey and pass.
It goes like this for about 2 more
turns while Dan is building up a
Sand Damage T-Tar. I finally top
deck a Pidgeot and search for
energy. I get the Slaking-DX with
Amnesia up and stall out by using
Amnesia on T-Tar’s only attack. I
don’t get a Lazy Slaking all game. I
think I managed to get 2 prizes with
the DX Slaking but Dan managed to
use all of his ATM-Rocks and with
the combo of re-evolving and taking
Damage from Dark Amphy proved too
much and my only Pidgeot was prized
so I ran out of Candies and Sand
Damage T-Tar finished me off.
Game 2
I start off much better Game 2 and
get a 3rd turn Lazy Slaking shutting
off his Pidgeot so he cant quick
search for anything he needs. He
slowly is building up a Sand Damage
T-tar. I take the 1st three prizes
and then things turn for the worse.
Once he is able to ko my Lazy
Slaking the Sand-Damage/Dark Amphy/ATM-Rock
combo destroy me and he takes like 3
prizes in a row. I try to stall with
Grumpig’s 1st sleep attack but he
pulls switches or Warp Points I
forget which and frys me with Dark
Amphy. I try to hold out with DX
Slaking and Amnesia but that slowly
dies off and Daniel advances.
So I continue my Gym Challenge
streak with 3 consecutive Top 8
finishes with all losses in the 1st
Later I find out that Andrew Daly
(Bee300) wins the 15+ with his
Hariyama-ex deck.
The 11-14 winner was Miguel F. with
Dragtrode beating Daniel M. with

The trip in the 10 and under was
passed to the 3rd place finisher
Jacob B. (Jake is from our Pokemon
League here in NY) since the Top 2
already have trips. Jacob was
playing Sally-ex/Ludicolo/Magcargo.
Here are some more happy pictures:

Here is my decklist that I played:
Pokemon- 23
4 - Dunsparce
4 – Slakoth (Slack Off)
2 – Vigoroth (Rage)
2 – Slaking (Lazy)
2 – Slaking (Lazy Aura)
2 – Pidgey
1 – Pidgeotto
2 – Pidgeot
2 – Spoink
2 – Grumpig
Trainers: 21
4 - Steven's Advice
4 - Rare Candy
3 – Celio’s
2 - Warp Point
2 – Meteor Falls
1 - Desert Ruins
1 - Rockets Admin
1 - Mr. Briney's Compassion
1 – Rocket’s Admin.
1 – ATM Rock
1 – VS Seeker
Energy: 16
12 – Psychic
2 – Scramble
2 - Boost
As always please feel free to revise
this decklist to fit your needs and
playstyle accordingly.
Well I’m going to be at Origins
starting this Thursday June 30th and
definitely competing in Friday’s
Professor Cup and then Saturday and
hopefully Sunday’s National
Championship. Stay tuned for my
Origins report. Also please contact
me at
JSChimento@aol.com or AIM me at
JSChimento if you wish to discuss
this article or any decks.