So we arrive in
St. Louis on
Thursday and already
my big red duffle
bag with wheels is
damaged from the
flight resulting in
only one of the
wheels working. So
between my son Nick
and I, we take turns
half dragging/ half
rolling the duffle
to the Tram. While
on the Tram we meet
up with Jayson and
his son from
Maryland and we talk
and become friends
and hang for some
part of the weekend.
Also we meet up with
a Pokemon Video Game
champion and his
mother on the tram.
We get off 1 stop
too early to the
Holiday Inn Select
and drag my duffle
resulting in the
lower corner of the
bag shredding up. We
finally settle in to
the hotel and hit
the pool to cool off
from the walk in the
oppressive heat of
St. Louis. All
weekend long it was
hot and humid
ranging from the
90’s to 100’s.
Unfortunately the
pool itself was in
the 80’s and so it
was not very
refreshing. After
going back up to the
room to change we
meet up with some
local folks from the
New England area
Hannan + Aylam,
Thomas A, Arianne +
Jordan and the Blaze
family. We head to
the Archway via the
Tram again and then
to the downtown area
for some dinner.

Friday we do a
bunch of playtesting
and I enter the
Professor Cup where
I go an even 4-4 and
lose to the eventual
Professor Cup
champion. The
Professor Cup deck
sleeves that
Nintendo gave out
were really cool and
I sleeve me new deck
using those.
Saturday is
Nationals and I am
in the White Flight
which by rumor
happens to be the
flight with the
hardest and highest
ranked players in
it. There will be a
total of 8 rounds of
Swiss then Top Cut
to 64. I decide to
run my Electivire/Manectric
tech deck, since I
will most likely be
running this at
Worlds I will not
post my list until
after Worlds so here
goes my matchups and

Round 1 vs Jim T.
Jim T is from Ohio
and we reminisce of
the days of Pokemon
NATS being held at
Origins. We both agr
ee that the St.
Louis Convention
Center is severely
lacking in the food
and drink area. I
win the coin toss
and go 1st. I start
with a lone Chansey
to his Machop. I
think great Machamp
donk deck is going
to get me on his
next turn. Luckily I
top deck a Baltoy
and play it to my
bench. I attach to
Chansey and pass. He
whiffs on the T1
Machamp and does
damage to my Chansey.
I am able to top
deck into Roseannes
and get an Uxie and
Unown g. He takes
the 1st 2 prizes
with Machamp while I
build up my Uxie
swarms with Unown
G’s to overwhelm his
Machamp. Once I ko
his Machamp it is
all downhill from
there and I take the
remainder of my
W: 1-0

Round 2 vs Ethan D.
This is Ethan’s 1st
year in the Masters
division. He is from
Utah and he is
playing the insanely
fast deck which is
called Speedrill. He
gets a pretty fast
setup and I am able
to spread damage
with Manectric,
stall with Mr. Mime
until I set up an
Ampharos and
Dusknoir. Once his
Powers are shut off
and his bench is
reset to 3 Pokemon
there is little he
can do. I take my
remaining prizes
with Electivire and
win the Game.
W: 2-0

Round 3 vs Jeff M.
Jeff was wearing a
Team Luigi T-shirt
and is from
Michigan. Jeff was
playing Blastcatty
and I have a near
auto win against
this deck. My
Manectric stops his
bench damage while
it spread damage for
my Amphy to shut off
his powers. He plays
an early Dawn’s
Stadium and my Vire
X takes it out with
Pulse Barrier. My
Vire X took the 1st
2 Prizes before it
was knocked out then
Manectric took the
remaining 4 prizes.
W: 3-0

Round 4 vs Kyle
Kyle hails from
Indiana and is
playing quite an
original deck using
Porygon Z. I totally
forget that his TM’s
are not tools and I
play Vire X
judiciously from my
hand to Pulse
Barrier his tools
only to realize they
are TM’s. No worries
though as he has a
Stadium in play so I
nuke it which makes
Vire X invincible
next turn. Between
my Vire X and
Manectric spreading
damage I take all 6
prizes. Nice deck
W: 4-0

Round 5 vs Jay H.
I’ve known Jay for
quite some time now
from various events
and he has Top 4
NATS before and is
currently the #2
player in MA in
North America. Jay
has also qualified
for numerous Worlds,
so obviously Jay is
a great player. Jay
is playing LuxApe
deck which seems
pretty popular right
now. It is my 1st
match against SP
which I have a
fairly decent
matchup as my Vire X
keeps their Energy
Gains and Stadiums
at bay. I do take
the 1st prize with
Vire X but then my
deck losses steam
once Jay ko’s the
Vire X. Jay then
takes his next 5
prizes and is only 1
prize card away from
Victory. That’s when
the ‘biggest
comeback’ in Pokemon
history takes place.
Jay has an active
Infernape X and
plays Roseanne’s to
find out he has no
energy left in his
deck. With all his
Powers shut down
after a Manectric
spread and Ampharos
is in play, there is
little that Jay can
do to search for a
Nite Maintenance. My
active Manectric
then proceeds to
take my last 5
Prizes. Jay took the
loss in stride and
he is a stand up
player. So right now
I am at 5-0, my best
record to date at
W: 5-0

Round 6 vs Colin
Another player I
have known for years
and Colin is from
the home state of
Missouri. Colin is
also undefeated at
this point with his
Dusknoir/Queen deck.
Colin plays the
Spirit Pulse Body
and Im not sure
about Dark Palm
Dusknoir so I keep
my bench at 3 just
in case. Colin has a
very slow start and
I am 10 damage off
of ko’ing his
Nidoran before he
Rare Candies into
Nidoqueen. I do take
the 1st prize by
discharging 3 out of
4 heads on
Electivire’s attack.
He has a built
Dusknoir with a
Psychic and Upper
Energy on and plays
2 Poke-Blower to
drag out my Claydol
and ko’s it. This
cripples my setup
and I cant draw into
anything. Colin then
proceeds to take his
remaining prizes to
L: 5-1

Round 7 vs. Karl K
Karl is currently
the #14 ranked
player in North
America. Karl hails
from Utah and is
playing Legos. I
have a pretty much
auto-win in this
match if I can
manage to setup and
get Manectrics out
to spread. Karl
maintains an active
lock with Dialga20G
Deafen and also
Mespirit. At 1 point
I can win if I can
get an Electivire
since I am holding
Vire X and have an
active Electabuzz,
since he has an
Energy Gain in play.
Sadly this does not
happen and with his
Crobats and
Poke-Turns he ko’s
the active Buzz. I
had pretty crappy
hands and top decks
from there and Karl
hits the Mespirits/Power
Sprays at the right
time whenever I get
a chance to use Uxie
to set up. Karl wins
and I find out that
my prizes consist of
2 Electrikes + 1
Manectrics so I had
little chance of
getting the spread
out that game.
L: 5-2

Round 8 vs. Jason
Jason is from
Oklahoma and is
another Poke-Dad
that is playing with
his son. This is our
final round and
whoever wins this
last round will
definitely be in at
a 6-2 record. Jason
is playing Speedrill
and again I have a
pretty good matchup
against this deck.
We both get really
slow starts. So slow
that I tell Jason
that this match is
definitely going to
time. He doesn’t
understand but I get
my Mr. Mime tech out
and then he
Unfortunately my
other tech Duskull
is prized so there
goes limiting his
bench which I really
need against
Speedrill. He
eventually gets 4
Beedrills out and is
1 hitting my Pokes.
I take a couple of
prizes off Discharge
but sadly none are
the Duskull that I
am looking for. I
can only stall with
Mime for so long and
Jason wins on prizes
as time is called.
L: 5-3
So sadly after
starting off 5-0 I
lose my last 3
matches. My son and
all my friends say
that because my
opponents win % are
so high that I
should make the Top
64 cut. After all is
said and done I look
at the Top Cut
standings and I am
in at #58. Remember
there are 2 flights
that have T64 so it
is decided that 2
rounds will be
played tonite. They
give us an 1hr
dinner break and
return. Tonite since
time is pending on
the Convention
Center they lower
the time limit to 45
minute best 2 out of
3 rounds.

Top 64 vs Kevin W.
Kevin is from
Memphis and this is
also his 1st year in
the Masters
division. He did
exceptionally well
in Seniors last year
and I know him
because he had
battled my son last
year in Sr’s. Kevin
is another high
ranked player in
Masters ranked #6 in
North America. I
give him a lot of
props for that20as
it is his 1st year
in MA. Kevin is
playing Machamp
which I have a
decent matchup as
long as I can get my
Uxies and Unown G’s
out. We flip over
and both start with
Uxies. We go back
and forth with doing
40 to each other
with the Psychic
Restore attack and
bringing up someone
from the bench to
avoid Uxies being
ko’d. Kevin’s big
surprise tech for
his Machamp is the
Bubble Coat Tool,
which prevents
Machamp from being
weak to Uxie, then
once Machamp is
attacked the Bubble
Coat gets discarded.
So it’s a tool and
my Vire X should be
able to take it out
right? Guess what?
My Vire X is prized.
So since Kevin has
taken some prizes
with Machamp and my
Uxies are useless
with Bubble Coat I
quickly scoop Game 1
to try and win or
take 4 prizes in
Game 2 before the 45
minutes are up. So
Game 2 I get a much
better start and
have the Vire X out.
Vire X has taken 2
prizes and gets ko’d
and my Manectric
begins to spread and
his Azelf and
Claydol are 1 Power
Wave away from me
taking my next 2
Unfortunately on
Kevin’s turn time is
called and Game 2 is
called an incomplete
Game so Kevin wins.
So all in all I am
pleased with this
year’s result. There
is nothing you can
do when your
opponent plays
something that
totally cripples
part of your
strategy like
playing Bubble Coat.
My son Nick went 5-
3 in Sr’s and
maintained his
invite to play in
Worlds. He is
currently ranked #10
in North America and
I am very proud of
him. The rest of the
Blaze crew will be
playing in the Last
Chance Qualifier in
San Diego so
hopefully see you
all there.