Pokemon Professor Cup
Origins Gaming Convention
Columbus Ohio Convention Center
July 1st, 2005
96 Pokemon Professors

This was it, the big day in
Pokemon Professor history. The
1st ever Pokemon
Professor Cup Championship held
by Nintendo. And what a day it
was. The event was free of
charge which was nice but what
was even nicer was that every
Professor received 10 boosters
of Emerald to eventually build
their 60 card deck. I say
eventually because the format
was like this:
Rounds 1 + 2: Open 6
boosters and build and play with
a 40 card deck and 4 prize
Rounds 3 + 4 : We were
given another 2 Boosters and
with all cards from the 8
Boosters total, build and play
with a 50 card deck and 5 prize
Round 5, 6, + 7 : We were
given another 2 boosters and
with all cards from the 10
Boosters total, build and play
with a 60 card deck and 6 prize
There was
another cool part – The Judges.
The Judges were T-Tar666 (Chris
Fulop who has already won a trip
in the 15+) and 4 kids (Vince
“Meganium-45” 2 kids, Taylor (A
World’s finalist last year), and
another girl (Sorry I forgot
your name). They all had on
the cool looking 2005 Pokemon
National Judge’s Polo shirts.

So like I
said before we drafted from
Emerald and eventually could use
cards from all 10 of the Emerald
Packs. I didn’t keep track of
each deck that I had from the 40
or 50 card decks but I can give
you a list of the final 60 card
deck that I built. Also out of
the 10 Emerald Boosters that I
received I pulled a total of 3
Trainer cards: 2x Scott and 1
Double Full Heal. Oh boy.
Pokemon - 26
2 –
1 – Milotic
2 – Snorunt
1 – Glalie
3 – Luvdisc
2 – Spoink
1 – Grumpig (Teleport Blast)
1 – Grumpig (Psypunch)
3 – Numel
2 – Camerupt
2 – Gulpin
1 – Swalot
3 – Volbeat
2 – Illumise
Trainers – 1
Full Heal
- 33
9 – Water
7 – Fire
7 – Grass
6 – Psychic
2 – Multi
2 – Double Rainbow Energy
Oh and
another cool thing was that the
energies that were provided all
had the 2005 Pokemon Professor
Program stamp on them. So there
would be a total of 7 rounds and
then cut to a Top 16 Booster
draft I believe.

1 vs. Vince Krekler (Meganium
I face
off with none other than the
legendary Meganium 45. Btw
Vince was also serving as a
Nationals judge this weekend.
All I remember about this match
was that Vince was getting
1234567 heads in a row with his
Pikachu paralyzing my pokes and
took like 3 prizes. I did
manage to ko the Pikachu with
Camerupt but then Vince took his
last prize with a powered up
Milotic on my Camerupt. BTW, I
did not yet draft the Double
Full Heal to help me out.
L: 0-1

2 vs. Matt Rollins
remember getting Camerupt and
Grumpig out and we were trading
prizes back and forth. But when
I needed the flips I flipped
tails 3 times in a row to lose
the game. That’s all I remember
about this match.
L: 0-2

3 vs. Aaron C (Waliken)
I felt
real bad for Aaron because all
game long he had an energy
drought. I was able to get up a
lot of my Stage 1’s and just
tore through his energy less
Pokes for my 1st win.
W: 1-2

4 vs. Jordan Hill
comes from a family of great
Pokemon players. I believe
Jordan said that he has only
been in the 15+ for a couple of
weeks and is already a Professor
with points. Later this weekend
Jordan would also go on to make
Top 16 in the Pokemon National
Championships. Also his younger
bro either won or came in 2nd
in the 10+ under National
Championship. This game Jordan
would not be as successful.
Jordan was able to build up a
Grumpig but that is all he had.
I had a built Camerupt and on
Jordan’s turn he had to flip a
heads to paralyze my Camerupt.
He flipped tails and next turn I
attach for the win.
W: 2-2

5 vs. Charles C. (MP Birch)
I face
off with yet another legendary
Professor this time it is MP
Birch. Birch was also Nationals
judge later this weekend and had
his cool looking Nationals Judge
polo shirt. Birch only had 1
Doduo all game long and couldn’t
get the draw or flips he
needed. I had a built Camerupt
by Turn 3 and took out his Doduo.
After the game Birch
autographed one of his Reverse
Holo Professor Birch card and
gave it to me. Thanks man!
W : 3-2

6 vs. Abraham (Charizard Master
I’ve seen
Abraham before at other big
events and he recognized me too.
This match went the time limit
and was so much fun. He had his
Grumpig Teleport Blasting away
and I had my Grumpig Teleport
Blast too. This match was so
strategic going back and forth
that the only reason that I won
is that I had all of his Pokes
except for Grumpig up to maximum
HP damage that at least one hit
on any of them would give me the
game. I used Feebas bench
attack to hit a damage Poke on
the bench and then time was
called and I won on prizes.
Abraham is a real nice guy and
it was a pleasure to play you.
W: 4-2

7 vs. Shawn Gettys
So I am
really excited now that I have
won 4 games in a row and a win
here would most likely place me
in the Top 16 with a 5-2
record. Shawn is a great player
and has already won an invite
and trip to Worlds.
Unfortunately luck changed on me
in this game. Shawn had 2
Rhydons and 1 Breloom built and
all I had was basics to defend
so he pretty much trounced me.
L: 4-3
So I end
up 4-3 which I am still happy
about since it was a winning
record and I had virtually no
Trainer cards to help me. It
was later announced that the
Professor Cup Champion would get
a free trip to Worlds and an
invite to compete in the World
Championship. The Professor Cup
Champion ended up being Shawn
Gettys. So it’s nice to see that
the person that beat me in the
last round go on and win it.
Since Shawn already has the
invite and trip, it was passed
down to Steve Perucca from
Colorado. Way to go guys!

Stay tuned
for Origins Report Part 2: The
National Championship