2005 Pokemon National
Origins Gaming Convention
Columbus Ohio Convention
Saturday - July 2nd, 2005
400 total participants – 240
in the 15+

Part 2 of my Origins Pokemon
report. Day 2 was the big
day where all trainers came
in from all over the US,
Canada, and Mexico to come
to compete in the Pokemon
National Championship. A
nice looking blue National
T-shirt was handed out this
year with a picture of
Machamp on it to coincide
with the Nationals promo
Machamp card that was given
out. Again major kudos to
Nintendo for having this as
a free event. The turnout
was incredible. I mean
Pokemon is back with a
vengeance. With the
exception of Yugioh., the
Pokemon area was the most
attended area that day and
possibly the whole weekend
at the TCG hall. I mean if
you are hardcore Pokemon
player and haven’t attended
a National event at Origins
I strongly encourage you to
do so next year. With this
exception of Worlds, this is
the mecca of Pokemon with
the best players competing
against each other. But
don’t let that intimidate
you, Origins is a great
place to learn new games and
meet new and exciting people
and since the “Best” are
there it is a great learning
experience for newcomers.
From the Nintendo Booth in
the Exhibition Hall to the
wide array of events that
were offered in the TCG
hall, there were plenty of
places to “catch-them-all”.
I met at least a dozen
people that used to play and
got back into the game at
Nationals and went on to
play in the National

so many great players and
decks out there the
competition and choice of
what deck to run was very
difficult. 3 out of the Top
4 decks were all different
and the top battle didn’t go
to a mirror match but it was
a Turn 2 Medicham-ex deck
winning it all over a tech’d
out Ludicargo deck that went
undefeated both days up
until the Finals when it
are the Top 4 deck winners
in the 15+ age division:
Top 4
place - Seena – Turn 2
place - Tom D. – Ludicargo/Rhyhorn
place - Shawn “The Professor
Champion” Gettys – Turn 2
place - Frankie Durso –

So on
to my own personal report of
my matches. I decided to
run my Wailord deck and for
those that have read my New
England Regional report will
see how well that it can
perform in this format.
only tweaks that I have made
to the deck upon entering
the National Championships
is that I dropped 2
Mysterious Fossils for a 1/1
tech line of Feebas/Milotic-ex.
One major deck that made a
huge showing was Rock-Lock
and Milotic-ex stops the use
of ATM Rock. As a bonus
Milotic-ex also stops the
use of ATM Ice that gets rid
of all your Trainer cards in
Round 1 vs. K (HxC raichu
K was
her name. K was playing 4
corners. Her version
consisted of Lantern/Magcargo/Rhydon/Dark
Hypno. I win the dice roll
and decide to go 1st.
I had a terrible start of a
lone Feebas. Nothing else
no Fossils, just 3x Water
energy, Crystal Shard,
Celio’s, and Reversal. I
attach a Water to Feebas and
attempt Ascension. I roll a
tails. She goes and
Rocket’s Admins. me and then
sets up her bench with 2
Chinchous. She gave me the
perfect hand off the Admin.
I get an Oddish and Wailmer
and good draw cards. I
remember that K managed to
get 3 prizes off of me as
she did ko the Feebas and a
Wailord-ex eventually. I
had another Wailord-ex built
up and Bellosom and was able
to tie it up on prizes as I
hit a heads on Pokemon
Reversal to her benched
Lanturn to ko that. Time
was called and we were both
tied on prizes. She could
not ko anything on her turn
and with all of my Super
Deep Dives and Heal Dances
to clean off damage on
Wailord I ko her Rhyhorn for
the win.
W: 1
- 0

Round 2 vs. Andrea (Gardy
Andrea is a Pokemon
Professor and runs a League
in Utah I believe she said.
Andrea is running Spinning
Tail-T-tar with Dark
Electrode and
Electrode-ex. Both Andrea
and I get off to a slow
start with her starting with
a lone Larvitar and to my
Wailmer. The only draw
power I get all game is 3
Celio’s Network. So I am
able to build a Bellosom and
have Wailord-ex in play.
But due to the lack of draw
I don’t really get to see
Fossils for the Super Deep
Dive Combo. I manage to ko a
Spinning Tail T-Tar and a
Dark Electrode. Andrea
manages to ko a Wailord-ex.
So we are tied on prizes
when time is called. She
was building up an
Electrode-ex on the bench
that I could not draw into a
Pokemon Reversal and the
Electrode-ex knocked out my
Wailord-ex doing 240 damage
when she discarded basically
all her energy in play to
win in Sudden Death.
L: 1
- 1

Round 3 vs. Andrew Cox
know Andrew and his father
Dave from TJ Collectibles in
Milford, Mass. Andrew just
recently turned 15 and now
is playing in the 15 + age
division. Andrew runs
Zappy-ex with Electrode-ex.
Andrew goes 1st
and gets his set-up going
with a recharge Voltorb. I
start with a Claw Fossil and
Oddish and Wailmer
benched. Andrew uses
Master Ball on his next turn
and gets the Zappy-ex to ko
the Claw Fossil. I send up
Oddish and use some draw
power to get Wailord-ex.
Andrew then ko’s the Oddish
and is starting to build up
an Electrode-ex on the
bench. I send up a Wailord-ex
and Super Deep Dive for
another Claw Fossil. He
attacks the other Claw
Fossil and then I wack Zappy
for 100 then his
Electrode-ex comes up and
wins the game by ohko on my
L: 1
- 2

Round 4 vs. Darryl (Sceptilious)
Darryl hails from Canada and
has a son that plays in the
10 and under. Darryl starts
with a Slowpoke and I think
to myself that Im going to
pwnd this round too as he is
running Green Heal. But I
was wrong Darryl is running
Gardy/ Gardy-ex, Heal Gardy,
Pidgeot and the Strange
Behavior Slowbro. Darryl
gets off to a wicked fast
start and gets the Slowbro
benched and has a Psy-Shadow
Gardy and Gex out. I have
to stall with a Bellosom as
I had 2 Wailmers prized when
I searched with Celio’s and
I want to play
conservatively until I can
get at least 1 Wailord-ex up
and running. He gets up by
2 prizes then I am able to
ko the Psy-Shadow Gardy by
hitting a Reversal on it
with Wailord-ex. I build
another Wailord-ex by this
time. We go back and forth
with me Super Deep Diving
with both Wailords and him
healing his Gardy-ex. I
eventually hit another
Reversal to ko his Heal
Dance Gardy. He continues
to slowly damage my Wailords.
Time is eventually called
and we are tied 4 prizes
each. By this time this is
what we had on the board. I
had 2 Wailord-ex with both
140 damage on them, a Feebas
and Root Fossil on the
bench. He had an active
Gardy-ex with 60 damage on
it, a Psy-Shadow Gardy and 2
Slowbros with 50 damage on
the bench. Darryl only has
3 cards left in his deck and
I have about 10. It is my
turn in Sudden Death and I
go for a huge gamble. I
have 1 Pokemon Reversal left
in my deck. I use a Switch
on Wailord-ex for my Feebas
I attach a Water Energy to
Feebas and them drop 2 more
Fossils on my bench. I then
play Professor Oak’s
Research and pull the last
Reversal. I’m playing the
Ascension Feebas so I have
to hit heads on the Reversal
to ko one of the benched
Slowbro. I go for the roll
and roll a heads. Yess.
Sorry Darryl you just got
pwnd by a Feebas. Lol.
This was a great match.
W: 2
- 2

Round 5 vs. Chris (Shining
was playing a Slaking/Metagross/Pidgeot
build. We both get decent
set-ups but I’m hitting 100
per turn and get up quick on
prizes. I am able to ko a
DX Metagross and Pidgeot but
his Slakings don’t have
enough power to continually
dish out 100 since he has
run out of Boosts. When
time is called I am ahead in
prizes 4-6.
W : 3
- 2

Round 6 vs. Nick Caporelli
(Hot Mustid)
is another player from TJ
Collectibles in Milford,
Mass. that I am friends
with. Nick and I were
sitting close to each other
all day long and figured
that sooner or later we
would be playing each
other. Nick was trying out
Rock-Lock since he has
already an invite and trip
to Worlds he wanted to test
out Rock-Lock. Nick felt
really confident that
Rock-Lock could beat Wailord.
Normally it probably can but
the outcome of this match
was going to be different.
I thought my start was
terrible as I had a
Mysterious Fossil and Oddish
with 2 Water energy, Crystal
Shard, and 2 Celio’s. Nick
only starts with a Larvitar
and Mareep benched. I go 1st
and attach a Water energy to
Oddish. He goes and Rare
Candies his Mareep into a
Dark Amphy and attaches a
Dark to Larvitar. I draw a
Multi and then Celio’s for
the Gloom. I damage the
Larvitar as it is weak to
grass. He uses the Dark to
retreat and send up Dark
Amphy and attaches energy.
I draw a Pokemon Reversal
and flip heads to bring up
the Larvitar. I evolve take
20 damage but heal it off so
my Bellosom has 20 damage on
it and then I attach and ko
the Larvitar. He attaches a
Dark to Amphy and plays
another Larvitar and Rare
Candies that into Dark
Pupitar and attaches a
Dark. I draw a Oak and play
it and draw another Reversal
and hit it on the benched
Dark Pupitar. I drop a
Wailmer and attach a water
to it on the bench.
Bellosom ko’s the Dark
Pupitar and Nick is
flabbergasted at this
point. He cant believe how
lucky I am getting. On
Nick’s next turn he Rocket’s
Admin’s me and he draws 6
and then I draw 4. I cant
get a better hand: I draw
Wailord-ex, 2 Water, and a
Pro. Oak’s Research. Once I
finally got the Wailord up
and running he decides to
concede since the game is
going nowhere fast.
W: 4
- 2

Round 7 vs. Jacie Sturky
is last year’s National
Champion so I know that my
work is cut out for me. I’m
feeling good right now as I
have won 3 matches in a row
and once this deck set’s up
it is very difficult to get
a prize on it. I saw Jacie
playtesting different decks
and one of them was Wailord.
So I didn’t know what to
expect. Jacie goes 1st
and starts with a Wishing
Star Jirachi and attaches a
Fighting. I think to myself
that it must be a Medicham
Turn 2 deck and if I get set
up I should be ok . Next
thing I know he has a Dark
Steelix out with 3 Darkness
energy and 3 Metal energy.
I know it wasn’t that fast
but my setup was extremely
horrid. With him only
having 1 Pokemon active my
Steven’s Advice were all
useless as I could only draw
1 card. He ko’d about 5
Fossils and a Gloom when I
decided to bring out Wailmer
with 3 energies and hoping
for a God topdeck of Wailord-ex.
That didn’t happen and Jacie
wins the match.
L: 4
- 3

Round 8 vs. Adam (Spartan
I’m pretty much out of
making the Top cut as only
6-2 and above will advance
but I want to see if I can
leave this tourney 5-3 and
make Wailord-ex a
respectable deck in this
environment. I get my
chance as Adam is running
Blaze/Quaza. He follows my
reports here on Pojo so he
asks before the match if I
am running Wailord and I
tell him yes and he is like
oh great. He anticipates
almost every move of mine
like when I Crystal Shard
the Wailord to take out his
Quaza. I also hit a
reversal on his benched Bex
so that is 4 prizes
already. He does take 2
prizes as another one of his
Quaza gets me but in the end
the Water weakness and my
fast start taking the 1st
4 prizes does him in.
Final Record: 5 – 3
Rank: 58th
place out of 240
are photos of the National
Championship Trophy:

more photos go here:
here is one with Pojo’s
famous COTD reviewer William

tuned for Origins Report
Part 3: Team Sealed