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Blaze's Banter
What to expect at the
2005 Pokemon World Championships
August 12, 2005
Welcome to the next
edition of what to
expect at the 2005
Pokemon World
Championships in San
Diego, Cali. This
week we are going to
look at a Dark
Slowking deck that
gets set up by Turn
2 and uses
disruption through a
different means by
using Cunning to
screw with your
opponent's top deck.
But later on that.
Basically Turn 2 is
all the rage right
now in U.S. Pokemon
and expect to see
and play against
those decks at
On to the deck. The
deck focuses on
getting Dark
Slowking out and
abusing his Cunning
Poke-Power to mess
with your opponent's
top deck. Cunning
allows the player
that controls Dark
Slowking to look at
the top card of your
opponent's deck,
once per turn, and
then shuffle their
deck. Please note
that if you have
multiple Dark
Slowking's in play
you will be able to
use each of their
Cunning power once
per turn. Unlike
other Turn 2 decks,
it is a good idea to
keep more than 1
Dark Slowking in
play because Dark
Slowking's HP is
only 80. Having more
than 1 Dark Slowking
will also allow you
to abuse Cunning to
its fullest. What
better way to annoy
your opponent each
time they are about
to topdeck a good
card then to just
shuffle it away.
This reminds me of
the old Mankey- Peek
combo with Imposter
Prof. Oak.
Things to watch out
for when playing a
Dark Slowking deck
is definitely the
low HP at 80 and its
weakness to Grass.
While Grass is not a
popular type that
sees major play,
there are tech Grass
Pokemon like Breloom
that can easily ohko
Dark Slowking. Also
with Slowking being
part psychic and
part darkness a deck
that techs in
Togetic can also
shut down Dark
Slowking. None of
this matters though
if you can succeed
in Cunning and make
sure that your
opponent doesn't
topdeck any of those
tech cards. You want
to hit hard and fast
with Dark Slowking
and shut down your
opponents draw each
turn by using
Cunning. The main
threat is probably
Dark T-tar with
Grind. Dark T-tar
has enough hit
points and the
resistance to
Psychic is hard to
overcome after a
Dark Slowking player
has exhausted a
majority of their
Tools and Secret
This leads us to
Dark Slowking's
attack called
Litter. For 1
Psychic energy and 1
Colorless energy,
Litter allows you to
discard a
combination of up to
2 Pokemon Tools or
Rockets Secret
Machine cards from
your hand. The base
damage for Litter is
20 but for each Tool
or Machine you
discard it does an
additional 30 damage
per. So basically
you are looking at
50 damage if you
discarded 1 and 70
damage if you
discarded 2. Then
add on the plus 10
for Darkness energy
because you really
want the 1C energy
to be a Darkness
energy for the +10
additional damage,
and you are dishing
out 80 damage for
only 2 energies. You
will see in the
build that I offer
you that there are
18 Tools and 14
search cards to
accomplish this
massive amount of
damage by Turn 2. If
you can hit your
opponent hard and
early, it will be
difficult for them
to make a comeback.
To coincide with
this combo, I have
tech'd in 1 Rockets
Meowth which allows
you to search your
deck for 1 Pokemon
Tool or 1 Rocket's
Secret Machine with
his attack called
Snatch and Run.
After you show the
Tool or Machine to
your opponent you
can switch Meowth
with 1 of your
benched Pokemon.
Mainly Rockets
Meowth is used for
his Snatch and Run
attack if you want
to even use him at
all. But he also has
a 2nd attack that
can come in handy
when you want to
finish off a game
with Miraculous
Comeback. Miraculous
Comeback lets you
flip a coin for each
Pokemon in play both
yours and your
opponents and it
does 10 damage the
active defending
Pokemon for each
heads you get and
then for each tails
that you flip,
Rockets Meowth takes
10 damage per tails.
Nowhere near as
powerful as the old
Team Rocket's Meowth
under the old
Wizards rule when a
Metal energy could
be attached to
Meowth to soak up
the 10 damage per
tails. This Rocket's
Meowth will indeed
hurt itself for each
tails that you flip
for Miraculous
Comeback. But for
each heads that you
flip especially if
both benches are
full and if Rockets
Meowth has a
Darkness or 2
attached to it can
win you the game. I
mentioned before
that the Grind T-Tar
gives this deck
problems because of
the resistance to
Psychic, well
Rocket's Meowth is
pure Darkness and is
a way to overcome
that if you are
lucky on your flips.
Also there are 3
Crystal Shard's for
Dark Slowking to use
against Psychic
resistance Pokes.
Pretty much the
trainers are
Read my deck article
on Medicham-ex if
you want to know the
combo behind Swoop
Teleporter and
Jirachi. http://pojo.com/pokemon/FeaturedWriters/JohnnyBlaze/2005/7-23.shtml
The Professor Birch
is to refresh your
hand after you dump
the Tools and/or
Secret Machines for
Slowking's attack.
Like I said before
there are a total of
18 Tools and
Machines and 14 draw
cards for this deck
to run off of and
provide consistency.
Here is an example
decklist using the
above mentioned
Pokemon - 13
4 - Slowpoke
4 - Dark Slowking
4 - Jirachi (DX)
1 ' Rockets Meowth
Trainers - 32
4 ' Professor Birch
4 - Swoop!
Teleporter (RSM)
3 - Rocket's Ball
3 ' Rockets Admin
3 - Poke Retriever (RSM)
3 - Strength Charm (Pokemon
3 - Crystal Shard (Pokemon
3 ' EXP. All (Pokemon
2 - Buffer Piece (Pokemon
2 ' Prof. Oak's
2 - Copycat
Energy: 15
11 - Psychic
4 - Dark
And as always this
decklist is just a
starting point to
get you to start
building and
playtesting in
preparation of the
2005 orld
Championships. You
may not like the
Rockets Meowth and
maybe replace that
with and something
else with a couple
of Stadium cards as
there are no Stadium
cards in this build.
Also please contact
me at JSChimento@aol.com
or AIM me at
JSChimento if you
wish to discuss this
article or any