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Have some fun with this deck
August 19, 2005
Here is my last deck
article until after
the 2005 Pokemon
World Championships
in San Diego, Cali.
on August 19th-21st.
Then expect to read
a full detailed
report on the
happenings at Worlds
along with the
winning decks and
some neat photos.
First off this deck
is really fun to
play. Notice I
didn?t say it was a
fun deck. It is
really that fun to
play. But that
doesn?t make it a
bad tournament deck
either. At a local
tournament I have
finished 2nd and 1st
respectively beating
decks like
Blaziken, and
Dragtrode to name a
few. There are only
7 basics so expect
some mulliganing to
occur but from my
experience you will
get a basic by your
2nd Mulligan. If you
start with Beldum
which happens to be
your best start
because of it?s
Magnetic Call
Poke-Power. Once
during your turn you
may flip a coin if
Heads search your
deck for a basic
Metal Pokemon and
place it on your
bench. If you get
really lucky you can
have a full bench of
Beldums and then
search for Registeel
as your last Metal
basic. This will
thin out your deck
and you wont have to
worry about drawing
any more basics
other than the 2
Deoxys-ex that are
in the deck. But
more about them
later. Just watch
out with a full
bench because you
will be prone to
your opponent
playing a Steven?s
Advice on you.
Instead of running
your own Steven?s
you may want to
substitute or add in
some CopyCats for
this reason. When
your opponent builds
their hand size with
Steven?s Advice then
on your next turn
just CopyCat their
hand in order to
increase your hand
The other basics we
have in here are
Registeel-ex from
Hidden Legends and 2
different forms of
Deoxys-ex. First off
let me discuss
Registeel-ex. I use
the Exoskeleton
Registeel-ex from
Hidden Legends
because 1st of all
it?s Poke-Body
Exoskeleton is a
built in Metal
Energy that reduces
damage from attacks
by 10. Secondly the
Registeel from
Emerald is far
inferior and doesn?t
have enough power to
warrant usage in
this deck. Registeel-ex
is a wonderful
attacker against
decks such as
Rock-Lock and
especially against
Zap-Turn-Dos. With
its attack, Steel
Wave, dishing out 50
damage to the active
and then 20 damage
to your opponent?s
benched Pokemon that
share the same type
as the active
Pokemon. I have
taken multiple
prizes against Zappy
decks by using
Registeel-ex. Now my
choices for the
Deoxys-ex are purely
from a tech
advantage standpoint
for my local
Metagame. The Fast
Wave Deoxys-ex is
tech against
Wobbuffet as Fast
Wave ignores
Poke-Bodies such as
Safeguard and also
ignores Poke-Powers,
Resistance and other
effects on the
Defending Pokemon.
The Energy Burst
Deoxys-ex goes well
with this deck as
its attack does 10
damage + 10 more
damage for each
energy attached to
Deoxys-ex and to the
Defending Pokemon.
This goes hand in
hand with the Deoxys
Metagross as you
will be able to
attach an extra
energy from the
discard 1x per turn
with Super
Connectivity to
Deoxys-ex for that
extra 10 damage if
needed for the ko.
Similar to their
non-ex counterparts,
these Deoxys-ex also
have the Form Change
Power that allows
you to switch one
out for one from
your deck. This can
work as a nice
surprise against
your opponent when
they are not
expecting it.
Now lets discuss the
Evo?s in the deck.
I?m running 4 Metang
as you will notice
that there are no
Rare Candy in this
deck. The reason for
this is not only is
Rock-Lock still
viable and popular
but the psychic
Metang with Metal
Ball has won me many
of matches on Turn 2
when all I do is
attach an energy
Turn 1 to Beldum
then if have or get
the Double Rainbow
on Turn 2 I can
Metal Ball which
places 5 damage
counters on the
Defending Pokemon
that only has 50 hp.
There are also 3
Metagross with the
Super Connectivity
Poke-Power. This
Metagross serves as
the main attacker as
for only 2 energies
it is inflicting 40
damage with Link
Blast and if there
is the same amount
of energy attached
to the defending
Pokemon and the
attacking Pokemon
then Metagross is
dishing out a
whopping 70 damage
for only 2 energies.
Combo this with it?s
Super Connectivity
power and then you
are in control of
how many energies
you need to inflict
for the 70 damage.
Along with the
Double Rainbow
energy that can also
serve as a boost of
sorts, but just
remember that the
DRE energy will
reduce your attack
by ?10 damage. I
would also like to
add that TV Reporter
is maxed out at 4 in
this deck because
just like Fire
Starter Blaze, this
deck relies on
manipulating energy
from your discard
pile back into play.
So don?t be afraid
to ditch an energy
even if it is a
shiny Metal energy
to the discard when
using TV Reporter
because Super
Connectivity can get
it back.
I also run 1
Metagross with the
Metal Juncture
power. This
Metagross is good in
mirror matches
because of its
Psychic resistance
and also its Power
that lets you move
around Metal, Dark
Metal, or DRE
energies. Its one
attack, Squared
Attack, is very flip
reliant and thus why
it should not be the
main attack used
while playing this
deck. Flipping 4
heads in a row will
not happen very
often but if need be
it may be used as a
last chance attack.
Plus since this
Metagross is both
Psychic and Metal
type, Metal energies
will help reduce
incoming damage. You
will also see the
use of 2 Metagross-ex.
Because this deck
lacks direct search
via Pidgeot or
Magcargo the 2
Metagross-ex helps
out when 1 is
prized. Due to the
draw engine in this
deck though you
shouldnt have any
problem drawing into
it. Again you wont
always want to play
it say if you are up
against a Fire deck
or even a Fighting
deck like say
Medicham- ex due to
its Dual weakness,
but Metagross-ex 1st
attack Metal
Reversal is a great
late game closer.
Does your opponent
have a benched Poke
that is 40 Hp away
from dying and they
have retreated it to
the bench? Then just
Metal Reversal it
up. Or did they make
the mistake to play
a 50 HP basic so
they can play that
Steven?s in their
hand? Then just
Metal Reversal up
that 50 HP basic
next turn with a
Strength Charm
attached for the
ohko. Metagross-ex
2nd attack Extra
Comet Punch dishes
out 50 damage then
next turn it deals a
whopping 100 damage
for only 4 energies.
And as long as
Metagross-ex stays
in the active
position Extra Comet
Punch is dishing out
100 damage
thereafter. Plus its
such an awesome
looking picture who
wouldn?t want to us
it in their deck?
That?s all I have
for now since Im
getting ready to
leave for Worlds. So
the trainers are
Some players like to
play with HL Jirachi
with the Make a Wish
to evolve attack in
this deck since it
is both Psychic and
Metal. That is a
decent substitution
to add. Personally I
prefer to start
attacking and
dishing out damage
right away and that
is why it is not in
this deck.
Here is an example
decklist using the
above mentioned
Pokemon - 17
4 ? Beldum (Magnetic
4 - Metang
3 - Metagross
1 ? Metagross (Metal
2 - Metagross-ex
1 ? Registeel-ex
1 ? Deoxys-ex
(Energy Burst)
1 ? Deoxys-ex (Fast
Trainers - 25
4 ? TV Reporter
4 ? Stevens Advice
4 ? Celio?s Network
2 ? Island Cave
2 ? Strength Charm
2 ? Rocket?s Admin.
2 ? Warp Point
1 ? Crystal Shard
1 ? VS. Seeker
1 ? Pokemon
1 ? POW! Hand
1 ? Mr. Briney?s
Energy: 18
9 - Psychic
4 ? Metal
3 ? Dark Metal
2 ? Double Rainbow
This deck is also
Modified legal come
September 1st, 2005
when in the US the
format changes from
Hidden Legends ? on.
For those that are
unaware of this
change in Modified
it means that the
sets Ruby &
Sapphire, Dragon,
Sandstorm, and Team
Aqua vs. Team Magma
will be banned form
the new Modified
format. And as
always this decklist
is just a starting
point to get you to
start building and
playtesting in
preparation of the
2005 World
Championships. So
I?ll see everyone I
know at Worlds and
for those that I
don?t make sure you
stop and say hi and
introduce yourself.
Also please contact
me at JSChimento@aol.com
or AIM me at
JSChimento if you
wish to discuss this
article or any