This was a huge
turnout for the last
in San Diego. 386
participants were
the total numbers
amongst all the age
divisions. The
breakdown was like
252 players in the
92 players in the
11-14 and
42 players in the 10
and under
I was extremely
excited and
confident going into
this Grinder
tournament that I
would make the cut
to play in the World
Championships the
next day as my deck
was on a 2
tournament winning
streak coming into
San Diego and I also
felt real
comfortable with it
during playtesting.
I decided to run
Metagross with some
minor revisions from
my last deck
article. Mainly I
took out the 4
Steven’s Advice for
3 CopyCat and 1 more
Rocket’s Admin. as
the Steven’s are
useless in the
matchups against
Turn 2. Here is
the decklist which
should look familiar
and by the way every
single card is still
legal in the new
Hidden Legends - on
Modified format. It
was announced that
there would only be
5 rounds and right
away I knew that
would not be a good
thing but later on
that one.
- 17
4 – Beldum (Magnetic
4 - Metang
3 - Metagross
1 – Metagross (Metal
2 - Metagross-ex
1 – Registeel-ex
1 – Deoxys-ex
(Energy Burst)
1 –
Deoxys-ex (Fast
Trainers - 25
4 – TV Reporter
3 –
4 – Celio’s Network
2 – Island Cave
2 – Strength Charm
3 – Rocket’s Admin.
2 – Warp Point
1 – Crystal Shard
1 – VS. Seeker
1 – Pokemon
1 – POW! Hand
1 – Mr. Briney’s
9 - Psychic
4 – Metal
3 – Dark Metal
2 – Double Rainbow
Round 1 vs. Gary

Gary is known as
GranDaddy on the
PokeGym. He was
playing a rogue deck
that consisted of
Exploud and Kingdra-ex.
I was able to get a
quick Registeel-ex
out with 2 Metal
energies which was
actually soaking up
30 damage per turn
and killing his
bench to beat Gary
rather quickly by
benching him out.
W: 1 – 0
Round 2 vs. Jeffrey

Jeff is a fellow
player from NY and
we made a pact that
before the tourney
started if we had to
play each other then
the loser would not
drop so that it
wouldn’t hurt the
resistance. Jeff
was running his
tech deck. The
match was very
intense and Jeff’s 4
prizes came off of
him knocking out 2
of my Ex’s –
Registeel and the
Energy Burst Deoxys.
I also took 4 prizes
during regular play
and when time was
called I had a fully
pumped Metagross-ex
to take the next
prize in Sudden
W: 2 – 0
Round 3 vs. David

David is a local
form Cali. This
match would haunt me
later on because of
the 5 round limit
and the luck
factor. David was
playing classic
Dragtrode and I knew
the key to beating
it. He got the
perfect start and
took 2 early
prizes. I was able
to set-up and come
from behind. The
key turning point is
that somewhere near
the end with only 5
minutes left, he had
an active Dragonite
with 60 damage on it
and 4 Darkness on it
and all of his Dark
Metals were
discarded. I had an
active Metal
Juncture Metagross
with a Metal and 2
Psychics on it.
Nothing is a
guarantee when you
are playing with
attacks that require
flips so to help out
I Copycatted David’s
10 card hand to
search for either
the Crystal Shard or
Strength Charms that
were in my deck.
Out of 20 cards left
in my deck, I did
not draw a single
one of them. I then
went to flip 1 out
of 4 heads on
Squared Attack to do
30 measly damage to
Dragonite. On
David’s next turn he
switched all the
Darks around used a
Briney and then went
to town with another
Dragonite. David
ends up winning.
L: 2 - 1
Round 4 vs. Gabriel

Gabriel is another
native from Cali.
Gabriel was playing
a Super-natural
Shiftry deck. I got
a quick start with
Registeel and
Gabriel’s flips
weren’t going his
way. Registeel took
the 1st 4
prizes and then I
finished him off
with the Super
W: 3 – 1
Round 5 vs. Nanette
Ok this is where it
gets a little
funky. B
Round 5 starts an
announcement is made
from the Judge’s
table that only
players with 5-0
undefeated records
will make the cut.
This means that only
8 players out of the
252 that entered the
15+ will make it
into Worlds. There
were huge moans and
boos throughout the
crowd. I felt bad
for the players that
paid there way here
flight and hotel
just to play in the
Grinder and only to
lose 1 game and not
make it in. I know
there are no
guarantees and the
POP website did
state that Top 8
would make it but 1
loss players should
make it in. Or at
least the Top 16
should make it in
for crying out
loud. This put a
big damper on
people’s spirits and
not to mention that
those of us with 1
loss or more had
really nothing to
play for at this
time. Not me though
I wanted to finish
as high as possible
and make it to 4-1.
On to the match.
Nanette was sitting
at my table during
Round 1 against Gary
so I knew that she
was playing
Zapturndos. Nanette
gets the flip and
decides to go 1st.
I’m like oh great
she’s playing Zappy
and going 1st.
I only have a Beldum
in my hand but I
also have a Celio’s
and a Psychic and
Double Rainbow. She
opens up with an
Electrike and no
energy so she has to
pass. I flip for
Magnetic Call and
get another Beldum
out just in case. I
use the 2nd
one’s power but that
fails. I attach a
Psychic to the
active Beldum and
pass. Nanette draws
and still no
energy. I play
Celio’s and search
for Metang and
evolve and attach
the Double Rainbow
and use Metal Ball
for the win. Since
the game was so
short we play
another one for fun
and it is longer but
I end up winning
with Registeel. So
I end up 4-1 at the
W: 4 - 1
So I have to request
from Big Daddy
Snorlax to post the
results just so that
we can see what
place we came in at
4-1. At first print
outs were not going
to be posted by
thank you for Big
Daddy and the other
staff that did stay
a little later to do
that. After the
short wait and the
lights being turned
out in the
Convention Center
the final standings
are posted and I
find out that I came
in 16th
place. In a way I
was crushed to find
that out but also it
was sweet to know
that out of 252
competitors that I
came in 16th

Day 2 - I played in
side events all day
and came in 1st
place in the
Unlimited Side Event
that was organized
by PokeBob. I
played my famous
Unlimited deck that
got me a 2nd
place showing in
last year’s
Unlimited Tourney
and with some minor
tweaks I was able to
take 1st
place this year with
it at San Diego. My
son Nick went 4-4 in
the 11-14 division
during the World
Championships taking
on the Top 4 place
Japanese finisher in
the 1st
round. It was a
great experience for
all of us and
hopefully next year
in Anaheim, CA it
will be even better.
On the way home we
met up with Adrienne
the French National
champion and played
some games with him
and flew out to
Chicago on the same