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Stephen Silvestro on Pokemon
Hey guys , I want to thank everyone for checking out my first feature article.
In this article I'm going to be giving a report on the first tournament of the State Championships.
Day one. I decide to run the deck that I invented , It is my most consistent deck and I figured I had the best shot at winning with it. Anyone who knows me knows that it is - Silvestrodos.
My deck list consisted of:
Pokemon 17:
4 Eevee 3 Flareon EX 1 Umby ex 1 VaporeonEX 4 Spinarak 4 Ariados Energy 14: 7 Grass 4 Multi 3 Fire Trainers 29: 4x Tranny 2x Mentor 1x Adv 1x Scientist 1x Farmer 1x Scott
2x Giant Stump
3x Battle Frontier 3x Windstorm 4x Super Scoop 3x Marys Request 4x Professor Elm's Training Method My reason for picking this deck are simple. IMO it beats everything. It is so balanced it can beat anything. Round 1 vs Random Guy with Blaze/Catty/Ton :
I go first and get a great set. I get a fast Flareon EX and just Wreck everything he can get going. I have 3 NRG sitting on an Eevee and evolve into a Vaporeon EX and just ABUSE weakness. I beat him 6-0.
Round 2 Vs Mikey Fouchet(Magnechu on the Pokegym) With Delta(Rai/Eggs):
This game has always been about 50/50 depending on how I hit my Super Scoop up flips.Well , I get off to a rocking start. I hit t2 Vaporeon and KO his Stun Poisoned Casty with an Ariados. He ends up hitting a trans and getting scientist back up to 7 cards.He sends up another Holon's Castform and Delta Draws for 5. I use my Holon's Scientist and draw into 3 Super Scoop Ups. I miss all 3 on this turn , Thus taking the matchup from my advantage to his. He sends up an Eggs and continues to Scramble and use Split bomb with cursed stone to bring my EXs to 40 a piece. I play my counter BF , Spider trap and he stays asleep twice enabling me to KO it. He zzzaps twice and scores both of my EXs up to 90. I bench 2 people and use my giant stump to take 4 prizes off the board. This goes on for about 25 more minutes and I eventually take my 6th prize.
Round 3 Vs ?? With Big Fire.dec
I remember starting with complete trash this game.I see hes running Camerupt EX so I continue to build an eevee on the bench. He scores 3 fast KOs before I topdeck a PETM to get my Vaporeon EX , and I do 120 damage KOing his Camerupt EX. My two prizes become my only cards in my hand , TWO Transceivor. He comes up and hits me with another camerupt EX and I draw my card. A THIRD trans. Now I have a PETM and 3 basics in my discard pile but My vaporeon can win this game on his own.
Round 4 Vs ?? Cacturne/Weezing/Eeveelutions/Fossils
To be honest , I'm not sure how the guy got to 4-0 except for the fact that he played his butt off.I get a quick ariados and take a prize and just play defensively the whole game. there is no way he can go ahead now because i'm not giving him an EX on the board to Umby/KO.
Round 5 Vs Brian Jessings Flygon EX d/techs
I draw my starting hand , 3 spinaraks , 2 eevees 1 fire energy and a trans. Usually not that bad , but I go to trans and my scientist is prized. on top of that I cant get anything and just get mauled..
T8 I go in 3rd seed.
Top 8 Vs Metanite.
Game 1: I get basicially the same hand as my round 5 and Loose.
Game 2: I get a better hand and the game goes as usual metanite. I win
Game 3: He gets nothing , I get EVERYTHING and demolish him.
Top 4 vs Dawn Marrie(Mrs Johnny Blaze) with Banny/Eeveelutions.
Game 1: I get the greatest set I've seen all day. And to top it off her Banny CG is prized. Since I went first I was able to score t2 Umbreon EX and get the first hit on her Banny EX and pretty much run away with the game from there.
Game 2: She gets absolutly NOTHING and I score a t3 win.
Top 2 Vs Brian Jessings With flygod/techs
Game 1: I swear I get the same set as game 5 except I score 1 evolution the whole game and loose 4 pokes due to sand damage.
Gane 2: I mulligan 7 times this game. Start with Eevee , windstorm , 2 grass , 2 fire , and 1 Super Scoop up. GG I get demolished on t2
6-2 Second place.
Well I would like to thank everyone who read my first article. If you keep an eye on my page you will be able to check out many other great articles from me in the future.
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