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William Hung

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William Hung's Underground Card Laboratory
Deck fix on Typhlosion UF/Weezing DX
November 27, 2006

Hello everybody,
This week, I will look at an interesting deck based on one of my e-mail requests - Typhlosion UF/Weezing DX.
Typhlosion UF/Weezing DX deck has been in the competitive scene for quite a while, yet it's very tough to win a lot of tournaments with this because it has both consistency and matchup problems.
I will talk a little bit about its impact back in the previous Modified format (HL-on), before moving onto its impact in the current modified format (DX-on).
The concept is the same - it uses Typhlosion UF to KO weaker Pokemon that can easily be One-Hit KO'd.  (Please refer to card spoilers if needed from various websites.)  Then, it uses Weezing DX's first attack Liability to One-Hit KO your opponent's big Pokemon (usually an ex-Pokemon or a stage 2 Pokemon).  Notice the obvious combination - Liability puts damage on your opponent's Pokemon until there is 10 HP left, then the Typhlosion UF's Poke-Body Burning Aura finishes the KO.  You can sometimes Energy Root your Weezing to let it KO 2 Pokemon for 1, but usually you are trading KOs in your favor.  So if your opponent doesn't have Energy Accelerators or respond to your Typhlosion UF with another fully charged up Pokemon of their own, it'll be difficult for your opponent to recover, and you can tear apart your opponent's defense with your Typhlosion UF.
However, setting up these multiple stage 1's and stage 2's will be the challenge.  Without Pidgeot in the new Modified format, it is even harder.  So here is my first draft at what you can try out:
Pokemon (23):
4x Luvdisc CG
3x Cyndaquil
3x Quilava
3x Typhlosion UF
2x Porygon UF
2x Porygon2 DS
3x Koffing DS
3x Weezing DX
Trainers (23):
4x Celio's Network
3x Rare Candy
3x Windstorm
2x Battle Frontier
4x Holon Transceiver
2x Holon Mentor
1x Holon Scientist
1x Holon Adventurer
1x Holon Farmer
2x Energy Root
Energies (14):
6x Fire
2x Heal
2x Holon Energy FF
4x Double Rainbow
I want to be honest about the metagame from the City Championships thus far - you will run into unfavorable matchups, like Raieggs, Banette ex, Banette ex/Houndoom, and possibly more.  Be cautious against decks that set up really fast and hits really hard.  On the surface, you can sacrifice Luvdisc as bait, but the reality is that they'll have 2 or 3 of these nasty attackers ready for you, and they can overwhelm you.
I obviously only laid out the blueprint - you'll have to finish the hard part yourself.

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