William Hung
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William Hung on Pokemon
CA State Championship Report
March 11, 2006
CA State
Championship Report by William Hung
March 11, 2006
Atrium Hotel
Irvine, CA
90+ players in age 15+ (my age group), 160+
players overall
Hello again y’all. This is a very, very long
report, so I’ll break it down into several
I) Preparation
Whatever deck I was thinking about playing
for CA States, I playtested it against a
“gauntlet” of decks, and figure out if it
can handle the heat. I’ll go ahead and
reveal what the “gauntlet” of decks I’ve
tested against:
*Lugia ex/Blastoise ex/Steelix ex
*Rock Lock
*Espeon ex/Medicham ex
I didn’t test against decks such as Dark
Dragonite/Dark Electrode, or Metagross d/Dragonite
d, not necessarily because they’re inferior
decks, but because I figure that if I can’t
beat the top contenders, I’m wasting my time
playing with my deck at CA States.
Nevertheless, with such a diverse metagame,
I need to come up with a deck that can
handle most of the decks above, if not all
of them. Also, I’ve added Dustox ex to the
“gauntlet”, because even if it’s not tier 1,
I know I have to face it, so I need to be
II) Deck and Card Selection
I’ve thought about Lugia ex/Blastoise ex/Steelix
ex, Espeon ex/Medicham ex. But when I got to
CA States, I knew both of these decks are
going to be heading into trouble, against
Salamence d/Metagross d and Nidoqueen,
respectively. I like Rock Lock, but I know
Espeon ex/Medicham ex and Nidoqueen will be
a major factor, so I decided to go for the
deck that finished 2nd at Worlds ’05, and
tweaked it to the current metagame and card
Dark Tyranitar/Electrode ex, aka POW Block
Pokemon (23):
3x Larvitar d
2x Dark Pupitar
3x Dark Tyranitar (Spinning Tail)
2x Voltorb (Legend Maker)
2x Electrode ex
2x Pidgey
1x Pidgeotto
2x Pidgeot (Fire Red/Leaf Green – Quick
1x Slugma (Deoxys – Collect)
1x Magcargo (Deoxys – Smooth Over)
3x Jirachi (Deoxys – Wishing Star)
1x Jirachi (Hidden Legends – Make a Wish)
Trainers (23):
3x Rocket’s Admin
4x Celio’s Network
4x Rare Candy
1x Steven’s Advice
2x Holon Transceiver
2x Holon Mentor
1x Holon Scientist
3x POW! Hand Extension
2x Protective Orb
1x Ancient Technical Machine: [Rock]
Energies (14):
4x Darkness
4x Heal
4x Scramble
2x Rainbow
These are the main ingredients to the deck.
I don’t always use Extra Energy Bomb (aka
Blow Up), but usually against other strong
decks, I will need to. I need to discard
enough Energies with the use of Holon
Mentor/Holon Scientist, so I can “Blow Up”
and put the Scramble, Dark, etc. and get
One-Hit KO on opponent’s precious main
attackers. Once I can do that, I can use
POW! Hand Extension and Rocket’s Admin to
keep the game under my control.
The Jirachi
from EX:Deoxys is very standard nowadays,
because many decks can use the “Holon”
trainer engine to set-up their Pokemon army,
and thus Jirachi from EX: Deoxys can give
them a bigger advantage in the long run,
such as fetching Rare Candy or Stadiums.
However, Jirachi HL is a great addition to
my POW Block deck, because my deck can
easily afford discarding Energies, in fact
my deck loves it. So, for instance, if I go
2nd, I can start with Jirachi Wishing Star,
play Holon Mentor to get Pokemon out, like
Larvitar d, Pidgey, and Jirachi HL. Then
attach an Energy to Jirachi HL. 2nd turn,
attach the Heal to Jirachi DX, and you’ll be
setting up very fast.
These are the trainers that make the decks
“current”, and not outdated or obsolete.
However, I must say these trainers are not
right for every deck. In order to use these
trainers effectively, your deck must be able
to afford to discard. Thus, a deck such as
Nidoqueen should not use these, because
discarding just about anything is too
These are the two key trainers in the deck,
Rocket’s Admin and POW! Hand Extension.
Although the other trainers are just as
important for setting up your Pokemon army
and fill your hand with options, how you
play these will make the difference between
winning and losing. I can’t tell you exactly
when to use one of these – it really depends
on what “threats” I have to face, current
in-game situations, so it takes a lot of
practice and experience.
The other cards should be straightforward,
but the single ATM: [Rock] is also a very
important card to win close games. Since
this deck almost have to use Extra Energy
Bomb against most competitive decks, it is
imperative not only to be able to take
control of the game with the 1st fully
charged Dark Tyranitar, it is often the 2nd
Dark Tyranitar with Scramble Energy that can
finish the job with a combination of Grind
and Spinning Tail. So don’t waste it – use
it to win the game.
III) Actual Report
I just want to note that I will be as
accurate as I can with the details, but I
may not be perfect – because I don’t have
perfect memory.
The tournament supposed to start at 10am,
but with over 160+ players, and computer
problems, it didn’t start until past
12:30pm, and Lunch Break beforehand (around
Since the games are 30 minutes long (not
that long, IMO), I wore a watch to keep
track of the game progress.
Round 1: vs. Dan B. (Dunsparce LM, Octillery
DS, Ariados UF)
This is a warm-up match for me. However, I
learned the hard way at Irvine City
Championships against him to never
underestimate any opponent, and to respect
EVERY opponent I play against. I established
by Pokemon army quickly with Holon Mentor
and starting with Jirachi DX (Wishing Star)
helps a lot. I also decided to go straight
for Jirachi HL (Make a Wish), so I can set
up even faster. However, I got overanxious,
and make a big mistake by evolving Electrode
ex too early. I was very fortunate to get
away with it, by flipping HEADS against
Ariados’s Spider Trap. He also used Cursed
Stone and Spider Trap Pidgeot. Eventually, I
took control of the game with Electrode ex’s
Energy Bomb to load up on my Dark Tyranitar,
and constantly use POW! Hand Extension and
Heal Energy to seal the deal.
Win 1-0 3pts.
Round 2: vs. Paul (Mew ex/Meganium ex/Steelix
This is the deck that won Nevada State
Championships last Saturday. But I am not
afraid of the deck – I know I just have to
go out there and execute my game plan. As I
expected, he got to set up fully with
Pidgeot and Jirachi DX, but he didn’t want
to invest time to build a Steelix ex (or
Onix could be in prizes). That gave me time
to get out the Electrode ex, Extra Energy
Bomb, POW! Hand Extension, and Rocket’s
Admin combination. I chose to POW! Hand
Extension on Pidgeot and KO that in this
game, because he has no Onix on the Bench. I
made it such that he has to beat 2 Dark
Tyranitars with his 2 Meganium ex. Since he
only has one Meganium ex fully powered up,
my Rocket’s Admin should put me in great
position to win the game. We traded KOs with
my Dark Tyranitar vs. his fully powered
Meganium ex, but Power Tree still kept him
in the game. However, he is ahead in prizes,
by a 2-3 count, so when he decided to charge
up his Latios* on his Bench, I took
advantage of both Scramble and POW! Hand
Extension to One-Hit KO. Time was called on
Paul’s turn, but unless he can somehow
pulled out a miracle with to One-Hit KO one
of my Pokemon, I will be able to KO his
Active Jirachi DX with Grind and win the
game. He couldn’t so I won, and I took a
deep breath.
Win 2-0 6pts.
Round 3: vs. Jose (Gengar/Mr. Mime ex)
He started with Mr. Mime ex Even, but I had
a god hand, went first, and got out a 1st
turn Dark Tyranitar with Dark Energy. The
game didn’t last long, because he couldn’t
get anything going, and his Gastly went down
soon after.
Win 3-0 9pts.
Although I’m happy to sit at 3-0, I expect
my Resistance to be horrible (if I play
against these lower caliber of decks), so I
better keep winning and hope for the best.
After some observations, I found that Rock
Lock, Salamence d/Metagross d, and Nidoqueen
are doing extremely well.
Round 4: vs. Ryan (Dustox ex/Kingdra)
I wasn’t surprised – and I’m quite prepared.
I’ll get set up with my army of Pokemon and
take care of business. My plan was to use
Electrode ex’s Extra Energy Bomb to fall
behind in prizes, use Jirachi DX’s Wishing
Star to both set up and sacrifice as another
prize/wall. That allows me to fall behind in
prizes to activate Scramble Energies, and
hopefully One-Hit KO on his Dustox ex.
However, Cursed Stone was a game breaking
card, because I didn’t run any Stadiums. So
my Jirachi DX got KO’d, and my Magcargo and
Pidgeot are getting worn down in a hurry. It
got to a close game, to a point where I was
nervous, and I wasn’t sure if I made the
right play.
The game was tied at 2-2 prize count. I had
Dark Tyranitar with 2 Darkness Energies,
Magcargo, and Pidgeot in play. He had a 6
card hand, my Magcargo and Pidgeot has 60
damage. My plan was to Quick Search for
Rocket’s Admin, play it to mess up his hand,
and use Magcargo to Smooth Over for a
Scramble Energy. My game plan was to have my
Magcargo KO’d with Cursed Stone at the end
of my opponent’s turn, falling behind by one
prize, and use the Scramble to One-Hit KO
his Dustox ex for the game. However, his
Dustox ex has 40 damage, his Bench had a
bunch of damaged Pokemon as well. (I
remember 40 on Horsea, 40 on Cascoon, etc.)
So I wasn’t sure what I should have Quick
Search for – I still have an ATM: [Rock] in
my deck, but there is no way I can win the
game outright with it yet. So I did exactly
that, attacked with my Dark Tyranitar’s
Grind for 50 and passed. But out of the 2
cards that he drew from my Rocket’s Admin,
and another evolution card from topdeck, he
pulled a Prof. Oak’s Research. Then, he
pulled a Pokemon Reversals and got HEADS! He
KO’d my Pidgeot, and my Magcargo would be
KO’d in between turns, so I lost. AHHH!
Lost 3-1 9pts.
I thought initially I’ve made a bad play,
however, looking back at it, I probably
didn’t. It’s just my luck.
Round 5: vs. Joseph (Dark Tyranitar/Dark
Dragonite/Dark Electrode)
He got a great start with a Turn 1 Spinning
Tail Tyranitar. I did get to start with
Jirachi DX’s Wishing Star and went first,
but that’s still not good for me. I thought
I let the last game in Round 4 bothered me,
as I didn’t make great in-game decisions. I
was playing scared of his Spinning Tail on
Turn 3, and didn’t take initiative with my
Jirachi HL and laying down my Voltorb LM. I
wasn’t taking advantage of my Pidgeot and
Protective Orb against his Dark Dragonite. I
was too reliant on the Dark Tyranitar/Electrode
ex combination, and I wasn’t adapting and
adjusting to the current in-game situation.
I was also too passive with my Dark
Tyranitar with Spinning Tail and attacked a
turn too late. In short, I was playing not
to lose, and I did.
I almost came back at the end of the game,
but time was called and I couldn’t pull it
off with my Spinning Tail Dark Tyranitar.
However, after washing my face and clear
thought, I played terrible and deserved that
Lost 3-2 9pts.
I know, I know, it’s like why am I sharing
this with you folks out there. Well, I
believe that besides to remind ourselves
that we’re very “human”, I also believe it’s
important to take necessary time to make
every in-game decision the best one
possible. I also don’t want to blame it on
bad luck, because that’s simply not
productive and it’s not going to help me to
become a better player.
Anyway, I still have a shot. I found out
that it’ll be top 32, single game, single
elimination (yeah, it was getting late,
already 7:30pm), and Round 6 will be the
last round for 15+. After I did the math, I
know that if I win the last round and finish
4-2, I will make top 32, so it’s time to put
everything behind me, and play at my best
Round 6: vs. Ivan (Dark Dragonite/Dark
Electrode/Rocket’s Sneasel ex)
This is a tough matchup. He didn’t get set
up as fast as I thought, but still putting a
lot of pressure on me with Rocket’s Sneasel
ex Drag Off. But once he got Plusle DX, he
decided to go set up with Plusle DX with
Call for Family. I already came up with a
game plan – I need to focus on Rocket’s
Sneasel ex, use Protective Orb on Pidgeot to
gain an advantage against his Dark Dragonite.
I didn’t really use Pidgeot vs. his Dark
Dragonite in this game, mainly because he
puts his 2 of his precious Dark Energies on
Rocket’s Sneasel ex. I decided to POW! Hand
Extension on it, with my army of Pokemon
fully set up, and use Dark Tyranitar’s Bite
Off attack to One-Hit KO. I’m behind in
prizes, 2-6 I believe, so Scramble works
perfectly. I used a 2nd POW! Hand Extension
to One-Hit KO his 2nd Rocket’s Sneasel ex as
well, as he was charging it up. His Dark
Electrode did eventually worn down my Dark
Tyranitar and KO’d it. But I also worn down
his Dark Dragonite and Dark Electrode
enough, and a single ATM: [Rock] finished
off the game.
Win 4-2 12pts.
Actually, there wasn’t much time left, so I
was fortunate to pull off the victory in
time. I knew top 32 and beyond will get even
more difficult, and since it’s best 1 out of
1, I need to put it all on the line. So here
we go:
Top 32: vs. Alex W. (Medicham ex/Espeon ex)
Game plan is simple – don’t let him snipe
off my Voltorb, so I can use Extra Energy
Bomb to load up my Dark Tyranitar, use
Protective Orb on Dark Tyranitar to negate
its Weakness to Fighting, and focus on
One-Hit KO on his Medicham ex. His game plan
was wonderful as well. He was totally
focusing on my Dark Tyranitar line (Dark
Pupitar), and it was another close game.
Even though I fell behind in prizes (as
expected), I was able to One-Hit KO two
Medicham ex, using POW! Hand Extension to
take care of his second one. I also decided
to establish Pidgeot mid-game, because that
would allow me to get enough cards I need to
seal the deal, such as Scramble and Rocket’s
Admin, and another POW! Hand Extension. I
decided to focus on Umbreon ex for my last
two prizes, because 1) he has a Holon’s
Electrode attached that is vulnerable to
POW! Hand Extension, and 2) I have no
ex-Pokemon in play, so he must KO one of my
Pokemon, thus allowing me to fall behind in
prize count 1-2, and I can use POW! Hand
Extension and Scramble. So I utilize my
Pidgeot, POW! Hand Extension away his
Holon’s Electrode to his Meditite on his
Bench, and Clutch away for the win.
Win 5-2
Top 16: vs. Paul (different Paul – Golem LM/Jolteon
My game plan was to use Protective Orb,
fully set up my army of Pokemon, and to be
patient to fall behind in prizes and have a
nice amount of Scramble’s in my discard pile
or charged up on my Dark Tyranitar, so I can
One-Hit KO his Golem LM, and not give him a
chance to snipe off my Pidgeot or Magcargo.
Anyway, this was a blowout in my favor,
because he simply couldn’t draw into any
Energies. Thus, I was going straight into
charging up my Dark Tyranitar, and I didn’t
play any Rocket’s Admin or use Extra Energy
Bomb, and try to keep my hand small. Sorry
Win 6-2
Top 8: vs. Martin Moreno (Salamence d/Metagross
Wow, again I got an easy win at the expense
of my opponent’s bad luck. He has both of
his Pidgeots prized. I played accordingly,
so I wasn’t going to use Extra Energy Bomb
unless he somehow comes back to make it a
tough game, and went straight for my Dark
Tyranitar, Pidgeot, and Magcargo to keep the
game moving. I also kept charging up my 2nd
Dark Tyranitar, because I know he will be
able to KO my first one, and he did exactly
that. The 30 minutes went by fast, and I was
way ahead in prizes.
Win 7-2
Top 4: vs. Jamie Guerrero (Rock Lock)
He got really lucky against me at Worlds
2005 at top 32 against my Turn 2 Sharpedo ex
deck, but I need to stay objective and calm.
I got a decent start by going 2nd with my
Larvitar and Darkness Energy, as I had like
3 Celio’s Network in my hand. I decided to
Celio’s on turn 1 for a Jirachi DX (Wishing
Star), just to be on the safe side. He
Steven’s Advice for 2, and didn’t get
additional Basics. I almost got a cheap win
against him, but I wasn’t able to topdeck a
Rainbow Energy. (!) I played Celio’s for
Dark Pupitar, but Explosive Evolution went
Tails. He knew he would lose if he couldn’t
get a Basic Pokemon, so he Steven’s Advice
for 2 again, and guess what? He drew into 2
Jirachi DX! Oh my god! So he retreated his
Mareep, and I know the game is turning his
way. Nevertheless, I went straight for my
Spinning Tail Dark Tyranitar to put pressure
my opponent, and lay down another 1 of my
Jirachi DX. I believe that was the misplay I
made. Anyway, he got set up pretty soon
after that, because he got HEADS on his Dark
Pupitar as Active Pokemon. (!) He puts out
the Sand Damage Dark Tyranitar, got out
Pidgeot, and my chances went from slim to
Lost 8-2
You actually play a 3rd place match to
determine 3rd at State Championships, so
I’ll be playing for 3rd place…
3rd Place Match: vs. Lik L. (Ludicolo/Magcargo)
I never let him get started until it was too
late. I play 2 Rocket’s Admin early, while I
set up my Spinning Tail Dark Tyranitar and
my army of Pokemon. I wasn’t going to use
Extra Energy Bomb at all, because even
though I didn’t know what was in his prizes,
I knew he was struggling big time to get set
up. Eventually he took a prize by KO on my
Jirachi HL (Make a Wish), and I took
advantage of that with Scramble energy and
Dark Tyranitar’s Spinning Tail. He made a
mistake where he forgot to use Ludicolo’s
Happy Dance before he attacked with his
Vulpix. That was huge! I wasn’t going to let
him take it back – there’s too much at
stake. So his Ludicolo with Happy Dance has
20 damage and 2 Water Energy. I simply
played POW! Hand Extension, charge up a Dark
Energy (total of 5 energy – Dark, Heal,
Scramble, behind in prizes), and KO’d with
Bite Off. The game went downhill for him
from that point on, with me simply focusing
on Spinning Tail everything he has left.
Win 9-2
I’m not being a meanie for not letting him
change his play. It’s a competitive game. I
know my opponents are not going to let me
take things back – period. So, you have to
think before you act.
Overall, I was happy with my performance. I
did give up an unnecessary prize against
Rock Lock in the semi-finals, and didn’t
play my best in Round 5, but I thought I
executed my game plan, and certainly was
adapting and adjusting to in-game situations
from top 32 and forward.
So thanks for reading my deck report.
+ Ross (Pidgeotto Trainer) and Articjedi144
for helping me tweaking my initial deck, and
offering their insights/strategies on using
it. You guys may remember Ross was the
runner-up at Worlds ’05. So many thanks to
+ My friends Sam and Josh for having a good
1st premiere tournament experience. I helped
them tweak their decks a bit, and they at
least had a shot at making top 32.
+ Various players across US for helpful
suggestions and comments on metagame, deck
strategies, etc. You guys rock – I am
learning how to become a great player.
- Started so late, and ended so late, almost
midnight! I understand the computer issues
and the very large attendance, but still
That’s all folks. I don’t think I can make
Regionals, so I’ll have to look ahead into
Holon Phantom Prerelease, and Gym
Again, please send any suggestions or
comments to
wilhung53@aim.com .
Take care,
William Hung