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William Hung

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William Hung's Underground Card Laboratory
Review and Analysis of Pokemon TCG State Championships
March 23, 2006

Hello all,
With the Pokemon TCG State Championships just finished, it's time to look through the results, and see where things stand right now.  More importantly, since the next Pokemon TCG set - EX: Holon Phantom will come after Regionals, it's a good idea to analyze the results from State Championships, and to perform well in Regionals.
I will go ahead and credit the source www.pokegym.net for the use and interpretation of State Championships results and reports.
Ludicolo x2 (Alabama and Minnesota)
Machamp x3 (Oklahoma, New Jersey, and Florida)
Camerupt ex (Kentucky)
Medicham x4 (Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, and Delaware)
Nidoqueen x2 (Missouri and Massachusetts)
Meganium (Nevada)
Politoed (North Carolina)
LBS x9 (Arizona, Colorado, Indiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Oregon)
Gengar (Kansas)
Dragtrode (Louisiana-Lugia/Steelix, Texas-Classic)
Le Metro (Rhode Island)
Rock-Lock x2 (California and Illinois)
Metanite (New York)
Flariados (South Carolina)
Flygon ex (Virginia)
Unknown (Utah, Maine)
Moon Rock (Wisconsin)
POW! Block (Alberta - Canada)
Manectric ex Rogue (New Mexico)
These are the decks that won State/Provincial Championships in age 15+ group.  I seriously recommend parents out there wanting to help their children in upcoming Regionals to check this website, to gain some ideas about your children's respective age divisions, 10 and under, and 11-14.
So I would like to apologize that pretty much all of my articles so far, has tendency bias toward my age group, 15 and older (15+).  Nevertheless, 15+ division is the toughest division, without a doubt.  There are too many talented Pokemon TCG players in 15+, in my humble opinion, many places across the world.  Therefore, if a given deck can handle the heat in 15+, it should be able to handle the younger divisions.
I'm not saying you younger folks don't need to take your own metagame into considerations.  However, for the most part, you can make appropriate adjustments to the top decks in 15+ and take care of business.
Based on the results from 15+, it may look safe to say LBS - or Lugia ex/Blastoise ex/Steelix ex, as the #1 deck.  However, other notable decks, like Espeon ex/Medicham ex, Rock Lock, Machamp made a very strong showing as well.  The other statistic I've omitted, and very hard/impossible to acquire, will be the number of top 4's, and in some cases top 8's the forementioned decks made.
The metagame in general, and leading to Regionals, is very diverse and wide open.  For instance, Wisconsin is a very competitive State.  And a 15+ player manages to win with Lunatone and Solrock, through disruption and bench damage.  I will have a closer look at some of the "rogue" or "random" decks that won State Championships, but my point is that creativity, practice, and determination is paying huge dividends.
That's quite a bit of information for you folks to absorb.  Until next time, go ahead, as usual post any comments or replies at wilhung53@aim.com.
Best Wishes,
William Hung


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