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William Hung

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William Hung's Underground Card Laboratory
Coral Springs Gym Challenge Report
May 31, 2006

Coral Springs Gym Challenge 2006
BRADS Sportscards
Coral Springs, FL
18 players in age 15+
May 28, 2006
Hello trainers,
I am going to keep this report short and sweet.  I thought about running Dustox ex/Muk, but Dark TTar and Dragtrode really made me reconsider. Thus, I chose a "safe" deck - Flariados. It turns out it's not safe at all,

because people are really prepared for it, and secondly, out of the 18 players in my age group 15+, 3 others ran it. (!)

No decklists - sorry.  Again, check out other sites and forums.  (Big hint already, since I may make a few tweaks and use this in my other Gym Challenges.)  I will describe Flariados as a deck that takes advantage of speed and special conditions, with both Ariados UF and Flareon ex.

There were a few Anti-Flariados decks to boot! Yay! I am in for a roller coaster.

Round 1: vs. Bianchi - DragTrode
This is one of the more difficult matchups. I had an early lead, with a decent start, but he caught up in prizes 3-3 when he Warp Point, and I decided to sacrifice my Flareon ex. I focused on Rocket's Sneasel ex the entire game, and managed to KO 2 of them. Nevertheless, he got a lot more HEADS than TAILS, like 10/13. That really hurts me, because every turn the game extends, the more likely he draw stadiums to counter my Battle Frontier and get set up. He eventually did, and I had to keep using Spider Trap on main attacking Pokemon.

I thought I made a really bad play at the end, when prizes are tied 1-1. I decided to Spider Trap Dark Dragonite with 40 damage. He has another Dark Dragonite, and I couldn't counter Desert Ruins. I thought it was awful, but it wasn't. Because he had 3 Darkness and a Rainbow. If he stayed Asleep, which is 50%, then he will remain Poison when it's my turn, takes 20 more damage with 2 damage counters, with 2 in between turns, and 100-30 = 70 (Reactive Poison, Burn+Confuse+Poison), so he would be KO'd for the last prize. Heartbreaking loss for me.

Loss 0-1 0pts.

I haven't won a Premiere Event or made top cuts when I lost my first game. The resistance score is on the low end, so it really puts me in a bad spot where I probably have to win out all of the remaining 4 or 5 games.

Round 2: vs. Linda - Flariados
Fun mirror. Good thing I go first, and she never got started with little or no draw power. I focused on her Ariados, and never looked back.

Win 1-1 3pts.

Round 3: vs. Omar - Nidoqueen and Pidgeot d
He plays plenty of Holon Energy GL. It's like the ultimate anti-Flariados. Flariados needs Special Conditions, and Holon Energy GL prevents that when you have a Grass Energy attached already to a non-ex Pokemon. I got ahead again, and wanted to find a way to keep that lead for 30 minutes, but I sensed that I can't do it without winnning the entire game, taking all 6 prizes. I played accordingly.

However, toward the end, his draw cards like Steven's Advice, KO on my last Ariados, and a perfectly-timed Rocket's Admin sealed my fate today. Today is not meant to be, with only a cut to top 4.

Loss 1-2 3pts.

I am pretty sure I can't make it, because with 18 players and 5 rounds, I am 95% certain that only 4-1's will make it. But I played it out anyway.

Round 4: vs. Patrick - Turn 2 Arcanine ex, Lunarock
It wasn't easy for me to settle into the game. He got a pretty good start, and start attacking both my Active and Bench with Overrun. He focused on my Eevees, so his gameplan was smart. I carefully evolved to Flareon ex and attack hard with Ariados with Reactive Poison. I also used one of my Flareon ex to get some KOs with Heat Tackle. I dominated and won relatively easily. Energy Removal 2's help a lot.

Win 2-2 6pts.

Round 5: vs. Straight Dark TTar
He never drew enough Energies. I used my Energy Removal 2 to enhance his problem. He's pretty "stubborn" with 3 Mr. Briney's Compassion (!), but he had a hard time keeping Energies in play. That ultimately costed him.

Win 3-2 9pts.

Well I certainly saw interesting decks, including new versions of Lugia ex/Blastoise ex/Steelix ex, and Crawdaunt ex/Claydol.  I'll just keep my head up some more GC's next weekend.

Finished 8th and got 4 boosters as consolation.  Pulling Crawdaunt ex and Holon's Castform is quite useful. 

As usual, please post comments or suggestions at wilhung53@aim.com.

Best Wishes,
William Hung


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