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William Hung

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William Hung's Underground Card Laboratory
US Nationals 1st place deck - you'll be surprised...
July 20, 2006

Hello all,
I know this article may be a bit late, but since it's been one of the hottest decks for discussion in the forum since it won US Nationals, it's definitely worth the time for me to give it a shot and discuss it as well.
It is the Raichu/Eggs deck.  It primary uses Raichu delta and Exeggutor delta to hit fast and hard, and rounds out the deck with Latios delta and Latias delta to handle annoying decks such as Lunarock and Shedinja decks.
Pokemon (25)
4x Pikachu d
4x Raichu d
4x Exeggcute d
4x Exeggutor d
1x Latios d (with Poke-Body)
1x Latias d (without Poke-Body)
4x Holon's Castform
3x Holon's Magnemite
Trainers (26)
4x Holon Transceiver
3x Holon Mentor
2x Holon Researcher
1x Holon Scientist
1x Holon Adventurer
2x Swoop! Teleporter
4x Cursed Stone
2x Pokemon Retreiver
2x Rocket's Admin
1x Scott
2x Mary's Request
2x Protective Orb
Energies (9)
4x Metal
3x Scramble
2x Double Rainbow
Again, I am building the deck based on what I saw in the deck contents in the Finals - and they were "mirror" decks.  Haha - within a few different Trainer cards.
Have fun - strategy is pretty easy because you Zzzzzzap decks with lots of Poke-Powers and Poke-Bodies, while you get aggressive with Exeggutor delta against decks that doesn't rely on them so much or decks such as Mewtric or Mynx.
William Hung 

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