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William Hung

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William Hung's Underground Card Laboratory
Deck Idea - Flying Assault
August 7, 2006

Hello trainers,
I've come up with a fun, yet viable deck idea - Flygon ex working together with its pre-evolution Delta Species (Trapinch d, Vibrava d), Holon Ruins, and Magcargo (Smooth Over).  This is not my original idea, as it is inspired by one of the decks I've faced at Arizona Gym Challenge.
I will give out the deck list first, then elaborate.
Pokemon (20):
4x Plusle DX (Call for Family)
2x Slugma UF
2x Magcargo (Smooth Over)
4x Trapinch d
2x Vibrava d
4x Flygon ex
1x Psyduck d
1x Golduck d
Trainers (25):
4x Holon Ruins
1x Fluffy Berry
1x Switch
3x Steven's Advice
3x Rocket's Admin
1x Holon Scientist
4x Prof. Elm's Training Method
4x Rare Candy
4x Super Scoop Up
Energies (15):
5x Grass
5x Lightning
2x Rainbow
3x Boost
Your ideal start is Plusle, but starting with Trapinch d is not too bad either. 
Turn 1: So let's say you start with Plusle.  You attach, let's say a Lightning Energy, Call for Family for Slugma and Trapinch d.
Turn 2: You very ideally would like to retreat, have Holon Ruins, Rare Candy, Boost Energy, another non-Boost Energy, and Prof. Elm's Training Method/Flygon ex itself.  If you don't have all the components, then try to set up Magcargo first, Call for Family and set up Golduck d if possible (assuming neither of the 1-1 line are prized).
Turn 3: You usually could get Flygon ex ready to blast away for a 100 damage.
Obviously, you only start with Plusle DX about 35%-40% of the time.  That means the other majority of the time, you'll have to contend with a slower set up, probably turn 4 or turn 5 depending on your starting Active Pokemon and your starting hand.
Overall, that is not a big issue.  The biggest issue is against decks that you cannot One-Hit KO your opponent's Pokemon, while they can One-Hit KO your Flygon ex.  Decks such as Lugia ex/Blastoise ex, Spinning Tail Dark T-Tar variations, or even Zapdos ex/Raqyuaza ex.
You win some, you lose some.  But this deck is simply cool.  If you can get out 2-3 Flygon ex, you should score more wins than losses.  For a fun deck, that's not too bad - as I will continue to playtest and improve this deck.
Have fun,
William Hung

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