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William Hung

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William Hung's Underground Card Laboratory
A deck fix and a look at Metagross deck
September 14, 2006

Hello everyone,
I don't post a whole lot of deck fixes, but this one is worth a look, because Metagross DS have some serious potential to be really good.
Here's a deck list that's given to me:
2Mew EX HP
4Psyduck HP
4Golduck HP
2Eevee (Energy Evolution)
2Jolteon EX
2Beldum DS
1metang DS
2Metagross DS
2 Holon Castform
3 Holon Mentors
2Holon Scientist
2Holon Lass
2Holon Transceiver
2Celios Network
2Super Scoop up
2Power Tree
2Holon Lake/1Holon Lake   1 Holon Ruins
2Rare Candy
3Mr.stones Project
5 Psychic
10 Electric
Initial Evaluation: I think this deck is trying to do too much - and I think it is also "fancy syndrome".  Jolteon ex and Metagross DS don't work well together.  Also Mew ex HP doesn't belong with Metagross DS.
Jolteon ex looks to spread damage, so it works better with Pokemon such as Shiftry ex CG.  (Please refer to card spoilers if you need help in various websites.)
Mew ex HP works best in a disruption deck, and a deck that can take full advantage based on knowledge of your opponent's hand.  Unfortunately, with Rocket's Admin gone, I don't see a significant advantage in playing Mew ex HP.  The DX-on format so far projects simply big hands, and if you can develop a stronger draw engine than your opponents, you'll win.
Thus, we need to not only focus on Metagross DS, we need to do ourselves a favor by tuning up the Trainers department.
Pokemon Fixes: 4-4 Golduck HP is overkill.  Also, since Metagross DS requires a lot of Energy over the course of the game, you need some kind of Energy Acceleration, and Dragonite d (DS) have a lot of synergy to Metagross DS.  Also Magcargo DX (Smooth Over) will help greatly, as well as starting with a Pokemon that sets up consistently, such as Tauros CG or Plusle DX - Call for Family.
Trainer Fixes: Since I am choosing to include Magcargo DX, Holon Adventurer is mandatory.  Also, Windstorm is included for a very important counter against Cessation Crystal.  I included 2, but depending on the metagame, you may need 3.
Energies: Since your primary attacker is Metagross d, Metal Energy, Double Rainbow, d Rainbow are also self-explanatory.  I include 2 d Rainbow, but you can keep them as Lightning as well.
Since I totally revamped the deck, I will simply provide the new deck list:
Metanite (DX-on)
Energies (16):
        6 Lightning Energy
        4 Metal Energy
        2 d Rainbow Energy
        4 Double Rainbow Energy
Trainers (20):
        2 Fluffy Berry
        2 Windstorm
        2 Holon Adventurer
        2 Holon Transceiver
        2 Holon Scientist
        2 Holon Ruins
        4 Rare Candy
        4 Celio's Network
Pokemon (24):
        4 Tauros CG
        3 Dragonite d
        2 Dragonair d1
        3 Dratini d1
        2 Magcargo DX1
        2 Slugma UF
        3 Metagross d
        2 Metang DX
        3 Beldum HL3
There is a lot of room for improvement, IMO.  But your Metagross DS will definitely work much better now.  Hope this helps.
Best Wishes,
William Hung

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