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Pojo's Pokemon Site - MonsterOfTheLake's Lake - 5 Tips for Beginners
 | MonsterOfTheLake's Lake |  |
5 Tips for Beginners
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I'm aiming for at least a biweekly edition of MonsterOfTheLake's Lake™. No promises. Send in feedback -- I'd like to see what you peoples think, eh?
This article is for the new players, who are trying to cross the bridge from noobship to intermediate..ship? I don't quite think that's a word, but that didn't stop Shakespeare, and I'm way, way better than Shakespeare.
Summer's gone, eh? |

So you started playing Pokémon, despite all the social incentives not to. You even went to a few Battle Roads. But you are still having problems. Some of those kids/creepy 30+ year olds just seem to destroy you at these events! Your deck doesn't function well, and they always draw the cards that they need. Unless they're cheating, they clearly are better than you at this game. The following list should help you see into our -- the good players' -- minds. Yes, I'm a good player, shut up Pooka.
It's relatively straightforward, but you have to cross these barriers to advance. I'll help you cross those barriers! We will even KICK those barriers. Which will hurt our toes. But that's fine! No pain, no gain, and competitive Pokémon is no different than, say, chessboxing. Especially if you're playing Seena.
The List
Sorted by descending numerical order, starting from the number "5." Plus a bonus honorary entry 5.5!
5.5) Listen to others! |
An honorary mention of one of the primary goals of the SOTG, or at least I assume it is, as I never read the rulebook.
A phenomenon that is particularly familiar with the 11-14 class is that they tend to be quite arrogant, and refuse help, unlike the 10-, who appreciate it; but by no means does this only apply to them. As Martin Moreno stated some four years ago:
The Pokémon playing metagame is based on the ideas and strategies of many players put together. You should not at all feel like any less of a competent player if you ask a buddy of yours what they think of an improvement you make on your deck. It is in fact a "Trading Card Game", there is nothing wrong with swapping strategies and ideas, as well as cards.
Listen to other people! Ask for help! Send your decks to Arbok14's Hollow! Friendship and cooperation will win you more games than sulking and steadfastly playing the same flawed deck.

Spike giving a new player some advice |
5) Playtest often |
No one wins tournaments without practicing, unless you're Martin Moreno. Playtest, playtest, playtest -- I can't stress how important this is! All the best players constantly test new ideas, and concentrate on one or two decks soon before a tournament, so that they are prepared for most scenarios.
If you live in a region that doesn't have many players, you can always play online! Click here to obtain Apprentice and the latest patch, and you're set -- you can play Pokémon online! Visit the PoJo forums to find people to play with.
Online or at league, playtesting is one of the most important aspects of the game for a person who wants to win events.

4) Teching properly |
A TecH is, in abstract, a card that is situational. As resident Yu-Gi-Oh (barf!) genius GeneralZorpa states:
Tech is an interesting concept. It is generally what we add to standard decks to make them our own and adjust them to our own play style. [...] People also use tech in order to counter current trends in the metagame.
Techs are, used properly, vital. They turn your autolosses into fair games, and give you the upper hand in mirror.
Overteching does the opposite. It's important to tech just the right amount. The main culprit for overteching is being overconcerned -- if you find yourself taking out important parts of your deck, or losing consistency, you have breached the gates of Overtechia. That's a real country. Right next to Kanto.
In summary? Teching is beneficial, but not when you overdo it. Just like pancakes.

A dangerous TecH |
3) Consistency matters |
A good trainer engine is really, REALLY important. A bad deck with a great trainer engine can beat other decks. There have been T2 (that is, decks that are already set up and attacking by the second turn) decks since the dawn of Pokémon -- go go Haymaker! -- which have relied on a ludicrously consistent and fast trainer engine, and it is not just the T2 decks that rely on sturdy trainer engines.
Have enough card search, draw, disruption, healing, and perhaps even a fancy little stadium. Just don't play Potion. Ever.

Search cards win games! |
2) Know your metagame |
Know. Your. Metagame.
Simply put, metagaming is super, duper important. You don't want to play Charizard when everyone in your region is playing Blastoise.
Metagaming is to adjust and adapt. Survival of the fittest, if you will. Know what you're going to play against at tournaments, and build a deck accordingly. If your deck just can not beat a particular deck even when teched for it, and if that deck is popular in your area, don't play that deck. It doesn't matter how unfair you think that deck is, and nor do your opinions about people who play archetypes. Play to win.

Kingdra decks are currently the popular-est |
1) Have confidence! |
Above all else, have confidence in yourself! Don't be arrogant, but by all means, be confident. Trust yourself to make the right plays, play the right deck, and your ability.
Being confident will help you not just win Pokémon tournaments, but succeed in life as well. Believe in yourself!

BigChuck01's supreme confidence has led him to conquer the 2002 World Championship |
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