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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Muk Man on Pokemon
Muk Man's Season Chronicles
Since I plan on going to worlds this year, I
decided to chronicle my season. I hope that others may learn
for my experience, and take the proper steps towards
becoming a better pokemon player. I am also doing this so
when I leave the game I will have something to reflect upon.
My Road
To Worlds…
Episode 2 “A New Hope…”
I’ve been testing out this new deck on apprentice and
tweaking it with proxy matches. Man, this is turning out to
be a good deck. After seeing Kevin’s’ Scizor deck, Jims’
Flygon, and the other decks that my main competition is
running, I feel good about it. I just hope all my cards get
here in time. THANKSGIVING!!!! I forgot I lost a postal day
due to the holiday in the middle of the week. Oh well, I
still have plenty of experience with Flaridos, I’ll keep the
Hypno tech because I plan on swarming so Houndoom won’t work
as well. Four Rounds cut to top 4 Game 1 It’s a Mirror
Match, so I’m glad I threw in those 2 Holon GL. But a
drowzee start with multiple disables to her call for family
eevee allowed me to set up before she could. Plus I hit
heads on 5 stun poisons. (1-0) Game 2. Banette ex, kind of
worried about this game, his deck is the only one in the
current format faster than mines. But tails on sleep checks
and, misplays with his energy placement give me 6-1 prize
lead. (2-0) Game 3 Metanite, this guy here…full setup turn 4
while I never see any eevees or Aridos’ till he’s taken 4
prizes. (2-1) Game 4 Raieggs I’ve known Kay for a little
while, and actually helped her build her deck, so I’m
worried because I know it’s capable of beating me. But as
she struggles to pull energy I power up an eevee. And as
soon as she plays cessation crystal, I evolve to Espeon ex
and take all 6 prizes with no trouble. (3-1)
3rd place so I play my round 3 opponent.
Both Games went close with him using Dragonite d to power up
a Latios d ex, which left Espeon ex and Flareon ex useless.
But with a surprise play in game 2, I was able to snag a
win, sending us to a 3rd game. Time is called so the firs
prize wins. Latios* vs. Aridos. I trap him and he wakes up
both times healing light so I have to drop the combo on him
to win. I Mary’s request, and master ball with no luck, and
no Flareon. But Metanite finishes 1st and 2nd so I expect to
see more of it. Monday morning the mail comes and all my
cards have arrived. I sleeve them all and prepare for a
weekend of cities. First up Cary, NC. Followed by Fairfax
Stay tuned for the next installment. Episode 3 “Sink or
Swim, The deck of destiny, will is work?”
Since I am switching decks here is my version of Flaridos
Pokemon 20
4 Spinerak
4 Aridos
4 Eevee
3 Flareon ex
1 Espeon ex
2 Holons Electrode
1 Drowzee DS
1 Hypno DS
Trainers 28
4 Mary’s Request
4 Super Scoop ups
3 Energy Removal 2’s
2 Island Hermits
2 Copycats
2 Castaway (Grab Root, Grass energy and another
2 Professor Elms
2 Energy Roots
2 Masterballs
2 Battle Frontier
2 Full Flame
1 Professor Oaks
Energy 12
6 Grass
4 Multi
2 Holon GL (mirror match)