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Muk Man on Pokemon Since I plan on going to worlds this year, I decided to chronicle my season. I hope that others may learn for my experience, and take the proper steps towards becoming a better pokemon player. I am also doing this so when I leave the game I will have something to reflect upon.
My Road To Worlds… Episode 4 “Super Stantler to the rescue …”
So after Stantler’s impressive performance 2
weeks ago, I’ve decided that I should give it another week
to prove it’s worth. The only problem is I lent my Stantlers
to one of the kids in my league, and I decided to change the
pokemon line to help with the deck’s only weakness. So I
take the drive down to SC, and make some horrible trades for
the cards I need. (I was desperate so I traded 2 Umbreon EX
for the few cheap cards I needed) As the start time draws
near, I cant help but feel guilty, because I drove 4 ˝ hours
to get here but 6 hours could take me to my grandmother
who’s main heart valve is deteriorating. I push it to the
back of my mind.
Game 1 starts. (Sally
d ex/Sally ex/T-tar d (crush draw) Basically I gave this
game away. I have 2 basics in hand and 1 energy with Marys
and random stuff, do I go with the latios d ex start or
Stantler? I decide on Stantler. Which was bad because he
only had Slugma for 2 turns. Anyay, I start pushing away,
but can’t get to my cessation crystals or stadiums till late
which allowed him to use powers and set up. He still gives
up a lot of prizes, but playing my celio’s to grab Cubone 1
turn too late. Allowed him to KO a Stantler for his last
prize. So Many misplays cost me the game. But taking 5
prizes showed that Stantler has what it takes to win.
Game 2 (Gardy???)
I get a Cubone start, and he gets a castform start. I go
first and beat for 20. He has no transceivers or mentors, so
he plays a Ralts and another castform and draws 1. I evolve
to Marrowak play Holons Electrode, something on the bench
and energy bone KO and 20 to the Ralts. He sends castform
up. Top decks a mentor, but has to discard a Gardy ex to use
it. He then delta draws. He didn’t get anything so I just
start to metal crusher every pokemon till he scoops.
Game 3 (megalix)
Stantler start against his Castform. I play an energy and
pass. He draws. Plays Power Tree and then Holon something.
Rare candy his Chikorita to Meganium ex on the bench. He
knew I would start to push away so my phrases is… “Use em or
lose em”. Soon as he does that I play cursed stone and
Cessation Crystal then I push away, he only has 2 cards in
hand. This goes on for several turns till cursed stone takes
out Megainum ex and Marrowak KO’s all the other basics.
Game 4 (Flygon d/Alteria ex)
I had this game all planned out. And everything is going
according to plan. I lock his Flygon d with Stantler and
Cessation Crystal. And push away his transceivers. But his
top decks are keeping him alive. Eventually it comes down to
him koing a latios d ex. Then comes my new tech…DEWGONG+Scramble+Solid
Rage. I smack Flygon for 80, he can only hit me for 40, and
I only need 2 prizes to win. Then outta nowhere Battle
Frontier for the KO. I confuse Flygon with Stantler but a
new one comes up and wins the game…. WHO PLAYS BATTLE
FRONTIER IN FLYGON??? 2-2 Game 5 (Banette/Hariyama) People always ask how I beat banny. This is the textbook example. I go first. I play water hit Shuppet for 10. He plays mentor grabs Tropius d Sableye, and Makuhita. And he then ascends. I play Cubone to the bench attach an energy then play Cessation Crystal to Stantler and then hit him for 10 and confusion. Banny is at 20 he attaches energy to Banny then tries to play Tropius…cessation crystal stops this and since his energy is attached he tries to attack, tails Banny is now at 50. I attach energy and then push away the only trainer is his hand Banny is at 70. He can’t KO me, so he retreats and sends Tropius to grind for 10. I retreat Stantler. Play latios d ex, a cursed stone, and energy bone his banny for a prize. Next turn I KO Tropius and he sends Hariyama. I then use latios d ex and ice barrier for the game because cursed stone takes out Sableye. 3-2
I finish 7thTop 8 Flygon d ex (round 4 opponent) I gave away Game 1 because I wasn’t calculating the sand-damage so my dual Latios d ex went down together. Game 2 I get a latios start. I lock him with Holon legacy and pound away at his basics with Latios d ex. He attacks me with Flygon d (non-ex) I let the Dewgong I powered up ohko it. He doesn’t run farmer so he has no way to get around latios d ex. Game 3 we have 15 minutes. I get a Dewgong start, and start hitting his Flygon (he has to evolve early) he plays battler frontier, forgetting he shut of his own Flygon so he can’t power up the ex. I retreat and send up Latios and ice barrier. I get greedy and KO it. Then he plays Alteria ex powers up another Flygon ex just as fast and swings the game in his favor. I play Stantler with cessation crystal. Then cursed stone. He is confused and KO’s his own Flygon ex when he flips 2/3 tails. I win
Top 4 Delta a.k.a RaieggsBefore I changed the pokemon lines this was an auto loss, now it is an auto win. Game 1 I get a Dewgong turn 2, he is unfamiliar with the card, and discards his cessation crystals for Holon mentor. I let Dewgong and Marrowak walk all 5 prizes, he scoops when he sees that. Game 2 I get a Cubone start and have Marrowak energy bone all his pikachus leaving his castform alive. Once I have a Dewgong set up I attach energy root and I KO his castform. He then metallic thunders, but it’s not enough, next turn I take out Raichu and a pikachu at the same time. He uses cessation crystal to split bomb Marrowak and then to KO a Dewgong with delta circle. But I farmer it back and win just as quickly he only takes 2 prizes this time.
Finals MetaniteGame 1 as I barley stay alive, I never get more than one pokemon on my bench but amazingly with the horrible set up I still take 4 prizes. His stadium and windstorm top decks put him over the edge. Game 2 I get Stantler pushing his trainers early, but his agility flips give him enough time to get a minor set up. But I pushed away all transceivers and stadiums so Holon legacy and Dewgong set Marrowak up for a bench kill. Game 3 game 2 was so intense we lost track of time I get Stantler out and pushing early, everything he top decks with delta draw I push away so he only gets 1 Dragonite and 1 Metagross set up. But his bench has heavy damage from cursed stone and retreating after so much. I have a Marrowak and Dewgong fully powered and Metagross and Dragonite are at 50 and 70 damage. Time is called he retreats a Beldum and KO’s Stantler for the win.
2nd place. So I drove the 4 hours home reliving all the days’ misplays, in my head figuring out how to improve, and after talking about the games with my team members, they convinced me not to release the deck list yet. So I will stick with Super Stantler till the next set is released, then I will post the list. Plus I have 3 more cities to go to….
Super Stantler, second place…? Can Stantler really win…? And what about that other deck, what was it, where is it? Stay tuned for the next installment. Episode 5 “The New Deck vs. Super Stantler”
~Muk Man~ P.S. Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!
For questions or comments, send an email to Treluv3@Excite.com
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