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Muk Man on Pokemon Since I plan on going to worlds this year, I decided to chronicle my season. I hope that others may learn for my experience, and take the proper steps towards becoming a better pokemon player. I am also doing this so when I leave the game I will have something to reflect upon.
My Road To Worlds… Episode 7 “The Evolution of Muk Man” So I decided to move to Memphis so that I could save money as I continued to look for new employment. I had been playing with a Scizor deck and decided to try it, since I knew I would play Stantler in NC. I went to SC States and went 4-2 missing top cut, with my game losses coming to inexperience with playing the deck. The next day in NC I played Stantler with the same record, but both losses coming to Raieggs round 2-3, normally it’s not a problem, but I decided to play Raichu d which made my delta match up horrible…DEWGONG IS THE BEST So I took the week off and went to Miami as you and see…
The rest of the time, I start tweaking the several decks that I plan to play at regionals, Super Stantler, Light & Loud, and Scizorgross. So I drive all they way to Delaware, and scramble to make some bad trades to get the last Scizor ex I need. I know there was a lot of delta so I decided to hold off on Stantler. Game 1 vs. Fossil deck I get the scyther start, and once I get Scizor out , there is nothing in his deck that can hurt me I take 6 prizes pretty quick. But I almost decked myself because of my decks speed, so I take note on pacing my play 1-0 Game 2 vs. Metanite I don’t remember much about this game except I had my scizor’s out, but I couldn’t get a single Metagross to counter his Lugia, and I couldn’t get a stadium to stay out long enough to do any damage he wins but I do get 2 prizes…lol. I take note on how important Metagross is in this match up. 1-1 Game 3 vs. Super Stantler Of course when I saw the match up I realized how tough the match up would be. I had to go up Early in order to have a chance. Since I built the deck I have the perfect strategy for picking it apart. I do just that, and have enough time to give tips to TimeforPain so that he will do well the rest of the day.(and he does) 2-1 Game 4 vs.??? I get a turn 2 Scizor against his lone Magikarp, so I never saw the rest of his deck. 3-1 Game 5 vs. Char izard d Again I get a turn 2 Scizor And run through his basics while he struggles to pull energy. He does get off a peel of thunder, with just enough damage to KO me, but I send in Scizor ex and get the metal back and end the game from there 4-1 (After standings are posted I see that I am 9th and my resistance is such, that if I lose I might not make cut….I know that I will never forgive myself if I don’t top cut when it’s T16) Game 6 vs. Shiftry/Scizor After reading his report he says he loses on purpose…that would explain why turn4 he uses blade arm for 80-30 to put my Scizor at 90 after Scyther took 40 from plunder. I simply cross cut, every thing till he gets his own Scizor powered and takes me out. Since I only needed one more prize, I send up Metagross then play warp point I have Latias powered and his benched Seedot goes down. 5-1 I finish 6th place and I’m facing MSN, in round 1. I know it is a tough match up, but Scizor’s speed and power gives me the advantage. Top16 vs. MSN Game 1 that is what happens, I start cross cutting everything before he can get all three lines out. Game 2 is a little closer, cause I get a SSLLLOWWWW start while his delta draws give him everything. But I play it smart and keep it close not giving him anything more than basics on the bench. Late game all his Castforms are prized and he’s burned 3 transcievers already. He can’t get the farmer so he can’t mudslide. Cross Cut for the last two prizes. Top 8 vs. Metanite I get the worst starting hand all day, the only reason I wasn’t turned 3, is because he also had a slow start, but no energy for 5-6 urns means I scoop to save time. Game 2 I Get a Scizor start and start to take prizes, but I cant get Metagross out, so now his Lugia gets to ko retreat then ko Scizor again without being challenged. I lose So Scizor turned out to be a very good play on the day, but luck was not on my side as my matches coulda/ been a lot better. So now that week one of regionals is over I turn my eyes to Greensboro. But Diamond and Pearl will now be the new format for nationals. This changes everything so now I Spend the day reading spoilers trying to break the format, while I send of resumes and make phone calls looking for work. But I’m feeling good about the three decks that I’ve chosen for regionals. Now what do I play?? …and yes I tried to hold it in, but I did let one slide while reading postings… ;>) You cant blame me there were no locks on the bathroom stalls!!! Stay tuned for the next installment. Episode 8 “Regionals Round 2” ~Muk Man~ P.S. Shout outs too every one in DE, I met a great group up there. A day with no drama and FREE PIZZA For questions or comments, send an email to Treluv3@Excite.com AIM=Xx804IcemanxX WWW.Myspace.Com/ItsVA
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