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Pojo's Pokemon GO Tips
July 27, 2016

What do the rustling leaves mean in Pokemon GO?

What does the popping grass mean?

Well, to be honest, we don't think the rustling leaves mean anything. 

We think they are there simply to keep the main screen somewhat interesting.  So that you know the game hasn't frozen up. 

We've walked into them dozens of times, and found nothing exciting.  Maybe you'll find a Pokemon, but we attribute this to blind luck. 

We've had as many as four people playing the game at the same time, in tandem, in an open field and have all come to the conclusion:  They mean Jack Squat.  

Most experts around the internet have also come to the same conclusion over the first month of the game: Don't waste your time going there.  Just use the radar. Well, use the radar the best you can until Niantic fixes it anyway.   

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