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Vs. System
mental intimidation factor in any serious strategic
by rokman
Sept. 26, 2005
This is a vast game. There are multiple ways to take
advantage of your opponent. But what about the part where
you can intimidate a player? Make them scared to play you.
Were you are above them with your state of mind. A few
simple ways to do this could be done in your number of
misplays, your speed of play, how you shuffle, your
posterity and your stamina, keeping your opponent guessing,
and even the clothes on you. It seems stereotypical, but it
isn't. It is the cold, hard, sad truth.
Intimidating a player can be broken down into these general
How you portray yourself and your play style You might be
thinking, How I Portray myself? Yes, think of it like this.
You are a very rich man; you have every reverse holo card
and gold sleeves.
You’re wearing a gold suit and platinum shoes. You are a
baller. And you whip out your deck. You sit down to play a
boy. This boy is wearing a dirty brown torn shirt and his
jeans are covered in mud. His deck is torn and ruffled and
some of his sleeves are ripped. Do you not think that this
boy is shaking in his space boots? He is terrified to play
you because obviously you have the money and resources to
obtain any card and any deck. I know people will say, the
heart of the cards and if the boy is strong and believes in
himself he can win. This is very true, but we are not
talking about luck, we are talking about intimidation, two
very different things.
- Number of Misplays
When you were playing a game, whether it be now or when you
started, have you ever said, "I never thought of that!" or
"Man, if I just would of done..." When this happens and you
could of done something different for the better, it is
called a misplay. If you play a friend 50 times a day, and
during each match make 5 big misplays and your opponent
benefits from it and eventually takes the win, do you
believe your friend is scared of you? or does your friend
believe you are not a good player and you are still a n00b?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say your a n00b.
After time and practice players will see further in the game
and see the benefits they can take advantage of and how they
should play. After this happens they should have less
misplays and be a stronger confident player. If you have no
misplays in any of your games, your opponent should play
carefully, you could take advantage of a hand for the win if
you have no misplays. Now, do you think your friend will be
on his toes all match if you have no misplays?
- Your Speed of Play
A friend of mine who goes by Whicker on the gym, is crazy.
He shuffles his deck so fast, it's like a monkey tearing
through a cupcake. No offense Jordan. =D When I play him and
see how fast he draws and shuffles, my mind starts racing.
How is he this fast? Does he want to hurry? Is he wanting to
get to something quicker? I am on edge all match because I
know he is fast, but I don't know why he is. If a person
plays quickly the opponent will realize this person must
play a lot to be this quick and focused. This is one of the
key aspects to a player and how dominating and intimidating
he/she is.
- How You Shuffle
I am playing you. After I play Energy Search I lay my deck
on the table. I put both hands on the pile and start mixing
it up, like I would if we were playing Dominoes. Wouldn't
you be thinking, This is ridiculous, He shuffles like a
kid... probably plays like one also? An experienced player
will shuffle his deck quickly and with ease and grace.
Swiftly he drops his deck, "cut?" An inexperienced player
will pick his/her deck up, start to shuffle like Dominoes.
Later dropping the deck and continuously apologizing as
he/she picks it up and tries again. I would be furious, and
swiftly end the game to get away from the player. I am not
ragging on how people shuffle, but I, like most people, will
not be intimidated by a "Dominoes shuffler"
- Your Posterity and Stamina
If you slouch over mid-game and act like you don't care of
the outcome, your opponent will not be intimidated and feel
like he/she is overpowering you. A great player will keep
sitting straight up, focused and full attention on the game,
not being distracted by anyone or anything around him or
Great posterity and stamina is what separates the n00bs form
the gods. If you played through one hundred games and are
not at all affected by drowsiness or losing attention and if
your misplay count isn't increasing at an exponential rate,
you would be considered a fantastic player. A great example
of this type of player is Yamato of Japan. Many of you may
or may not know this, but Yamato was up for hours and hours
playing and playing challengers at the World Championship
05. After hundreds of games, was he affected drastically?
No. Maybe one or two more misplays, but that alone is an
amazing feat. An accomplishment many of the greatest players
could not achieve to this day.
- Keeping Your Opponent Guessing
If I use Magcargo's Smooth Over and you are positive to what
the card is, the exact card I would need to win. Say, Warp
Point. And then on your turn you purposely place your main
attacker on the bench to benefit from the Warp Point But
then, it was an Ancient technical machine: Rock. And your
opponent plays it for the win. A player can easily and
quickly take an enormous lead by keeping your opponent
thinking they know what your doing, but doing quite the
The funny thing is, many great players usually follow these
guidelines, but a small handful do the opposite. They do
this so that during the match, you believe your better and
more experienced then them, and then they annihilate you.
Only to make it hurt worse. That is what a lot of people
call, "getting pwned." But being a conservative, focused,
humble player, and intimidate any foe, is what most will
strive to achieve...
I hope someone can benefit from my Article. Thank You
<>< rokman