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Pojo's Pokemon News
Nintendo News: Pokémon Mystic Ticket and Pikachu VW Beetle
July 13, 2005

Pokémon Booth At Comic-Con International 2005 Allows Fans A Chance To Catch Ho-Oh And Lugia And Win A Pikachu VW Beetle

From Thursday, July 14th to Sunday, July 17th, Pokémon players and fans
attending the 2005 Comic-Con International in San Diego, CA will have a chance to catch two of the hottest Pokémon around – Ho-Oh and Lugia!  Comic-Con International is the largest comics and pop culture convention in the country with over 87,000 attendees in 2004.

Each day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., fans can visit Booth 2029, and receive the Mystic Ticket, which gives you the opportunity to catch Ho-Oh and Lugia.

Fans will need to bring their Game Boy Advance system, Pokémon FireRed, Pokémon LeafGreen or Pokémon Emerald Game Pak and a wireless adapter to download the Mystic Ticket.

Be sure to stop by the Pokémon booth for your chance to win a custom Pikachu VW Beetle!

The debut of the Pokémon Trading Card Game in 1996 initiated the trading card game phenomenon worldwide. Fueled by organized play programs around the world and the crossover popularity of the video games, movies and television show, the trading card game cemented Pokémon as a cultural icon.

The current expansion sets have spurred global sales totaling more than 13 billion cards.

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