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Pojo's Pokemon News Friday, 09.29.06 Loretta has some more Pokemon Toy News again today about new Mystery Dungeon hardware cases. It's in our News Section today. The Places to Play the Pokemon TCG List has been updated to add a league in add a league in Delaware and a league in NJ. Link to the leagues websites were also added. Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Double Full Heal from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung checks it out. News from Japan: "Fans stand in line for five hours to buy new Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl - There is no shortage of popular Nintendo DS games on the Japanese market, and today the system got two more. Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl launched today, and again Tokyo saw fans lining up in scenes reminiscent of the Final Fantasy III DS launch last month. (The games will hit the US in mid-November.)" - Full Story at Gamespot. Thursday, 09.28.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Cessation Crystal from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung and Muk Man have reviews. Wednesday, 09.27.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Mysterious Shard from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung has a review. Tuesday, 09.26.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Crystal Shard from Crystal Guardian. Will and Muk have reviews. ClownMaster opens the door to his GBA Team Garage today with a look at Rich's Team. The Places to Play the Pokemon TCG List has been updated to add a league in Delaware. A link to the league website was also added. Monday, 09.25.06 Loretta has some more Pokemon News. Today she has details about new DVD's, new tins & new Game Boy Advances she found in stores. It's in our News Section today. Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Holon Circle from Crystal Guardian. Computer Guy, Will and Muk have reviews. Saturday, 09.23.06 Our GBA Pokemon of the Week is Miltank. Reeve milks this one for all its worth. Friday, 09.22.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Wigglytuff from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung, Muk Man and Computer Guy have reviews. Thursday, 09.21.06 Loretta has some more Pokemon News. Today she has details about new DVD's she found in stores. It's in our News Section today. Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Swalot from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung, Muk Man and Computer Guy have reviews. Fernando Garza sent us a TCG Tip today titled: "Move over celabi!Dunsparce and Entei are the new time masters!" It's in our Tips section today. Wednesday, 09.20.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Sableye from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung, Muk Man, Computer Guy and Kempley05 have reviews. Tuesday, 09.19.06 Three new Pokemon Products hit stores today: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team for the GBA; Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Blue Rescue Team for the DS; and the new DVD Movie "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" (Movie 8). Join the folks on our Pokemon Message Board to discuss tips about the games and share your movie reviews. Pokemon Organized Play is going to make it easy to play like the Pros. Next month you'll be able to buy Ness's Championship deck, along with many of the other decks that did awesome at the 2006 World Championship. It's all in our News Section today. Thanks to Greg up in Canada, we updated the Places to Play the Pokemon TCG List for the Ontario, Canada area. Thanks Greg! Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Mawile from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung, Muk Man and Kempley05 have reviews. Monday, 09.18.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Manectric from Crystal Guardian. Manectric has a review. Friday, 09.15.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Luvdisc from Crystal Guardian. Computer Guy has a review. Our GBA Pokemon of the Week is Kangaskhan. Reeve takes a look. More Details on Pokemon Battle Revolution for the Wii were released at a Press Conference yesterday in Japan: "A short trailer shown during press time
suggested that Pokémon Battle Revolution will play similarly
to Pokémon Colosseum, though with upgraded graphics. Using
the wireless connection between the DS and Wii, owners of
Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl (both of which will be
coming out in two weeks in Japan) will be able to use their
handheld as a controller in playing Pokémon Battle
Revolution. Players can give orders to their Pokémon using
the DS, and then watch the result of the battle on the TV
screen. Nintendo said on Thursday it will start selling its new video game console, the Wii, in the United States on November 19 for about $250. The Wii, about the size of a hardcover book, will debut on December 2 in Japan for 25,000 yen ($212). Strange that we actually get first here in the States?! Here's an interesting article from PatentArcade.com about a Patent Nintendo has in regards to Pokemon & Video Gaming.
09.14.06 William
Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Dugtrio from Crystal Guardian. Computer Guy, DarkJake and Will Hung have reviews. Wednesday, 09.13.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Camerupt from Crystal Guardian. Computer Guy and Joker Boi have reviews. Monday, 09.11.06 ClownMaster opens the door to his GBA Team Garage today with a look at Chilai's Team. zerowing1991 has a thread on the Pojo Message Boards about the Mew Giveaway on September 30th. Sunday, 09.10.06 Our GBA Pokemon of the Week is Arcanine. Reeve takes a look. Friday, 09.08.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Fearow δ from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung, Computer Guy, ninetales1234 and Kevin89 have reviews. Thursday, 09.07.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Tauros from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung has a review. Wednesday, 09.06.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Cacturne δ from Crystal Guardian. Computer Guy and Will Hung have reviews. News from water pokemon master : Just want everyone to know you can now complete the pokedex - Mew to be Given Away at Toys R Us - Mew will be given to Pokemon fans all across the United States on September 30th to celebrate the release of the Lucario movie and Mystery Dungeon games. All you have to do is go to a Toys R Us (locations to be announced later) on September 30th with your Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen game cartridge and a Game Boy Advance. Apparently, there will be two varieties of Mew - either a Mew with Special Attack moves (with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt), or one who specializes in regular Attack moves (Earthquake, Explosion, Shadow Ball). More info later as we approach this date. Cardz is in his Deck Garage again. Today's he has an article on Alakazam stall decks. Hit Cardz Shop for all the fun.
We have another
Pokemon tip in from
Sceptilerancher on What to play for Cities. Loretta has some more Pokemon News. Today she has details on new Pokemon EX Carry Tins she's found in stores. It's in our News Section today. Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Cacturne δ from Crystal Guardian. Will Hung has a review. Tuesday, 09.05.06 We updated our Places to Play the Pokemon TCG page today. If the place you play isn't listed, feel free to let us know the details. Also, if the list is outdated (like a store no longer exists), let us know that too. Thanks! Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Kingler δ from Crystal Guardian. Computer Guy and Will Hung have reviews. Today is Raichu88's birthday. We just wanted to put a shout out to one of our regular reviewers.
EX Dragon Frontiers
Expansion Packed with Delta Species: In EX Dragon Frontiers, players will journey further than any Trainer has ever been before to explore the islands where powerful Dragon Pokémon rule. In addition to a wide variety of new Pokémon Delta Species and Trainer cards, the release will also introduce new game strategies through two new attack effects, Shock-wave and Imprison, that will thrill players both new and old. The Pokémon TCG: EX Dragon Frontiers expansion will be available in two 60-card theme decks, Power Wave and Shadow Blaze, and in booster packs. Theme decks and booster packs go on sale in stores on November 8th, priced at $10.99 for the theme decks and $3.49 for the booster packs. Each booster pack features nine randomly inserted game cards. Theme decks include a unique coin, an updated rulebook, card list, a one-player playmat, and damage counters. Monday, 09.04.06 Our Pokemon Card of the Day today is Sceptile ex δ from Crystal Guardian. The Great Cell and Computer Guy join us this Labor Day holiday with reviews. Friday, 09.01.06 We have another Pokemon tip in from Sceptilerancher on What to play for Cities. Our Pokemon Card of the Day looks at the last of the key card from Ness's World Championship Deck. We close out this study with Battle Frontier from ex Emerald. Will Hung and computer guy have reviews. We updated our Places to Play the Pokemon TCG page today. If the place you play isn't listed, feel free to let us know the details. Also, if the list is outdated (like a store no longer exists), let us know that too. Thanks! Our GBA Pokemon of the Week is here today with a look at Rhydon. Playdoh Dude, Brown Bomber, Kijuna and Reeve check in.
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