I about ran back from my daily Target run to
bring you
2x Torkoal
2x Sableye
2x Spoink
2x Spinda
1x Poochyena
1x Pikachu
1x Charmander
1x Bulbasaur
That's right! Cases of NEW beanies hit the
shelves TODAY at my local Target. I about had a
Miltank when I spotted these; I haven't been
able to track down *any* Pokemon pix from Toy
Fair '06 (one of the webzine attendees said
Hasbro did not have a Pokemon display). As you
can see, you are gonna have to haul @$$ (and at
$5.99 a pop, you ARE going to need the $$...) to
nail these due to the low "per" count; the last
assortments had 2x or 3x per case. The Pika,
Char and Bulba appear to be reissues from the
wave before the last. These are so cute and
super-soft. Hats off to Target, they are serious
about Pokemon, being the exclusive carrier of
the 10th Anniversary Merchandise per Hasbro.com.
With Trozei and the Minun/Plusle foils Ex
Trainer Kit due out NEXT WEEK, I would say March
is coming in like a Raikou...! ;)