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Loretta's Pokemon Toy Blog
28, 2008

School's Out, Time to Read!

Now that school's about to end for the academic year, it's time to look for some good summer reading!  Already out at my local Borders, we have two new activity books!  The Amazon release dates haven't yet arrived, but, if you're lucky, maybe you will find these at your local Borders, too.  First off, a must have for aspiring young artists, a book that shows you have to draw the newest Sinnoh Pokemon!




Then, if you are just learning about the 480+ Pokemon, here's a sticker book where you can match the stats/info to the corresponding Pokemon and stick it to it!




The drawing book is in full color, it was $4.99 at my local Borders; the sticker book has stickers in full color, but, the individual stats pages are on a newsprint type paper, so, this book is more for activity than actual archival collecting--$9.99 at my local Borders.  Both books are by Scholastic, a real Mom friendly publisher!  ;)


And now... what I've been hoping for...  I visited Viz's web page today and discovered they are planning to release manga adaptations of the last two Pokemon movies!  I wasn't 100% sure what these were when I stumbled across them a while ago on Amazon, as the listings were not complete/up-to-date; but, now, I see indeed, this is Viz Kids manga!  Hooray!





The release dates were a little vague, as I got conflicting information between several different sites I visited; however, one of my local mall bookstores is notorious for putting books out a few days ahead of the actual release date, so, this weekend I will be keeping my eyes open to see if I have any new information.  One of the manga titles was supposedly slated for the first week of June!  One can hope; however, I did notice that the DK Encyclopedia of Pokemon once again dropped off the radar.  I sure hope they haven't tabled that project.  They have had a Pokemon sticker book out for a while this year and if you are familiar with DK's books, you know how colorful and exciting they can be.  Keep checking Amazon (and/or Bordersstores.com) for updates.  I'll be doing the same!


Pika!  Happy summer reading!  It's too bad "Pachirisu" isn't a vocabulary word, what teacher couldn't be impressed with getting that one out right?!




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