Hey Mew2
master here and I’m really
sorry I haven’t been writing
cotd reviews, school has
been so busy and... well
anyways I have some great
news for all you burger king
lovers (people like me. )
Pokemon is back baby. There
have a new round of cards
that everyone seems to have.
They also have a new bunch
of accessories for your
cards. They have a different
type of card holder not with
a figure which is a little
disappointing, they are
Pikachu, and Regigigas. They
have card rockers witch look
pretty stupid, unless you
wan to put your pokemon
cards to sleep. Those are
Shaymin Sky form and
Giratina from legend
awakened . And
the only one I want is the
Red and Blue card frame.
This time the cards are a
little better with a
Pikachu, Piplup, Chimchar,
tirtwig, Eevee, galation,
and Leafition cards from the
majestic Dawn sets. Also a
Dialga and Palkia from the
Great Encounters set. Not to
forget the Meowth from the
Legends awakening set, the
pichu from storm front and
last but not least a
Garitina from the platinum
set. Well not as good as the
last round of Burger king
Pokemon toys but im still
going to try to get a few of
them. Till next time.
Here is the
link to the site