It's Back to School with
Pokemon at TRU!!!
<ducking really, really low as I type--don't
they usually wait until *July* to put up
back-to-school?!> Sorry to disappoint, summer is
just getting started and TRU already is stocking
up on back-to-school goodies! Pokemon backpacks
for $12.99,
2 styles spotted, one with Ash, Pikachu and the
D&P starter crew, the other, Ash and his Battle
Dimension posse. Pokemon lunch kits, soo
charming, $7.99, 2 styles spotted, one a Poke
ball shape with the D&P starters, Shaymin and
Pikachu, the other, well... see the picture?!
And yes, Pika's tail and stripes are painted on
the back. Can you believe those ears?! That kit
is a must-have for Pika fanatics!
Target FINALLY has some new plush--the throw
Poke ball sort, around $9.99. New additions to
the throw gang: Mime Jr., Chatot and Finneon!
Target's Sunday ad pictures the first Battle
Dimension DVD 2-volume box set, due this
Tuesday, for $16.99. I spotted a volume 2
individually at TRU, out early, for $12.99; as
in many cases, the box set will be a better
deal. Can't wait!
I did see some new blister Rising Rivals TCG
3-packs w/foil & coin, but I'll leave that news
to omahanime. Oh, and since omahanime and I both
are rabbit owners, I'll close this report with
news of a cool new issue of a cute Vizkids manga
about bunnies--Happy Happy Clover issue #2 was
on the rack at Barnes & Noble over the weekend,
$7.99. Highly recommended for Buneary/Lopunny
fans, lots of adorable lagomorph hijinks!
That's all for now <hopping hastily away to
avoid being hit by Super-Soakers... I fear the
back-to-school news is ever so poorly timed!>.