Happy Everything
Hi Pojo,
Happy Everything! This summer marks
my personal
10th Anniversary as a Poké-fan and it
just happens to be my b-day week! So, to
celebrate, I’ve shot a few pix of goodies I’ve
found over the last few weeks!
Back-to-school is everywhere now and Wal-mart
has stocked a few new t-shirts for youths! One
style was blue with Dialga, Regigas and Giratina
(our movie heroes!) and the other (see picture!)
was red with a nice Pokémon group shot that
included Shaymin, $7 ea.
New manga? From Japan we have Diamond & Pearl
Adventure v.7is that a Heatran I see on the
cover? And spoiler alert, I see a Minun
in Hareta’s future! Cute! The ISBN is
978-4-09-140797-9 for those of you that shop
import. It looks like it came out June 2; but I
only found it over the July 4th
weekend. We also have Pocket Monsters Special
v.32 with its own Diamond & Pearl crew! The
ISBN is 978-4-09-140839-6 and it looks like it
came out June 24. Sadly, my local bookstore did
not have copies of the issues I’ve missed since
picking up the fateful v.29 with the tinkling
Emerald. J Next to the manga in the picture is
a plug for my local anime store, Anime Palace,
which is doing the convention circuit this
summera cute Hikari and Mimirol Assembly Type
Girls Figure! Also available when I swung by
was a Hikari and Pochama figure. Look out for
them when you visit your local anime
conventions! The figures are painted and all
you really have to do is snap the legs onto
Hikari and then snap her and her Pokémon onto
the enclosed base. Easy!

That’s all I have for now but I am thinking hmm,
perhaps a carrot cake later this week… Buneary!