Something new, something
How about a nice, long sleeve Pokémon T to
update the fall wardrobe? Target has these youth
size T’s up to size XL, $9.99, in “ebony.”

Since a lot of folks including Pojo’s site,
Beckett’s ‘zine and myself are celebrating
Poké-versaries this year, I thought I’d roll
back the clock those 10 years and show a couple
of really cute used books I’ve found. Here we
have two books by Keiko Fukuyama. Stare really
hard, you might recognize the artwork. Yes, one
of the artists that worked on the Southern
Islands sets! The book with the lighter colored
cover appears to be a collection of short
bedtime stories, as evidenced by the Pikachu
inside the dust jacket that goes from awake to
asleep by the back cover. There is even an ad
for the Southern Islands TCG set inside this
volume, c.1999 (ISBN4-09-253274-1 for those of
you that might be interested in trying to locate
used copies online). I found this book several
years ago and then, this weekend was overjoyed
to find the c.2000 book, The Guide Book of
Pokémon-Island (ISBN4-09-253275-X), after an
intensive search through many used books at my
local bookstore. A Pichu inside the back cover
advertises the bedtime book! Inside the guide, I
see that a Gyarados cloud that constantly
changes shape floats above the Pikachu
face-shaped island, while a Moltres flies above
a fiery mountain (Pikachu’s ear on the fold-out
map!) and an Articuno circles an ice-capped
mountain (Pikachu’s other ear!). Both books
contain short Christmas/holiday stories and are
super KAWAII (cute!). I often find myself
wondering why more of these charming tomes
aren’t translated and presented to the American
market. Until then, I will continue to dig
through mountains of used books—and you can
search to your hearts’ content online. Ten years
ago, what memories!
