Bi Bi Bi! (Have Yourself a MINI Little Christmas!)
No, it's not a typo, Pika PI! It's the
sound of... But first things first...
Thanks to Omahanime for posting the nice pic of
the Pokemon MINI ornament set he found at
K-mart. I had the thing in hand a couple
of weeks before the pic was posted thanks to a
tip from a colleague's daughter, Emily, but
where the Hades have I been for the last 2
months? I've moved and I'm buried in
boxes! I'm still not quite ready yet to
start snapping pix, as my PC was not hooked up
for over a month... so... Omahanime, I'm
hoping you can come through with a pic of the
new item I found this past weekend (otherwise,
I'll try to shoot some pix after Thanksgiving!).
Target has a new MINI TCG binder, the size of
one card height/width that comes with a
3-card(?!) Gold/Silver "sampler"--the perfect
stocking stuffer at only $1.99! The cover
of the binder is decorated with the Legendary
Beasts on the front and a Lugia on the back; I
found it in the TCG aisle at several stores but
since it's MINI, you'll have to look carefully
or you'll miss it! Also, that mini
ornament set is available online,,
just in case you're not near a K-mart or they
are out of stock (when I bought mine, there were
only 2 on the shelf!).
And now... the most exciting MINI find of the
weekend! Bi Bi BI!!! It's CELEBI and
pals at select local Targets! I know I've
missed reporting a lot of things over the last 2
months--TRU and Target did get in a bunch of new
G/S figures and toys, but only now do we have
the latest mini plush! TRU was having a
figure sale this past weekend, but I did not
spot any new plush there. Target waited
until Sunday to put out the new mini plush
(which I haven't yet seen on e-Bay) and luckily
I only had to drive to 3 Targets (one of which
did NOT have the new items) to score the Jirachi,
which seems to be the hottest piece of this set.
You can surf over to Pojo sponsor to
see the plush:,
Celebi, Cherubi, Jirachi, Phione, Teddiursa, and
Togekiss all super-cute! I hope Pojo can
get this post out before Thanksgiving, as I fear
these things will disappear fast. Since
none of my local Wal-marts are stocking Jakks
this year, I recommend if you want these plush
at a reasonable price ($5.99 ea. at my local
Targets), try to hit Target before Black Friday
if you can. There are plenty of TCG
blister packs and gift sets in most places; it's
mainly the mini plush that seem harder to find.
Have a great Thanksgiving and I hope you find
all the goodies you want for the holidays!