This Li'l Tepig... ALL the Way Home!
First, I forgot to mention, I found a new 'zine
on the Barnes & Noble racks last Friday,
something from Blast! featuring B&W artwork, a
bit of info about Pokemon and the games,
additional info on 3DS games and also games for
other platforms. The 'zine (pictured) is
$6.99 and since it's mostly artwork, is a great
source for pin-ups after you're done reading.
The 'zine does have a lot of screenshots from
various games, but is more visual than text,
although I really enjoyed some of the pictures
citing the history of Pokemon. Still, LOL,
nothing can match the old Pojo 'zine with the
foil embossed covers and extensive price lists.
Say, Pojo-?!

And now... Pojo knows well the ordeals I have
endured over the last week and a half pursuing
what shall now be dubbed Greased Lightning.
Multiple visits to TRU ($4/gal. gas--might I
mention I pumped over $100 in the last 2 weeks,
but to be fair, that incls. work and errands),
multiple calls to TRU, loads of misinformation
and delays... Anyhow... not all TRU's have the "Pokemon
Feature Shop" up yet. And not all TRU's
even have B&W merch. out. Some are holding
in the stockroom for heavens know what reasons
(several employees told me this--but at latest,
they were saying it should've been out today!).
I can tell you that the Jakks stuff has to be
street date most definitely as of April 24 if
not earlier (look at all the pix online, too,
when people found stuff on April 15, incl. me)
due to the corporate "sale" sign (price
reduction) on several Jakks B&W items noting
April 24 as the start date. I owe a HUGE
thank you to one customer service oriented TRU
employee that assisted me due to the fact that
the Feature Shop, which a "manager" told me
would be up by today (April 27--the start of the
Egg download in TRU's electronics dept.), was
delayed in setting yet again. I paid for
my little Tepig and thanked the employees that
had mercy on me after all the effort I went
through to secure the little guy. He's
$6.99 and I also purchased a figure, $5.99, at
TRU. The Feature Shops that are up have a
scant amount of goodies due to slow delivery.
I spotted figures, plush, trading cards, DVDs
(incl. Arceus movie and TV eps. collections),
books, t-shirts, games, etc. The figures
include Pikachu, the B&W starters, Zorua,
Zoroark, Munna, Zekrom, Reshiram--but the
singles are going really fast; the 4-figure
tubes are a little easier to find. Two
dragon themed t-shirts are available in youth
sizes, one in red, one in grey, both $12.99 ea.
Hopefully, a pre-weekend restock may help the
displays. Considering how much shelf
space TRU has allocated to the endeavor, it's a
pity that shipments have been slow/delayed; I
know everyone is eagerly awaiting the swag!

I never thought the little piggy would capture
my heart--I'm somewhat fascinated by snakes (Snivy!),
just mebbe not the one in Harry Potter!
Anyhow, looks like my Fast Ball finally
succeeded and Greased Lightning will now have to
find a good spot among my other Pokemon plushies
where he'll be cherished and loved like all the
rest. A good end to a rather traumatic
pursuit! LOL!