Hi, Pojo,
While checking all three local Toys 'R' Us
stores for Frozen holiday ornaments today, I
finally stumbled upon the Pokémon building brick
sets I'd seen in online photos from February's
Toy Fair. Two of the three stores locally have
them in the building brick aisle, hence, I'd not
seen them sooner, despite looking there, and to
be fair, they weren't displayed in a very
prominent way at all. The only reason I found
them is the one store, which I usually don't
visit, but visited first today, happened to have
them shelved with the Tomy Pokémon merchandise.
A tip to holiday shoppers--most stores scatter
merchandise, so if you're shopping for hot items
*cough* Frozen *cough*, expect to look beyond
the main display aisle if you want to actually
see everything available. This is really
annoying if you're limited to how much time you
have to shop (I can tell you it takes HOURS of
unpaid time for me to get my info; some lady I
ran into at a store today was surprised how much
I knew but it takes a lot of effort!).
Anyhow, have a picture. I snared the Ionix
Pancham vs. Eevee, Fennekin, Ash and Pikachu
Pokémon building brick sets--the boxes note "shapeshifting"
and "works with leading brands." Also available
are Mega-Venusaur (you can build Bulbasaur AND
Venusaur; or just Mega-Venusaur with that set),
Chespin and Froakie. I'm thinking I'd like to
save my sets for Christmas since I've gotten so
much "stuff" lately (as It's Happy Bunny would
say, "I'm not spoiled, I deserve all my stuff,"
LOL--to be fair, I do work a Muggle job
full-time, so...), so I'll leave it to readers
to check web reviews like on Amazon to see how
Ionix products perform. Personally, I'm pretty
biased toward Lego, but obviously they don't
have the Pokémon contract. The Mega Blocks
Pokémon Pikachu I got some years back didn't
perform to the level of Lego, but I'm willing to
check this Ionix stuff out 'cause I love
Pokémon! Seeing Ash as a brick figure is rather
amusing. I really would love a Team Rocket set
(hint, Ionix!) since I have a not-so-secret
crush on James.

In closing, I should mention the lovely staffers
(waves to Sarah in particular) of all three
local Hot Topic stores informed me they all had
Tomy Eeveelution plush in stock recently, but it
disappeared nearly instantly. Let's hope they
restock or that the TCG aisle distribution
company that seems to be handling Wal-Mart and
Target Tomy Pokémon items now receives these.
Pika Pi!