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What to play for Cities By Sceptilerancher
What To Play For Cities
Hey its me Sceptilerancher,and this article is for all the
people who want some ideas on what to play for next
format(Cities). Here is one deck that can be pretty
devastating to the opponent if played right.
1 Aggron EX CG
3 Aggron LM
2 Lairon HP
4 Aron LM
1 Porygon2 UF
2 Porygon2 DS
3 Porygon UF
2 Roselia LM
4 Holon Transceiver
2 Holon Mentor
2 Holon Adventurer
1 Holon Scientist
1 Holon Farmer
1 Holon Lass
1 Warp Point
3 Energy Root
2 Protective Orb
2 Cessaction Crystal
3 Rare Candy
3 Celio's Network
2 Giant stump
1 Holon Circle
4 React Energy
4 Metal Energy
6 Fighting Energy
Now, the Strategy of this deck is to setup aggron LM and use
roselia for healing and its amazing attack,and porygon2 DS
for extra draw. Aggron EX is for any decks using Lugia or
Mew or and EX Basic, and split bomb can come in handy. You
may have noticed the Porygon2 UF and the excess amount of
tools in this deck, i can basically handle any situation
with it, if youre facing,Shiftry EX put down Cessation
Crystal, if youre facing Burning Liability then put out
Protective orb, etc.
Overall this deck is a pretty good choice for Cities. It can
handle a large number of decks because of its ability to hit
the bench and ability to hit for 70 so early on.
Well thats it for today, ill be presenting to you another
good choice for Cities in my next article, until then CYA ;D
Email me at Sceppyking@aol.com or IM me at Sceppyking for
further info, or if you want to talk strat and such.