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Sceptileranchers Final Tip on What to play for Cities

Hi everyone, this will be my final article on decks that would be fun and viable for Cities.

I noticed that a lot of the people didn't have a lot of EX's like in the other decks i presented to you guys/girls. Without further ado, here it is
Pokemon 16
4x Eevee DS
4x Poochyena DX
4x Mightyena Delta
3x Umbreon Delta
1x Espeon Delta
Trainers  28
4x Holon Transciever
2x Holon Mentor
3x Holon Adventurer
2x Holon Scientist
1x Holon Lass
4x Holon Researcher
4x Protective Orb
4xPokemon Reversal
4x Energy Removal 2
4x Windstorm
Energy 16
4x Darkness Energy
4x Metal Energy
4x Delta Rainbow Energy
Ok, the strategy of this deck is to damage, you're opponent using Umbreon Delta's Poke-Body,while attacking for alot of damage, with Mightyena Delta. Espeon was included to heal you're pokemon. I included the Energy removal 2's for major disruption, the same with Pokemon reversal. This deck is so good because of its speed. Also Pokemon EX cant attack when you use Mightyena's first attack, which is a major plus.
Anyway, have fun with the decks ive presented to you. Time to go back to testing Secret Decks :D

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