Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Type: Electric
Ability: Minus
This little electric mouse is the rbuy/saphire/emerald answer to
our so
beloved Pikachu.
The ability that this one has lets it power up in team battles
when there is
a Plusle as it's partner.
This is best used if you meet someone in a team battle and that
person uses
loads of water and flying pokemons.
I won't bother writing in the Atk. and the Def. of this one
because they are
so low.
Why I choose these attacks?
1. Have always been a power player in these games and it have
helped me
2. This really helps.
Strategy time.
1. No 1v1 battles, only 2v2 with Plusle.
2. Helping Hand charges up the attack, what else?
3. Baton Pass/Substitute if needed, always good to let him
survive with
4. Thunder for finishing of that little tweety birdie or that
Blastoise tank
that is in the way.
5. Here I had a dilemma what to use but i know that Mud-slap
helps because
it lowers the accuracy, but if the enemy has high evasion then
Shock Wave
will be the better choise.
6. The items are choosed because, Magnet increases the
Thunder/Shock Wave
damage and the Bright Powder lets little Minun evade more often.
This is how he should look like if it's power playing you want.
1v1: 0/5
2v2: 4/5 (with a good Plusle)
Type: Electric
Ability(s): Minus ( When battling with Plus, Minun's Special
Attack is multiplied by 1.5)
Locations: Route 110
Today we are reviewing the cheering Pokemon, Minun
With the ability Minus, Minun will not survive in a single
battle very long.
It has average defense and average special attack.
In a double battle, Minun is an excellent Pokemon. (With Plusle
as its
partner) Minun’s special attack is above average then.
With that said, here are some double battle strategies for Minun:
Nature: Timid (+speed, -attack)
EV’s: 252 speed, 126 defense, 126 special defense, 6 hp
Ability: Minus
Equip: Bright Powder
-Rain Dance (TM 18)
-Protect (TM 17)
-Helping Hand (Lvl 13)
-Double Team (TM 32)
A defensive Minun. This strategy is to only help Plusle (or a
strong electric Pokemon)
Nature: Modest (+special attack, -attack)
EV’s: 252 speed, 252 special attack, 6 hp
Ability: Minus
Equip: Petaya Berry
-Thunderbolt (TM 24)
-Hidden Power (Water or Grass)(TM 10)
-Agility (Lvl 47)
-Thunder Wave (Lvl 4)
This Minun is to be used in double battles while Plusle is on
the field.
Bottom Line: Minun is a terrible single battle Pokemon, but an
excellent double battle Pokemon.
Hi everyone. Welcome to another Pokémon of the Week. Today we’re
reviewing Minun, the cheering Pokémon.
I don’t really know what to say about this one. I mean, why
having such a bad imitation of an already bad Pokémon (Pikachu)?
Not being enough, we also have Plusle, which is identical…
We have a new ability, Minun powers up if Plusle is around.
Meaning? This is meant to be in double battles (and I can’t say
that so confidently).
So we have a terrible Pokémon with terrible stats and terrible
moves, let’s see…