Japanese name:

# 450.
Blaze Pokémon.
Type: Fire / Fighting.
Ability: Blaze: When HP
is below 1/3, Fire type attacks power increases 50%.
Height: 6’3’’.
Weight: 114.6 lbs.
Locations: Evolve
Combusken (All versions).
Base stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 120
Defense: 70
Special attack: 110
Special defense: 70
Speed: 80
Pokédex Data:
Flames spout from its
wrists, enveloping its knuckles. Its punches scorch its foes.
Our new
format is finally ready and I was thinking about a good Pokémon
to be the first one to try it out. I always wanted to review
Blaziken but it was already done when I started doing these
reviews. Now that a couple years have passed and a new
generation is here, it is a great opportunity for me to review
one of my favorite Pokémon ever.
As we
all might know so far, Blaziken has an excellent attack and it
even has a pretty solid special attack (unfortunately we won’t
be using this that much). Unfortunately its speed is not as good
as Infernape, but it is still a good Pokémon with a little help.
That’s why we’re here, right?
now on, each moveset will have a specific name, so you can
locate and analyze each one and don’t get confused. It will also
follow the next format:
Moveset name.
get started…
Choice bander.
Blaziken@Choice Band / Choice Scarf.
Nature: Adamant (+ Attack, - Special attack).
EV’s: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP
- Flare Blitz
- Thunderpunch
- Sky Uppercut
- Shadow Claw / Night Slash
one is pure power. You definitely want to reserve your last move
for those psychic types out there. It is a good match opener and
an excellent choice bander. Its weakness is probably its lack of
speed so be careful.
Blaziken@Salac Berry.
Nature: Jolly (+ Speed, - Special attack).
EV’s: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP
- Endure / Substitute
- Fire Punch. / Blaze kick
- Swords dance / Focus punch / Agility.
- Reversal
Substitute it’s a little easier to use. If it doesn’t break use
swords dance or focus punch. When your berry finally activates,
use reversal. Agility is also a great move, boosting your speed
is great for this set.
Alternate Reversal.
Blaziken@Salac Berry.
Nature: Jolly (+ Speed, - Special attack).
EV’s: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP
- Reversal
- Fire Punch / Blaze kick.
- Rock Slide / Thuderpunch.
- Endure
Hit and
endure when you are about to die (this requires some guessing
abilities), then let salac berry activate and use reversal.
You’ll be fast and hit hard. Use rock slide for flying types of
thunderpunch for water types.
It is a
great Pokémon. Unfortunately Infernape is better mainly because
it is faster. Blaziken has some moves Infernape is unable to
learn (like baton pass and agility), so let’s say it requires
some more skills if you want to use it properly and effectively.
types like Milotic and Gyarados are great countering Blaziken.
Hippowdon is great countering the reversal set because of sand
Bottom line.
new format is all thanks to you and your suggestions. Hope you
like it, thanks to those who helped with ideas and feedback,
keep them coming so we can be better. Thank you all…
you enjoyed.
Remember you can contact me at Thanks for
all your suggestions and comments. I try to answer as soon as
possible =)