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Groudon's Q & A


hello lilgroudon.


a bit of FR and LG advice for everyone trying to catch Mewtwo: don't use your Masterball.Get a strong pokemon that's really really fast that knows Hypnosis or Sing and put Mewtwo to sleep.Then use a weak ( level40 and down) pokemon to hurt Mewtwo.I used my Articuno and my Lapras. Then use a Timer Ball.Bye!


Well thanks shorti and he is right everyone don't waste your master balls on pokemon like Artincuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Regirock, Registeel, Regice, Rayquazza, Kyogre and groudonbecause you can save in front if them and keep trying to catch them use the masterball on latias, latios, Suicune, Raikou, Enteibecause they are harder to catch.


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