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Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 9:07 PM

Subject: City championship St. Peters Mo

Yeah here we go another fresh new week for pojo so lets get this down before I start answering questions.

So as you all know City championships are being held every weekend all over the world well my brothers including scyther 21 were there so anyway the championships were in St. Peters Missouri.

Also there running the whole championship was meganium45.

So I’m not going to go through all of this but we came late so I got a by and then my record was 4-1 so I moved on to the finals then I lost to Jared who was playing a eeveeloution deck oh yeah before I forget I played prime tool well at least I made it to the finals recommended for everyone city champs and state champs are free so all the video game players grab a deck and play the tcg is awesome.

I met a cool kid named Dylon he played feraligatr and polietoed ex we had two battles while eating lunch he advanced to the finals too.

So everyone don’t forget city championships at the gathering ground January 14 2006 see you there in St. Louis.


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