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Groudon's Q & A


Well I was at the unseen forces pre release I lost all of my rounds but I managed to draft lugia EX My two bros were there Couple of old and new faces like Vince or as you know him as meganium 45 was there.

John Senior came back with his son came. And I met a real cool Collector named Skip Giacobbe.

Skip collects with his younger son his older son used to play but he is tied up in soccer.
Skip has all the cards except for unseen forces Pop series 1 Pop series 2 and a japanesse shining Raichu.

He has very rare cards that can only be collected If you got a special card and sent it in he says in that 5 card set it is worth probably over 450 dollars. he had E3 yellow cheeked pikachu and also the first Starter deck ever made in the us which has yellow cheek pikachu.
That's right it's unopened and Very rare he told me that they don't even have these on the market anymore way to go Skip your a credit to collecting.

Until next time I'll be in my den waiting for some more of your questions.

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