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Groudon's Q & A


Where do you get a pokeblock case on ruby?

G: To get the poke block case Go to the verdantuff pokemon contest hall talk to the register clerk and she will give you the pokeblock case.


puppylover93 asks:
If i picked latias, is there any way i can get latios also? -- without game shark or pokemon promotion thingy?

G: There is only one way besides a promo item and a game shark you have to trade with a game that has it.


bushman6794 asks:
Um hi.... is it true that you can catch mew in the unknown dungeon (the place with mew two) after beating the elite four 12 times? Also, is there anything else besides zubat in the altering cave? to get cindaquil tododile, or chickorita,in emerald do you have to catch 200 pokemon
from hoenn, or 200 of any Pokemon (Hoenn Jhoto Kanto) Finally , is there aaaannnyyything you can do with the space center in ruby sapphire, or emerald?

G: Hey mike well That's false about mew in the unknown dungeon I have no clue about anything dealing with the space center they have cheats that don't work but it's all the same. Altering cave changes when you use mystery event and you get the starter johto pokemon after you catch the 200 pokemon from hoenn.


Mike Ferris asks:
In emerald, once you beat the elite four, does anything happen after you beat Steven, like him
becoming the champion again? I hate battling Wallace!!!!!

G: Nope You will not have to defeat wallace, again, steven is like ash in gold silver crystal.


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