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From: Richard
Subj: Surfing Pikachu By Cody Blake
Date: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:14 pm
first of all I like to thank Cody here for being a big fan
to pojo and to the Den he has started helping me with tips
and tricks for pokemon.
Here is what he found out about the surfing Pikachu
cody blake wrote:
You previously posted that you could onlyget a surfing
Pikichu by usinga cheating device or using an N64, well I
have discovered another way to recieve a surfing Pikichu by
Ok here is the trick......First you have to get a Pikichu
you can find one in theSafari Zone it helps to have a
pokemon with the ability Static, next get a Pokemon that can
learn Surf and teach it to the paticularPokemon of your
choice, next go to thedaycare in Mauville City and have
theDaycare Lady raise the twoPokemon. I forget to tell you
but theSurfingPokemon must be female, and the Pikichu must
be male. If the offspring recieves the female
Pokemon'snature it may have learned Surf. The baby will be a
Pichu...So raise the Pichu until you have a Pikichu.
And Ta-da! You now have a Surfing Pikichu.
P.S. I have not tryed this but I know a little something
about breeding, try giveing an Everstone to the Surfing
Pokemon for a better chance at recieving the female
Pokemon's nature.
Also I am playing Emerald so this little trick may only be
available in this paticular game, andmaybe and
Sapphire...But I am not making any promises.
And also (again..) You are probely going to have to attempt
this little trick a few times unless you are extremely
----Cody B.