Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean – #SUDA-EN016
While you control a monster, except “Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean”, your opponent’s monsters cannot target this card for attacks. You can only use each of the following effects of “Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean” once per turn. You can send 1 other WATER monster from your hand or face-up field to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 “Atlantean” or “Mermail” monster from your Deck to the GY, then target 1 card your opponent controls; return it to the hand.
Date Reviewed: February 11th, 2025
Rating: 4.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.
Reviews Below:

King of
Hello Pojo Fans,
Atlantean and Mermail continue to get more support with a retrain of Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon, now know as Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean.
Level 7 Sea Serpent that cannot be targeted for attacks or by cards while you control any other monster. While I could’ve seen it being a WATER monster only, this enables something as little as a token on the field being able to give Poseidra its protection ability. 2800ATK isn’t anything to scoff at and should be able to be boss-level when combined with its protection.
Send another WATER monster from hand or face-up to the grave to Special Summon this card…well that takes care of the summoning issue this card may have had. WATER decks pack a lot of high level monsters so this effect with critical for this cards playability. Sending a WATER monster to the grave also works within Mermail and Atlantean archetypes to trigger their effects, ensuring you aren’t losing hand or field advantage. Slight limitations with the monster on field having to be face-up and you can’t discard Poseidra for itself, but easy to work around and necessary.
When you do summon Poseidra, you get a Foolish Burial of an Atlantean or Mermail from your Deck, which will activate their effect(s). This is what we call synergy and you want to see it from your boss-level monsters. The Foolish Burial also pops an opponent’s card back to their hand: Deck thin, plus off the Foolish Burial of the Atlantean/Mermail, eliminate a card of your opponent’s, a three-pronged effect that costs you nothing. You have many search options to get this card to your hand and then you are off to the races. On field and in hand your Mermail will activate to balance out any loss and with relative ease you should have Poseidra and a WATER on field to enable protection.
Never gets old to say it: Retrains should ALWAYS be better than their predecessors. Easily summoned without losing advantage in the archetype, strong ATK, self-protection, and synergy with the archetypes theme of discarding or sending from field to the grave, this Poseidra you are happy to see in your opening hand.
Advanced- 4/5 Art- 4/5
Until Next Time,

We get yet some more Atlantean Mermail support with 3 more cards, suggesting those 8 could have previously been made for a Structure Deck retrain. Either way, we get a retrain of the old Poseidra here with Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean.
Poseidra 2 is a Level 7 WATER Sea Serpent with 2800 ATK and 1600 DEF. Literally the same as the old Poseidra, which did have overall good stats for itself. While you control a monster besides Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean, your opponent cannot target this card for attacks. I don’t know why the 2800 ATK monster lures the opponent from attacking it in favor of likely weaker monsters, but they also worded the effect to where you can’t lock the opponent from attacking if you only control two of these. Anyways, the remaining effects have the HOPT clause on them. First, you can send another WATER monster from your hand or face-up field to the graveyard to Special Summon this card from your hand. Super easy summoning condition to pull off compared to the original version, and it triggers the effects of your other Atlantean monsters, which is always a plus. Upon Normal or Special Summon, you can send an Atlantean or Mermail monster from your Deck to the graveyard to target a card the opponent controls and return it to the hand. Yet another effect to trigger your Atlantean effects as well as maybe get some Mermails you might want in the graveyard. It’s only good if you went second, but the Atlantean Mermail Deck could always use more effects that help with going second. Poseidra 2 here is a massive upgrade over the original, mainly due to having such an easier summoning condition of only needing a single WATER monster compared to the original needing 3 Level 3 or lower WATER monsters. The bounce is also better here compared to the original, in which the only thing that had over this was being able to summon itself from the graveyard. Still, you won’t play any of the original Poseidra while you’ll likely play the new one, maybe even at multiple copies.
Advanced Rating: 4/5
Art: 4.5/5 Aw, he got a little battleship.

Konami wasn’t content with giving Merlantean fans a bone, so for some reason they got another wave of support in Supreme Darkness– not that I’m complaining! One of those cards is Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean, a level 7 WATER Sea Serpent monster. I briefly mentioned it when covering the Mermail support from Rage of the Abyss; since it’s a level 7 WATER monster like the original Poseidra, Storming Poseidra is excellent Xyz fodder for Merlantean, especially with their new Rank 7, Abysstrite, the Atlantean Spirit. Storming Poseidra also has the same stats as the original, with a decent 2800 attack but a less-than-stellar 1600 defense. Can’t say it’s not faithful!
Storming Poseidra can’t be targeted for attacks while you control another monster (excluding another Storming Poseidra, so no Captain lock); this usually isn’t a big deal because Storming Poseidra isn’t really an endboard piece and keeping it alive isn’t that important. But, it is nice lore flavor for how Poseidra has a tendency to sacrifice his minions on the battlefield. Storming Poseidra has two other effects, both of them hard once per turn. The first one lets you Special Summon it by sending any WATER monster from your hand or field to the Graveyard. Naturally, this is an amazing effect for Merlantean, since it’ll get you a level 7 body for Xyz summoning and trigger your Mermail and Atlantean effects by discarding. In my experience sending from the field will almost never happen, though I suppose it’s necessary in some combo lines, and in emergencies where you don’t have any other WATER monsters in your hand. Storming Poseidra’s final effect triggers if it’s Normal or Special Summoned, letting you send any Mermail or Atlantean monster from your hand or deck to the Graveyard to target and return a card your opponent controls to the hand. It stinks that the bounce is mandatory since you won’t be able to really make use of this effect as an extender, but is it excellent as a follow-up effect since it’ll help break boards while you combo. Cards like Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince can also turn Storming Poseidra into a disruption by reviving or summoning it during your opponent’s turn. It’s obviously an amazing card for Merlantean– topping lists seem to like running 2 copies, which makes sense since otherwise Storming Poseidra isn’t that much better than dedicated combo pieces. Oddly enough, it also has found a home in Crystron as a side tech, since it can get Crystron Smiger into the Graveyard and potentially bounce something from your opponent’s board, sending a second copy of itself as fodder. Basically, we love WATER!
+Excellent combo piece and disruption for Merlantean
+Can break boards and get WATER monsters in the Graveyard for WATER-heavy decks
-Not as robust as other combo starters for Merlantean
-Bouncing part of the foolish effect is mandatory
Advanced: 4/5
Art: 3.75/5 I thought he was beating the tar out of a random Fire King monster, but apparently he decided to give his chariot a Fire King-themed paint job?
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