Pocket Monsters Card Game (PMCG)
Japanese Set Compositions and Price Guide
c.1999-2000 The PoJo -- http://www.pojo.com
Japanese "Base" Set (Series 1)
Revised May 2017 |
Full Card List Notes
There are no "1st Edition" Japanese cards. All cards are considered
to be "unlimited" print run, and to our knowledge still in production.
We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for clarification of
relative values and what you might expect to pay at a game store or
collectible dealer for these cards.
Price |
Rarity |
Color |
Level |
Poke # |
Card Name |
$13.00 |
H |
Lv42 |
#065 |
Alakazam |
$20.00 |
H |
Lv52 |
#009 |
Blastoise |
$12.00 |
H |
Lv55 |
#113 |
Chansey |
$50.00 |
H |
Lv76 |
#006 |
Charizard |
$10.00 |
H |
Lv14 |
#035 |
Clefairy |
$13.00 |
H |
Lv41 |
#130 |
Gyarados |
$8.00 |
H |
Lv33 |
#107 |
Hitmonchan |
$10.00 |
H |
Lv67 |
#068 |
Machamp |
$3.00 |
H |
Lv28 |
#082 |
Magneton |
$12.00 |
H |
Lv53 |
#150 |
Mewtwo |
$8.00 |
H |
Lv48 |
#034 |
Nidoking |
$9.00 |
H |
Lv32 |
#038 |
Ninetales |
$8.00 |
H |
Lv48 |
#062 |
Poliwrath |
$10.00 |
H |
Lv40 |
#026 |
Raichu |
$30.00 |
H |
Lv67 |
#003 |
Venusaur |
$7.00 |
H |
Lv64 |
#145 |
Zapdos |
$4.00 |
R |
Lv32 |
#015 |
Beedrill |
$4.50 |
R |
Lv33 |
#148 |
Dragonair |
$4.00 |
R |
Lv36 |
#051 |
Dugtrio |
$4.50 |
R |
Lv35 |
#125 |
Electabuzz |
$4.50 |
R |
Lv40 |
#101 |
Electrode |
$4.00 |
R |
Lv36 |
#017 |
Pidgeotto |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv45 |
#059 |
Arcanine |
$1.50 |
U |
Lv32 |
#005 |
Charmeleon |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv42 |
#087 |
Dewgong |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv10 |
#147 |
Dratini |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv20 |
#083 |
Farfetch'd |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv18 |
#058 |
Growlithe |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv22 |
#093 |
Haunter |
$1.50 |
U |
Lv20 |
#002 |
Ivysaur |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv23 |
#124 |
Jynx |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv38 |
#064 |
Kadabra |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv23 |
#014 |
Kakuna |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv40 |
#067 |
Machoke |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv08 |
#129 |
Magikarp |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv24 |
#126 |
Magmar |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv25 |
#033 |
Nidorino |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv28 |
#061 |
Poliwhirl |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv12 |
#137 |
Porygon |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv41 |
#020 |
Raticate |
$1.00 |
U |
Lv12 |
#086 |
Seel |
$1.50 |
U |
Lv22 |
#008 |
Wartortle |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv10 |
#063 |
Abra |
$0.75 |
C |
Lv13 |
#001 |
Bulbasaur |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv13 |
#010 |
Caterpie |
$0.75 |
C |
Lv10 |
#004 |
Charmander |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv08 |
#050 |
Diglett |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv10 |
#084 |
Doduo |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv12 |
#096 |
Drowzee |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv08 |
#092 |
Gastly |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv13 |
#109 |
Koffing |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv20 |
#066 |
Machop |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv13 |
#081 |
Magnemite |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv21 |
#011 |
Metapod |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv20 |
#032 |
Nidoran(M) |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv12 |
#095 |
Onix |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv08 |
#016 |
Pidgey |
$1.00 |
C |
Lv12 |
#025 |
Pikachu |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv13 |
#060 |
Poliwag |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv10 |
#077 |
Ponyta |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv09 |
#019 |
Rattata |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv12 |
#027 |
Sandshrew |
$0.75 |
C |
Lv08 |
#007 |
Squirtle |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv28 |
#121 |
Starmie |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv15 |
#120 |
Staryu |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv08 |
#114 |
Tangela |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv10 |
#100 |
Voltorb |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv11 |
#037 |
Vulpix |
$0.50 |
C |
Lv12 |
#013 |
Weedle |
$4.00 |
R |
T |
Clefairy Doll |
$3.50 |
R |
T |
Computer Search |
$3.00 |
R |
T |
Devolution Spray |
$3.00 |
R |
T |
Impostor Professor Oak |
$3.00 |
R |
T |
Item Finder |
$3.00 |
R |
T |
Lass |
$3.50 |
R |
T |
Pokemon Breeder |
$3.50 |
R |
T |
Pokemon Trader |
$3.00 |
R |
T |
Scoop Up |
$3.50 |
R |
T |
Super Energy Removal |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
Defender |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
Energy Retrieval |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
Full Heal |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
Maintenance |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
PlusPower |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
Pokemon Center |
$1.50 |
U |
T |
Pokemon Flute |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
Pokedex |
$1.50 |
U |
T |
Professor Oak |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
Revive |
$1.00 |
U |
T |
Super Potion |
$0.50 |
C |
T |
Bill |
$0.50 |
C |
T |
Energy Removal |
$0.50 |
C |
T |
Gust of Wind |
$0.50 |
C |
T |
Potion |
$0.50 |
C |
T |
Switch |
$1.00 |
U |
E |
Double Colorless |
$.50 |
E |
Fighting |
$.50 |
E |
Fire |
$.50 |
E |
Grass |
$.50 |
E |
Lightning |
$.50 |
E |
Psychic |
$.50 |
E |
Water |
$185.00 Complete 102-card set
Release Date: Fall 1996
Designed by "Creatures" (Japan)
Distributed by "Media Factory" (Japan)
Available in :
"Starter" Decks
1300 Yen (about $13.00 U.S.)
60 cards
Random cards (not fixed like U.S. "Starter" Decks)
Durable Plastic holographic foil "Chansey" coin
Japanese Rulebooks
"Booster" Packs
291 Yen (about $2.85 U.S.)
10 random cards :
1 Rare Card
3 Uncommon Cards
6 Common Cards
NO Basic Energy Cards (only in Starter and Theme Decks)
(1 in 2 chance of rare card being replaced with ultra-rare "holographic" card)
Set Size : 102 Total cards
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