Pocket Monsters Card Game (PMCG)
Japanese Set Compositions and Price Guide
c.1999-2002 The PoJo -- http://www.pojo.com
Japanese "Neo" Promotional Cards
Revised 02/01/02 GSH
Card List Notes
We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for clarification of relative
values and what you might expect to pay at a game store or collectible dealer
for these cards.
"Pokemon Trainers Magazine" Neo Promo Cards
This is another publication distributed in Japan periodically (although at a
much lower frequency than the CoroCoro comic series).
There are no rarity symbols on these cards (as they are all from a fixed
Price |
Issue |
Color |
Level |
Poke # |
Card Name |
$35 |
Vol. 1 |
Lv9 |
#25 |
Pikachu ('Pokemon Snap' style) |
$14 |
Vol. 4 |
Lv22 |
#198 |
Murkrow |
$6 |
Vol. 4 |
--- |
--- |
Evil Energy |
$12 |
Vol. 5 |
Lv57 |
#208 |
Steelix |
$12 |
Vol. 7 |
Lv21 |
#235 |
Smeargle |
$12 |
Vol. 8 |
Lv16 |
#201 |
Unown (J) |
$12 |
Vol. 9 |
Lv23 |
#200 |
Misdreavus |
$14 |
Vol. 10 |
Lv 37 |
#003 |
Dark Venusaur (holo) |
$6 |
Vol. 10 |
Lv 16 |
#002 |
Dark Ivysaur |
$12 |
Vol. 12 |
--- |
#212 |
VS - Scizor |
$12 |
Vol. 13 |
--- |
#251 |
VS - Celebi |
$6 |
Vol. 13 |
T |
--- |
--- |
VS - Bill |
$33 |
Vol. 14 |
--- |
#136 |
Flareon |
$33 |
Vol. 14 |
--- |
#134 |
Vaporeon |
$33 |
Vol. 14 |
--- |
#135 |
Jolteon |
Approximate release date: varies by issue
"Pokemon Card Book" Neo Promo Cards
This is another publication distributed in Japan periodically (although at a
much lower frequency than the CoroCoro comic series). The translation for
the title of this pulication works out to something like, " The reason why
I turned into a Pokemon Card".
There are no rarity symbols on these cards (as they are all from a fixed
set). This set does have an unique "promo" symbol that sets
these cards apart from other promo cards. Just below the art work/picture
on the right hand side of the card, a symbol that looks like a Pokeball coming
out of a book.
Price |
Issue |
Color |
Level |
Poke # |
Card Name |
$15 |
Vol. 1 |
Lv 7 |
#056 |
Mankey |
$14 |
Vol. 2 |
Lv 15 |
#054 |
Psyduck ? |
$14 |
Vol. 3 |
Lv 18 |
#124 |
Jynx |
$17 |
Vol. 4 |
Lv 16 |
#191 |
Sunkern |
$17 |
Vol. 5 |
Lv 8 |
#187 |
Hoppip |
$16 |
Vol. 6 |
Lv 17 |
#025 |
New Happy B-Day Pikachu |
Approximate release date: varies by issue
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