Pocket Monsters Card Game (PMCG)
Japanese Set Compositions and Price Guide
c.1999-2000 The PoJo -- http://www.pojo.com
Japanese "Vending Series III" set
Revised 10/29/01 GH |
We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for clarification of relative
values and what you might expect to pay at a game store or collectible dealer
for these cards.
Price |
Rarity |
Color |
Level |
Poke # |
Card Name |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv30 |
#024 |
Arbok |
$3.00 |
U |
Lv28 |
#055 |
Golduck |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv25 |
#093 |
Haunter |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv26 |
#093 |
Haunter |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv30 |
#097 |
Hypno |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv39 |
#064 |
Kadabra |
$3.00 |
U |
Lv33 |
#099 |
Kingler |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv27 |
#126 |
Magmar |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv22 |
#030 |
Nidorina |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv23 |
#033 |
Nidorino |
$3.00 |
U |
Lv22 |
#138 |
Omanyte |
$3.00 |
U |
Lv38 |
#017 |
Pidgeotto |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv37 |
#112 |
Rhydon |
$8.00 |
U |
Lv23 |
#123 |
Scyther |
$3.00 |
U |
Lv26 |
#117 |
Seadra |
$5.00 |
U |
Lv23 |
#070 |
Weepinbell |
$4.00 |
U |
Lv26 |
#110 |
Weezing |
$3.00 |
C |
Lv10 |
#069 |
Bellsprout |
$4.00 |
C |
Lv14 |
#104 |
Cubone |
$4.00 |
C |
Lv13 |
#092 |
Gastly |
$3.00 |
C |
Lv27 |
#075 |
Graveler |
$4.00 |
C |
Lv16 |
#058 |
Growlithe |
$3.00 |
C |
Lv20 |
#116 |
Horsea |
$4.00 |
C |
Lv40 |
#064 |
Kadabra |
$5.00 |
C |
Lv36 |
#115 |
Kanghaskhan |
$3.00 |
C |
Lv24 |
#067 |
Machoke |
$12.00 |
C |
Lv67 |
#150 |
Mewtwo |
$4.00 |
C |
Lv8 |
#077 |
Ponyta |
$5.00 |
C |
Lv35 |
#028 |
Sandslash |
$4.00 |
C |
Lv35 |
#080 |
Slowbro |
$4.00 |
C |
Lv17 |
#120 |
Staryu |
$3.00 |
C |
Lv35 |
#128 |
Tauros |
$3.00 |
C |
Lv15 |
#048 |
Venonat |
$5.00 |
C |
Lv13 |
#037 |
Vulpix |
$3.00 |
U |
T |
Tower |
$3.00 |
C |
T |
Primeape Poke Ball |
$2.00 |
Extra Rules #1--Girl/Boy |
$3.00 |
Extra Rules #2--Meowth |
$2.00 |
Extra Rules #3--6 Decks |
$2.00 |
Extra Rules #4--6 Players |
$2.00 |
Extra Rules #5--Deck Swap |
$12.00 |
WB: Pikachu |
$3.00 |
WB: Pass Card |
$2.00 |
WB: Imakuni in Hole |
$2.00 |
WB: Imakuni Trainer |
$2.00 |
WB: Imakuni Rule |
$3.00 |
WB: Pokemon Machine |
$2.00 |
WB: Checklist #1-- |
$2.00 |
WB: Checklist #2-- |
$2.00 |
WB: Checklist #3-- |
$2.00 |
WB: Checklist #4-- |
$2.00 |
WB: Checklist #5-- |
$85.00 Complete 52-card Set
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