Pocket Monsters Card Game (PMCG)
Japanese Set Compositions and Price Guide
c.1999-2002 The PoJo -- http://www.pojo.com
Japanese Web Expansion Set
Revised 03/08/2002 GSH
Full Card List Notes
There are no "1st Edition" Japanese cards. All cards are considered
to be "unlimited" print run, and to our knowledge still in production.
We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for clarification of relative
values and what you might expect to pay at a game store or collectible dealer
for these cards. This is a very new set and was only available online in
Japan. The set has 48 cards in it.
Price |
Card # |
Color |
Rarity |
Poke # |
Card Name |
$0.50 |
01/48 |
C |
#002 |
Ivysaur |
$0.50 |
02/48 |
C |
#032 |
Nidoran (M) |
$0.50 |
03/48 |
C |
#048 |
Venonat |
$0.50 |
04/48 |
C |
#102 |
Exeggcute |
$0.50 |
05/48 |
C |
#114 |
Tangela |
$0.50 |
06/48 |
C |
#058 |
Growlithe |
$0.50 |
07/48 |
C |
#005 |
Charmeleon |
$0.50 |
08/48 |
C |
#037 |
Vulpix |
$0.50 |
09/48 |
C |
#008 |
Wartortle |
$0.50 |
10/48 |
C |
#183 |
Marill |
$0.50 |
11/48 |
C |
#100 |
Voltorb |
$0.50 |
12/48 |
C |
#079 |
Slowpoke |
$0.50 |
13/48 |
C |
#050 |
Diglett |
$0.50 |
14/48 |
C |
#106 |
Hitmonlee |
$0.50 |
15/48 |
T |
C |
--- |
Bill's Teleporter |
$0.50 |
16/48 |
T |
C |
--- |
New Pokedex |
$1.00 |
17/48 |
U |
#002 |
Dark Ivysaur |
$1.00 |
18/48 |
U |
#033 |
Nidorino |
$1.00 |
19/48 |
U |
#049 |
Venomoth |
$1.00 |
20/48 |
U |
#103 |
Exeggutor |
$1.00 |
21/48 |
U |
#110 |
Dark Weezing |
$1.00 |
22/48 |
U |
#005 |
Dark Charmeleon |
$1.00 |
23/48 |
U |
#059 |
Arcanine |
$1.00 |
24/48 |
U |
#008 |
Dark Wartortle |
$1.00 |
25/48 |
U |
#025 |
Pikachu |
$1.00 |
26/48 |
U |
#101 |
Electrode |
$1.00 |
27/48 |
U |
#064 |
Dark Kadabra |
$1.00 |
28/48 |
U |
#080 |
Dark Slowbro |
$1.00 |
29/48 |
U |
#051 |
Dugtrio |
$1.00 |
30/48 |
T |
U |
--- |
Crystal |
$1.00 |
31/48 |
T |
U |
--- |
Hyper Devolution Spray |
$1.00 |
32/48 |
T |
U |
--- |
Primeape Poke Ball |
$2.50 |
33/48 |
R |
#034 |
Nidoking |
$2.50 |
34/48 |
R |
#038 |
Ninetails |
$2.50 |
35/48 |
R |
#129 |
Magikarp |
$2.50 |
36/48 |
R |
#026 |
Raichu |
$3.00 |
37/48 |
R |
#065 |
Dark Alakazam |
$3.00 |
38/48 |
R |
#149 |
Dragonite |
$2.50 |
39/48 |
R |
#052 |
Meowth |
$2.50 |
40/48 |
T |
R |
--- |
Rocket's Sneak Attack |
$10.00 |
41/48 |
H |
#003 |
Dark Venusaur |
$10.00 |
42/48 |
H |
#006 |
Dark Charizard |
$8.00 |
43/48 |
H |
#146 |
Moltres |
$8.00 |
44/48 |
H |
#009 |
Dark Blastoise |
$8.00 |
45/48 |
H |
#144 |
Articuno |
$9.00 |
46/48 |
H |
#145 |
Zapdos |
$12.00 |
47/48 |
H |
#094 |
Gengar |
$9.00 |
48/48 |
H |
#068 |
Machamp |
$135.00 Complete 48-Card Set
Release Date: October 20, 2001
Designed by "Creatures" (Japan)
Distributed by "Media Factory" (Japan)
Available in : Booster Packs
10 cards per pack
Eack pack has: 1H, 1R, 3UC, 5C
Set Size : 48 Total cards
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