Full Card List Notes
"1st Edition" cards are specially marked with the "Edition 1"
stamp to signify their limited print run status. These cards were
only available in retail outlets for a short time and their prices
reflect their relative scarcity.
"Unlimited" cards do not have the "Edition 1" stamp.
We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for
clarification of relative values and what you might expect to pay at
a game store or collectible dealer for these cards.
Prices are based on actual eBay sales. Prices are all based on Near Mint Condition.
PSA Graded Cards are generally more valuable, especially if graded 8 thru 10. We
highly recommend you get 1st Edition Holofoils cards from this set graded!
are graded cards? Click here.
The PSA 10 Column represents price for 1st Edition cards.
Unlimited Edition PSA 10 cards are currently going for about 75%
Ed. |
Unlimited |
PSA 10 |
# |
Rarity |
Color |
Level |
Poke# |
Card Name |
$150 |
$10 |
$1200 |
1/102 |
H |
Lv42 |
#065 |
Alakazam |
$450 |
$100 |
$2500 |
2/102 |
H |
Lv52 |
#009 |
Blastoise |
$150 |
$10 |
$1500 |
3/102 |
H |
Lv55 |
#113 |
Chansey |
$1000 |
$250 |
$13000 |
4/102 |
H |
Lv76 |
#006 |
Charizard |
$125 |
$10 |
$1100 |
5/102 |
H |
Lv14 |
#035 |
Clefairy |
$200 |
$20 |
$1000 |
6/102 |
H |
Lv41 |
#130 |
Gyarados |
$80 |
$10 |
$600 |
7/102 |
H |
Lv33 |
#107 |
Hitmonchan |
$55 |
--- |
$700 |
8/102 |
H |
Lv67 |
#068 |
Machamp |
$80 |
$10 |
$400 |
9/102 |
H |
Lv28 |
#082 |
Magneton |
$150 |
$10 |
$1100 |
10/102 |
H |
Lv53 |
#150 |
Mewtwo |
$150 |
$10 |
$400 |
11/102 |
H |
Lv48 |
#034 |
Nidoking |
$130 |
$10 |
$1300 |
12/102 |
H |
Lv32 |
#038 |
Ninetales |
$125 |
$10 |
$400 |
13/102 |
H |
Lv48 |
#062 |
Poliwrath |
$150 |
$10 |
$1300 |
14/102 |
H |
Lv40 |
#026 |
Raichu |
$300 |
$75 |
$2000 |
15/102 |
H |
Lv67 |
#003 |
Venusaur |
$175 |
$10 |
$800 |
16/102 |
H |
Lv64 |
#145 |
Zapdos |
$25 |
$2 |
$100 |
17/102 |
R |
Lv32 |
#015 |
Beedrill |
$25 |
$2 |
$400 |
18/102 |
R |
Lv33 |
#148 |
Dragonair |
$20 |
$2 |
$75 |
19/102 |
R |
Lv36 |
#051 |
Dugtrio |
$30 |
$2 |
$75 |
20/102 |
R |
Lv35 |
#125 |
Electabuzz |
$20 |
$1 |
$70 |
21/102 |
R |
Lv40 |
#101 |
Electrode |
$20 |
$1 |
$70 |
22/102 |
R |
Lv36 |
#017 |
Pidgeotto |
$25 |
$0.50 |
$115 |
23/102 |
U |
Lv45 |
#059 |
Arcanine |
$25 |
$0.50 |
$250 |
24/102 |
U |
Lv32 |
#005 |
Charmeleon |
$10 |
$0.50 |
$50 |
25/102 |
U |
Lv42 |
#087 |
Dewgong |
$15 |
$0.50 |
$400 |
26/102 |
U |
Lv10 |
#147 |
Dratini |
$10 |
$0.50 |
$70 |
27/102 |
U |
Lv20 |
#083 |
Farfetch'd |
$10 |
$0.50 |
$50 |
28/102 |
U |
Lv18 |
#058 |
Growlithe |
$10 |
$0.50 |
$150 |
29/102 |
U |
Lv22 |
#093 |
Haunter |
$10 |
$0.50 |
$100 |
30/102 |
U |
Lv20 |
#002 |
Ivysaur |
$10 |
$0.50 |
$75 |
31/102 |
U |
Lv23 |
#124 |
Jynx |
$10 |
$0.50 |
$75 |
32/102 |
U |
Lv38 |
#064 |
Kadabra |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$50 |
33/102 |
U |
Lv23 |
#014 |
Kakuna |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$75 |
34/102 |
U |
Lv40 |
#067 |
Machoke |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$50 |
35/102 |
U |
Lv8 |
#129 |
Magikarp |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$80 |
36/102 |
U |
Lv24 |
#126 |
Magmar |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$35 |
37/102 |
U |
Lv25 |
#033 |
Nidorino |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$55 |
38/102 |
U |
Lv28 |
#061 |
Poliwhirl |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$70 |
39/102 |
U |
Lv12 |
#137 |
Porygon |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$55 |
40/102 |
U |
Lv41 |
#020 |
Raticate |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$35 |
41/102 |
U |
Lv12 |
#086 |
Seel |
$5 |
$0.50 |
$125 |
42/102 |
U |
Lv22 |
#008 |
Wartortle |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$30 |
43/102 |
C |
Lv10 |
#063 |
Abra |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$110 |
44/102 |
C |
Lv13 |
#001 |
Bulbasaur |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$30 |
45/102 |
C |
Lv13 |
#010 |
Caterpie |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$75 |
46/102 |
C |
Lv10 |
#004 |
Charmander |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$40 |
47/102 |
C |
Lv8 |
#050 |
Diglett |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
48/102 |
C |
Lv10 |
#084 |
Doduo |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
49/102 |
C |
Lv12 |
#096 |
Drowzee |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$40 |
50/102 |
C |
Lv8 |
#092 |
Gastly |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
51/102 |
C |
Lv13 |
#109 |
Koffing |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$45 |
52/102 |
C |
Lv20 |
#066 |
Machop |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$40 |
53/102 |
C |
Lv13 |
#081 |
Magnemite |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
54/102 |
C |
Lv21 |
#011 |
Metapod |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
55/102 |
C |
Lv20 |
#032 |
Nidoran(M) |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$40 |
56/102 |
C |
Lv12 |
#095 |
Onix |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
57/102 |
C |
Lv8 |
#016 |
Pidgey |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$100 |
58/102 |
C |
Lv12 |
#025 |
Pikachu |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$30 |
59/102 |
C |
Lv13 |
#060 |
Poliwag |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$40 |
60/102 |
C |
Lv10 |
#077 |
Ponyta |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
61/102 |
C |
Lv9 |
#019 |
Rattata |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
62/102 |
C |
Lv12 |
#027 |
Sandshrew |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$85 |
63/102 |
C |
Lv8 |
#007 |
Squirtle |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$45 |
64/102 |
C |
Lv28 |
#121 |
Starmie |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$40 |
65/102 |
C |
Lv15 |
#120 |
Staryu |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$30 |
66/102 |
C |
Lv8 |
#114 |
Tangela |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$35 |
67/102 |
C |
Lv10 |
#100 |
Voltorb |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$40 |
68/102 |
C |
Lv11 |
#037 |
Vulpix |
$2 |
$0.25 |
$20 |
69/102 |
C |
Lv12 |
#013 |
Weedle |
$13 |
$0.75 |
$140 |
70/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Clefairy Doll |
$10 |
$1 |
$200 |
71/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Computer Search |
$5 |
$0.75 |
$50 |
72/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Devolution Spray |
$10 |
$0.75 |
$50 |
73/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Impostor Professor Oak |
$10 |
$1 |
$250 |
74/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Item Finder |
$10 |
$1 |
$250 |
75/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Lass |
$10 |
$1 |
$100 |
76/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Pokemon Breeder |
$5 |
$1 |
$125 |
77/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Pokemon Trader |
$5 |
$1 |
$125 |
78/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Scoop Up |
$5 |
$1 |
$100 |
79/102 |
R |
T |
--- |
--- |
Super Energy Removal |
$3 |
$0.50 |
$25 |
80/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Defender |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$40 |
81/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Energy Retrieval |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$25 |
82/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Full Heal |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$25 |
83/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Maintenance |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$25 |
84/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
PlusPower |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$40 |
85/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Pokemon Center |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$30 |
86/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Pokemon Flute |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$25 |
87/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Pokedex |
$15 |
$0.50 |
$300 |
88/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Professor Oak |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$25 |
89/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Revive |
$2 |
$0.50 |
$25 |
90/102 |
U |
T |
--- |
--- |
Super Potion |
$10 |
$0.25 |
$60 |
91/102 |
C |
T |
--- |
--- |
Bill |
$1 |
$0.25 |
$40 |
92/102 |
C |
T |
--- |
--- |
Energy Removal |
$1 |
$0.25 |
$20 |
93/102 |
C |
T |
--- |
--- |
Gust of Wind |
$1 |
$0.25 |
$30 |
94/102 |
C |
T |
--- |
--- |
Potion |
$1 |
$0.25 |
$50 |
95/102 |
C |
T |
--- |
--- |
Switch |
$5 |
$0.75 |
$25 |
96/102 |
U |
--- |
--- |
Double Colorless Energy |
$3 |
$ |
$25 |
97/102 |
C |
--- |
--- |
Fighting Energy |
$3 |
$ |
$25 |
98/102 |
C |
--- |
--- |
Fire Energy |
$3 |
$ |
$25 |
99/102 |
C |
--- |
--- |
Grass Energy |
$3 |
$ |
$25 |
100/102 |
C |
--- |
--- |
Lightning Energy |
$3 |
$ |
$25 |
101/102 |
C |
--- |
--- |
Psychic Energy |
$3 |
$ |
$25 |
102/102 |
C |
--- |
--- |
Water Energy |
$3000 Complete 102-card Set (1st Edition) - Mint $325.00 Complete
102-card Set (Unlimited Print)
Shadowless Note: The "Shadowless" cards are the very first print runs
that Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) produced for the Pokemon Base
Set. This print run was remarkable in its poor "look".
The cards were dull in color and the graphics were "muted".
WOTC quickly changed several things on the cards; the most obvious
was putting the shadow around the box which had the art of the
Pokemon character. The "HP" font was also changed and the
colors were made to "pop". Shadowless cards are much like "1st
Edition" cards in their rarity. 1st edition Shadowless cards
exist as well.
Release date: Jan. 1999
Distributed by "Wizards of the Coast" (U.S.) Based on the Pocket
Monsters Card Game published by "Media Factory" (Japan)
Available in :
"Starter" Decks (Beginner Level Play) $8.99
U.S. 61 cards Fixed Set of Cards (Fighting & Fire)
Cardboard holographic foil Chansey coin 10 Damage
Counters (glass beads) English Rulebook
"Theme" Decks (Advanced Level Play) 4
Different Decks released: Zap!
(Lightning & Psychic) Overgrowth
(Grass & Water) Brushfire (Fire
& Grass) Blackout (Water &
Fighting) $9.99 U.S. 60 cards Fixed Set of Cards
Cardboard holographic foil Chansey coin 10 Damage
Counters (glass beads) English Rulebook
"Booster" Packs (Expert Level Play) $3.29
U.S. 11 random cards :
1 Rare Card 3 Uncommon Cards 5 Common Cards 2
Basic Energy Cards (1 in 3 chance of rare card being
replaced with ultra-rare "holographic" card)

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All material copyright of the pojo.com. The
Pojo and The PoJo character are trademarks of PakRats Inc.
This site is not associated
with Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK or Wizards of the Coast.
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