Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG)
PoJo's Price Guide
c.1999-2017 The PoJo -- http://www.pojo.com
U.S. "Promotional" (Promo) Cards - Early Pokemon Promos

These are the First Set of Black
Star Promo's as well as earlier Promo cards released prior to the release of Black Star Promos.

Revised April 2017
Card List Notes
We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for clarification of
relative values and what you might expect to pay at a game store or
collectible dealer for these cards.
$7.00 - Lv12 (Base Set)
"Jumbo" Pikachu
This card is a JUMBO (6" x 8") version of the "Base" set (Lv 12) Pikachu card.
This card was first released in Wizards of
the Coast's "Top Deck" magazine's February 2000 issue as a promotional insert.
$150.00 - Lv12 (Base Set) "E3" Pikachu (red cheek)
$10.00 - Lv12 (Base Set) "E3" Pikachu (yellow cheek)
This card is a normal "Base Set" (Lv 12)
Pikachu (non-foil) card
with a small (foil) "E3" stamp below the artwork.
This card was first released (red-cheek Pikachu with 1999 Nintendo copyright) at the 1999 "Electronic Entertainment Expo" (E3) convention held in Los Angeles (May '99).
Later, this card appeared (yellow-cheek Pikachu with no 1999 in Nintendo's copyright) in "Nintendo Power" magazine's September '99 issue
with a much larger distribution.
$15.00 - Lv14 (Jungle Expansion) "W" Pikachu (1st Edition)
This card is a normal "Jungle" (Lv 14)
Pikachu card
with a small (foil) "W" stamp below the artwork.
This card was first released in Wizards of
the Coast's "The Duelist" magazine's September
1999 issue as a promotional insert. This card is fairly rare these days.
Most valuable if still inside the magazine's plastic wrap. ;-)
$7.00 - Lv9 (Fossil Expansion) "W" Kabuto
This card is a normal "Fossil" (Lv 9) Kabuto card
with a small (foil) "W" stamp below the artwork.
This card was first released in Wizards of
the Coast's "TopDeck" magazine's December
1999 issue as a promotional insert.
$7.00 - Lv22 (Base Set 2) "W" Wartortle
This card is a normal "Base Set 2" (Lv22) Wartortle card
with a small (foil) "W" stamp on the lower-right corner of the artwork.
This card was first released in Wizards of
the Coast's "TopDeck" magazine's March
2000 issue as a promotional insert.
$7.00 - Lv15 (Base Set 2) "W" Misty's Psyduck
This card is a normal "Gym Heroes" (Lv22) Wartortle card
with a small (foil) "W" stamp on the lower-right corner of the artwork.
This card was first released in Wizards of
the Coast's "TopDeck" magazine's August
2000 issue as a promotional insert.
$10.00 - Lv15 (Jungle Expansion) "Gold Bordered" Meowth
This card is a normal "Jungle" (Lv 15) Meowth card
with a gold colored border on the face of the card (instead of the normal yellow border).
This card was first released in specially marked packages of Betty Crocker "Pokemon Rolls" fruit snacks packages.
(Randomly inserted. Other possible cards from the packages are normal Base set commons: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Pikachu, Squirtle.)
$80.00 - Lv34 "PRERELEASE" Clefable
This card is a normal "Jungle" (Lv 34) Clefable (holographic)
card with the word "PRERELEASE" stamped on top of the artwork.
This card was first released to a select few test sites of
the WOTC Pokemon TCG League.
$9.00 - Lv28 "PRERELEASE" Aerodactyl (1st Edition)
This card is a normal "Fossil" (Lv 28) Aerodactyl (holographic)
card with the word "PRERELEASE" stamped on top of the artwork.
This card was first released in October 1999 through
the WOTC Pokemon TCG League.
$7.00 - Lv31 "PRERELEASE" Dark Gyarados
This card is a normal "Team Rocket" (Lv 31) Dark Gyarados (holographic)
card with the word "PRERELEASE" stamped on top of the artwork.
This card was first released in April 2000 through
the WOTC Pokemon TCG League.
$7.00 - Lv30 "PRERELEASE" Misty's Seadra
This card is a normal "Gym Heroes" (Lv 30) Misty's Seadra (holographic) card with the word "PRERELEASE" stamped over the artwork.
This card was first released in July 2000 through
the WOTC Pokemon TCG League.
Black Star Promos - Set 1

Set 1
Set 2
Set 1 Promos have larger
Stars, and the star is below and right of the Pokemon's image.
Set 2 Promos have much smaller
stars, and the star is in the bottom right hand corner of the card.
Click Here for Set 2 Prices
$15.00 - Lv16 "Promo" Pikachu (Japanese)
$7.00 - Lv16 "Promo" Pikachu (U.S. "1")
This card is a (Lv 16) Pikachu (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork AND a small number "1" in the lower right corner,
where the rarity symbol normally would be (U.S. version only), and is sometimes referred to as the "Ivy Forest" card.
This card was initially released in Japan as one of two promotional insert cards in
"Hyper Coro Coro" magazine's May (Spring) Issue. (They are printed in English,
but are recognizable by the lack of the "1" card number in the lower
right corner.)
$4.00 - Lv20 "Promo" Electabuzz (U.S. "2")
$7.00 - Lv60 "Promo" Mewtwo (U.S. "3")
$5.00 - Lv13 "Promo" Pikachu (U.S. "4")
$5.00 - Lv43 "Promo" Dragonite (U.S. "5")
These cards are non-foil with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" stamp (star symbol with the word "Promo" written across it)
below the artwork AND a gold foil "Kids WB Presents Pokemon The First Movie"
stamp on the upper right corner of the artwork. These cards have numbers instead of rarity symbols in the lower right corner of the card: Electabuzz = "2", Mewtwo = "3", Pikachu = "4", Dragonite = "5"
These cards were initially released as a promotional campaign accompanying the
"Mewtwo Strikes Back" movie release in the United States in November 1999.
$6.00 - Lv34 "Promo" Arcanine (U.S. "6")
This card is a (Lv 34) Arcanine (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork.
This card was first released in March 2000 through
the WOTC Pokemon TCG League.
$50.00 - Lv12 "Promo" Jigglypuff (Japanese)
$3.00 - Lv12 "Promo" Jigglypuff (U.S. "7")
This card is a (Lv 12) Jigglypuff (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork.
This card was initially released in Japan as one of two promotional
insert cards in "Hyper Coro Coro" magazine's May (Spring) Issue. (They are
printed in English, but are recognizeable by the lack of any card number in the
lower right corner.)
$3.00 - Lv23 "Promo" Mew (U.S. "8")
This card is a (Lv 23) Mew (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "8" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was initially released on January 8th, 2000 through
Wizards of the Coast's Official Pokemon TCG League.
$8.00 - Lv23 "Promo" Holographic Mew (U.S. "9")
This card is a (Lv 23) Mew (foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "9" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was released through Wizards of the Coast's Official Pokemon TCG League
in April 2000.
$8.00 - Lv13 "Promo" Meowth (U.S. "10")
This card is a (Lv 13) Meowth (foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork and a black "GB" stamp on the bottom-right
corner of the artwork. It also has the number "10" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was available as a promotional insert with the purchase of Pokemon Trading
Card Game for Game Boy.
$7.00 - Lv07 "Promo" Eevee (holofoil) (U.S. "11")
This card is a holofoil (Lv 07) Eevee card with a small
"Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below and to the right of the artwork. It also has the number "11" in the bottom right corner of the card, replacing the rarity symbol and/or set number.
$20.00 - Lv30 "Promo" Mewtwo (U.S. "12")
This card is a (Lv 30) Mewtwo (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "12" instead of a
rarity symbol or set number.
This card was available as a promotional insert in April 2000
Nintendo Power magazine (subscription only).
$25.00 - Lv64 "Promo" Venusaur (U.S. "13")
This card is a (Lv 64) Venusaur (foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "13" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was available as a promotional insert with the purchase of
Nintendo's Pokemon Trading Card Game Player's Guide.
$9.00 - Lv60 "Promo" Mewtwo (U.S. "14")
This card is a (Lv 60) Mewtwo (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "14" instead of a
rarity symobl or set number.
This card was available as a promotional insert with the purchase of Pokemon: The First Movie on
$12.00 - Lv15 "Promo" Cool Porygon (U.S. "15")
This card is a (Lv 15) Porygon (foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "15" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was available as a promotional insert with the purchase of
the Pokemon Stadium N64 Bundle (including console, controller,
GB64, and Pokemon Stadium cartridge.)
$3.00 - (no level #) "Promo" Computer Error (U.S. "16")
This card is a Computer Error (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "16" instead of a
rarity symbol or set number.
This card was released through Wizards of the Coast's Official Pokemon TCG League in June 2000.
$6.00 - Lv28 "Promo" Dark Persian (holo) (U.S. "17")
This card is a (Lv 28) Dark Persian (holo) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "17" instead of a
rarity symbol or set number.
This card was available as a promotional insert in July 2000
Nintendo Power magazine (subscription only) .
$4.00 - Lv__ "Promo" Team Rocket's Meowth (U.S. "18")
This card is a (Lv __) Team Rocket's Meowth (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "18" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was initially released in July, 2000.
$7.00 - Lv12 "Promo" Sabrina's Abra (U.S. "19")
This card is a (Lv 12) Sabrina's Abra (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "19" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was initially released in the October issue of the Nintendo Power magazine.
$3.00 - Lv15 "Promo" Psyduck (U.S. "20")
This card is a (Lv 15) Psyduck (non-foil) card with a small
black-star "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork, which shows a question mark over a swimming Psyduck.
It also has the number "20" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was initially released through Wizards of the Coast's Official Pokemon TCG League in September, 2000.
$9.00 - Lv(n/a) "Promo" Ancient Mew (holo, plus instruction/translation card) (U.S. "n/a")
$4.00 - Lv33 "Promo" Moltres (U.S. "21")
$4.00 - Lv34 "Promo" Articuno (U.S. "22")
$4.00 - Lv33 "Promo" Zapdos (U.S. "23")
These cards have a "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. These cards have their U.S. promo card numbering in the lower right-hand corner of the card, replacing rarity symbols and/or set/numbering; the Ancient Mew (#20) is hieroglyphic and assumed from the other cards in the U.S. promo sequence.
These four cards were available by attending the Pokemon 2000 movie.
$22.00 - Lv12 "Promo" ________'s Pikachu (U.S. "24")
This card is a (Lv 12) Pikachu (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "24" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number, shows Pikachu by a birthday cake with candles, and is often called the "Happy Birthday Pikachu" card.
$8.00 - "Promo" Flying Pikachu (U.S. "25")
This card is a (Lv 12) Pikachu (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "25" instead of a rarity symbol or set
number, shows Pikachu Flying in the sky aided by balloons.
This card was available through the Pokemon League.
$4.00 - Pikachu (U.S. "26")
This card is a (Lv 9) Pikachu (non-foil) card with a small (non-foil) "Promo"
(star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp below the artwork. This card was
available through the Pokemon League.
$11.50 - (no level #) (jumbo) "Promo" Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos (non-foil)
This jumbo-sized card (8" x 5-3/4") is a "Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos" card. The artwork features all three of the Legendary Birds. It also carries the three birds' Pokemon numbers --- #144, #145 and #146.
$4.00 - Lv5 "Promo" Pikachu (U.S. "27")
This card is a (Lv 5) Pikachu (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) black-star "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "27" instead of a
rarity symbol or set number. This card is also known as the
"Bumblebee Pikachu" as Pikachu looks like a bee on this one.
This card is available as a promotional insert with the purchase of Pokemon: The Movie 2000 on
$4.00 - Surfing Pikachu (U.S. "28")
This card is a (Lv 5) Pikachu (non-foil) card with a small
(non-foil) black-star "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "27" instead of a
rarity symbol or set number. This card is also known as the
"Bumblebee Pikachu" as Pikachu looks like a bee on this one.
This card was available through the Pokemon
League. August 2001
$4.00 - Lv17 "Promo" Marill (U.S. "29")
This card is a (Lv 17) Marill (non-foil) card with a small
black-star "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "29" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was initially released through Wizards of the Coast's Official Pokemon TCG League in January, 2001.
$4.00 - Lv8 "Promo" Togepi (U.S. "30")
This card is a (Lv 8) Togepi (non-foil) card with a small
black-star "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "30" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was initially released through Wizards of the Coast's Official Pokemon TCG League in January, 2001.
$3.00 - Lv5 "Promo" Cleffa (U.S. "31")
This card is a (Lv 5) Cleffa (non-foil) card with a small
black-star "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "31" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was initially released through Wizards of the Coast's Official Pokemon TCG League in February, 2001.
$3.00 - Lv21 "Promo" Smeargle (U.S. "32")
This card is a (Lv 21) Smeargle (non-foil) card with a small
black-star "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "32" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number.
This card was initially released through Wizards of the Coast's Official Pokemon TCG League in
March, 2001.
$4.00 - "Promo" Scizor (U.S. "33")
card was a promo through the Pokemon League.
$4.00 - "Promo" Entei (U.S. "34")
This promo was
obtained when attending the 3rd Pokemon Movie in theatres.
$8.00 - Lv4 "Promo" Pichu (U.S. "35")
This card is a (Lv 4) Pichu (holo-foil) card with a small
black-star "Promo" (star symbol with the word "Promo") stamp
below the artwork. It also has the number "35" instead of
a rarity symbol or set number. This was obtained through Pokemon Leagues.
$3.00 - "Promo" Igglybuff (U.S. "36")
This card was a promo through the Pokemon League.
$3.00 - "Promo" Hitmontop (U.S. "37")
This card was a promo through the Pokemon League.
$5.00 - "Promo" Unown J (U.S. "38")
Received with 3rd movie purchase of VHS or DVD
- 2001
$2.00 - "Promo" Misdreavus (U.S. "39")
Received at Pokemon League
$40.00 - "Promo" Pokemon
Center (U.S. "40")
Received at the NY Pokemon Center Grand
Opening - Nov. 2001
$80.00 - "Promo" Lucky
Stadium (U.S. "41")
Received at the NY Pokemon Center Grand
Opening. This version has
Pikachu riding Charizard, and it commands a high price! - Nov 2001
$2.00 - "Promo" Pokemon Tower (U.S. "42")
Received at Pokemon League - 2002
$4.00 - "Promo" Machamp (U.S. "43")
Received at Pokemon League
$4.00 - "Promo" Magmar (U.S. "44")
Received at Pokemon League - 2002
$4.00 - "Promo" Scyther (U.S. "45")
Received at Pokemon League - 2002
$3.00 - "Promo" Electabuzz (U.S. "46")
Received at Pokemon League$5.00 - "Promo"
Mew (U.S. "47")
Received at Pokemon League - Mew on Lily
$4.00 - "Promo" Articuno (U.S. "48")
Received at Pokemon League - 2002
$7.00 - Snorlax (U.S. "49")
Received at Pokemon League
$4.00 - "Promo" Celebi (U.S. "50")
Received with the 4th Movie in theaters
$4.00 - "Promo" Rapidash (U.S. "51")
Two versions - One was in Nintendo Power, and one was
available at the Pokemon Center - 2002
$4.00 - "Promo" Ho-oh (U.S. "52")
Two versions - One was in Nintendo Power, and one was
available at the Pokemon Center - 2002
$8.00 - "Promo" Suicune (U.S. "53")
Received with 4th movie purchase of VHS or DVD
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